Yep sure is.
I have had a condition they call Inflmatory Arthrtis ( reactive arthrtis is anotehr name) It is very similar to Rhematoid, except I am sero negative for the Rhematoid factor in my blood.
I've had in my hips, fingers 1999, lower back and pelvic more recently.
I have a condition in Pelvic called Enethisitis. Which means I have inflamation on the firbes on the end of a tendon that attaches itself to there very bony outer point on my left pelvic, and being in that area makes in near immpossible for my pain doc or Rheamtologist to do cortisone jabs in that area, as they cannot get into it. It is very painful to walk or stand for any length of time and having Crohns, I cannot take Anti inflamtory drugs.
and Anegalgseics only do so much for this condition.
Also in lower back is this athrtis, but pain doc does RFN, ( Radion frequency Nerve degenrations on the effected areas, which basically blocks the nerves of effect area sending pain single to brain. How I wish he could do one of those on pelvic, but can't as nerves there are functional nerves, anyway I suggest you look up more about this arthrtis and see a Rhematoid and get him to do some bloods and if required MRI.
I've not read too many cases of someone so young with it though, it onset in me was around aged 40. Normally it effects men in 30's to late 40's and women 40 to late 50's.
Another condition Humira is supposed to help, but after 5 months on it, no help at all!
Take care