Question for the girlies

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Nov 28, 2011
Hi everyone, I was just wondering if you find that having your period makes your crohns sysmptoms worse? Not sure if this has been asked before but I wanted to know if I was the only one who has this happen and if anyone knows why having my period makes my tummy worse than normal. Thanks in advance for any info/advice about this.
It absolutely does. I have had crohns for 10 years and my crohns always flares a little bit when I get my period. Your not the only one!!!
Hey Angrybird
Yep and yep, I asked my GP about that one and she said that even some women without IBD can have similar symptoms around the time of their period but it's pretty much a given for us lucky crohnie ladies, I even had issues around the time of ovulation for a couple of months after I gave birth to my second child but that seemed to have cleared up in the last few months.
It could be hormonal, it could be that the increase in size of the uterus may be putting pressure on a sensitive part of the bowel, well that's what I always felt it was.
Just a note though, have you had your iron checked? I find that sometimes when I'm anemic it can make things worse.
Gwen xxx
Oh, yeah big time! Especially now that I am a wee bit older and my parts are starting to give out! It was always a rougher time though. My obgyn told me to think how much stuff is all shoved together within a small space...then add inflammation into the picture. Does not make for happy neighbors so to speak!
Good luck!
Definitely! I started birth control and do not take the inactive week to have a period. I haven't had a period in almost 3 years.
Yeah, back in the day before I was missing half my digestive tract, I used to always get D around the time of my period.

Now - well, it's hard to tell the difference really since I got the ostomy!

- Amy
Yep it does and it is even worse if you have endometriosis. Then you don't know what is happening for what reason... My mother also has crohn's (and endo) and her symptoms are so much better since she got her hysterectomy and now starting menopause... We are doomed by our hormones...
Oh, and I do feel a difference even with the ostomy cause well the rectum still is in place and it gets inflamed when I have my periods T_T
Yes it does big time! It is about to start any hour now. I SHOULD be in menopause by now.....since I was 13 every period was bad and every time I had a bowel obstruction, I was on my period. Please God NO MORE. 445 of pain periods is enough! :yfaint:

Then to follow after that I lose a lot of mucus and then pain from that... very nice indeed NOT.
Mine is the worst when I ovulate rather than during the actual period. Every other month when it is the right side's turn to hatch an egg, it feels like someone is cutting my right lower quadrant with glass. Been that way for 20 years now. Can't wait for menopause!
yes it does for me to also,i started taking birthcontrol shots to stop my period. everytime i have it i start flareing
This question is asked a lot...I see it at least once a month but the simple answer is it happens to all females. The reason is the shift in hormons which causes our periods. Our bodies are no longer "normalized" I read once we should be happy it happens but really I don;t believe that one. I have it so bad I only acheive remission one week in the month, my periods are very light though. Almost to the point of them nonexistant instead my crohns is worse...
Hello everyone, thanks for all the responses. Lookame - I also have found that my periods have gotten a lot lighter over the years and this month didn't think I was even going to have one.
No clue how it affects my Crohn's since I avoid my period at all costs with birth control. I have them 4 times a year and everytime it is just such a nuisance! Maybe it might help you? I know many, many people who have their menstrual issues fixed with bc pills. Even if you take the ones so that you still get it monthly, it can still really help.
And outlier, could you try the shot/patch/ring?
I heard the IUD is only one period a year and no forgetting. My child bearing days have been way done but you guys could check it out.
OH WOW! This is insane! I had a partial hysterectomy a year ago Dec 2010. My cycles were horrid and painful. I took meds for pain every month. My flow was extreme and I would have D the entire time, as well as throbbing pain through my pelvic and hip regions. My gyn and I were convinced that it was all due to my female organs! I thought that after the hyst the pain in my hips and cramping would go away, but no it is all still present. Since having the surgery, I am still having issues but it has made me wonder if it all goes hand in hand. If I had not been done having children, I would be quite upset!

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