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Feb 21, 2011
Can someone tell me the difference between a blockage or an obstruction and the symptoms. Talked with my regular doctor about maybe having a blockage and she didn't agree or disagree with me on it. I don't understand what the difference is.
Well I'm afraid I won't be much help for your question, I did not realize there was a difference. The only thing I can think of is maybe an obstruction is incomplete and a blockage is complete?

I guess my question is why is the difference important? Did your doctor think you have one but not the other? Because honestly either one to me seems like cause for concern... and treatment. Have you seen a GI? Why do you think you have a blockage?

Hope you get some answers and get this sorted out.
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I was thinking the a concert an obstructed view means something is in the way but blocked would mean u cant get thru. I have strictures and they are not totally blocking anything yet so i am trying to treat them...i would think blocked would be more of an emergency...but i really dont know for sure.
I think I have read that people will throw up with this. Not sure at what stage. If you think you have a blockage and are in a lot of pain - I would go to the ER or at least call GI immediatly. You can search on this site since I know its been discussed. Good luck - I hope its not what you think it is.
I have a very distended abdomen, am vomiting, and diarhea, but seems like there is a blockage or obstruction or something is going on. I went to the ER and the GI did a colonoscopy and endoscopy which both were normal with the exception of the inflamed stomach. Took biopsies, but I don't have the results yet. I had been trying to learn more about the Crohns and symptoms that I am having. I am not clear on a lot of this disease yet. I just feel that I am having more symptoms than the usual flare ups of vomiting, etc that I normally would get. I don't see the new GI doc until the 13th of this month. Hopefully, she will do more to find out what is going on.

Thanks everyone
Hi margie!

I am a very new member (just joined today!) but have been reading and lurking around here for a while now. I am also an RN and have some personal experience with obstructions. So here is my 2 cents :) .. A blockage and obstruction are the same thing. You can, however, have different degrees of obstructions such as partial or complete. While both usually require hospitalization/medical treatment, a complete obstruction is much more serious than a partial obstruction. A complete obstruction can sometimes be treated medically (IV fluids, antibiotics, NG tube, etc) but sometimes has to be surgically removed depending on the severity. I have had several partial obstructions and I can tell you they are EXTREMELY uncomfortable. I haven't always had to be admitted for a partial obstruction and in fact haven't always gone to the hospital when experiencing one. I am pretty in tune with my body and can usually tell when I need to go to the hospital. I hope they can find out what is wrong with you because I know how frustrating it is to not have an answer. It took about 4 years of suffering, a few ER trips, and 3 GI docs to finally get a diagnosis for myself. Stay strong and don't give up on an answer for yourself! Sometimes the docs can make you feel like it is all in your head. Good luck and keep us posted :)
I, to had to go to several GI docs and many tests and several years before Dx with Crohns, but now I just feel like I have all of these new symptoms that I have never had before and I don't know what to do, because docs sent me home from the hospital with the distended abdomen and said that all tests were normal. Now, I have all of the skin/itching problems where I feel I am going to go nuts scratching all of the time, and the mouth sores in and outside the mouth. Am I in a major flare or what? I have never had all of these symptoms before.
Perhaps a reaction to your meds? Do you have a good PCP? I have to say - I just found a new one - finally someone I like. For me, he is the one that looks at the big picture and helps me navigate this process. He saved my colon (for the time being) insisting I get a second GI opionion in addition to the surgical one. Guess what? Totally different opinon!!! If you are not getting what you need from your doctor - change doctors.
Right now, I am not on any meds for the Crohns at all. The doc at the hospital sent me home with nothing at all, so I know the itching/skin problems are not a reaction to any meds. As far as the GI doctors, I have to go with which accept my insurance, which in MI there are very few and the ones that do accept obviously are not ones that I want to stay with and that will give me the answers that I need.
I keep forgetting that not everyone has the same healthcare as we do Massachusetts. I hope things work out for you. We should only have to worry about our health...not all of this other stuff.
I wish that was the case and that I could get the healthcare that I need, just can't seem to get it here in MI though. It seems that it is all about the money here and forget about taking good care of the patients. We all deserve better than the treatment we get. I just wish I could find a GI doc that really cares and one that will get to the reasoning why all of this is happening to me. Frustrated
Can you find a good primary care physician? I know mine will help me sort things out. Don't give up.
I have a caring doctor, but she doesn't really know what to do, so is sending me to a GI doctor and said that she wants to see what happens with this new doc.
Each time I've been in the ER with what I now know were partial obstructions they did x-rays and a CT scan. I assume both would show visually anything blocking. Did they not do this for you?

If you have a blockage in your small intestine neither a colonoscopy nor an endoscopy will show that as far as I know.

Anyone please correct me if I'm wrong.
They had done the CT Scan, abdominal x-rays, colonoscopy, endoscopy and blood work of which the only thing that showed up so far was that the stomach is inflamed and thickening on the intestinal wall. I know that there were biopsies done, but I don't have the results yet.
Each time I've been in the ER with what I now know were partial obstructions they did x-rays and a CT scan. I assume both would show visually anything blocking. Did they not do this for you?

If you have a blockage in your small intestine neither a colonoscopy nor an endoscopy will show that as far as I know.

Anyone please correct me if I'm wrong.

I don't recall being diagnosed with a "blockage" or "obstruction," but when my TI was inflamed like crazy and I had my colonoscopy, my doc showed me visually that the narrowing was about the thickness of the eraser on a pencil, and he had difficulty getting the camera past that area. So I think those things can be diagnosed with a colonoscopy (but it could still be missed with a colonoscopy, just like it could be missed with an x-ray or CT). The CT I had that led to the scope showed thickening.
I understand, Diesanduhr. My TI CD was suspected due to what they saw with a colonoscopy and moving up into the TI a bit. I just wasn't sure where the original poster's disease was located. I assume if it's further up in the small intestine a colonoscopy nor endoscopy would be able to get that far for a visual examination...?? Not sure though.

Margie, again, I hope you get some relief and answers soon.

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