Quitting smoking with IBD, my story

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Senior Member
Jun 30, 2006
Halifax, NS, Canada
Hey guys. Here goes nothing. I'm 'officially' in a smoking cessation program. I was asked to blog it here.. give others who smoke with this disease a running commentary on my path away from tobacco. Wasn't sure exactly where to place this thread. It's not 'treatment' per se, it isn't a game, but then I thought 'well, its an area.. quitting smoking.. where folks need all the support they can get, so this is the place for it (I guess). So, folks, fasten your seat belts.. we are in for a bumpy ride.

now, a little background... Without knowing 'the rest of the story' (anyone else love that radio show?) some folks might be inclined to think.. Well, the man has a serious disease.. he shouldn't be smoking. He deserves whatever hell he has to go thru to get off that dirty tobacco. not so fast to judge, not so gentle readers.

The folks on here who know me probably know the whole story, but for newbies, I will start with the background. Started smoking at the ripe old age of 9. Stupid!! But kids will do stupid things, it was a different era, smoking was socially widely accepted, even promoted. My, how the times they've a changed

Anyway, I got sick N tired of smoking, and quit. Within 5 months of quiting, my 1st sign of this illness showed up, tho it was never officially diagnosed at that time. Took 45 days of hi dose pred enemas (not fun, avoid if at all possible) to get over that mystery illness. Went 9 1/2 years totally smoke free. I loved my life free of tobacco.. Had my lung, heart and cancer risk almost down to like I'd never smoked.. my lung capacity was like back when I boxed.. I walked about 20 k a day.. Life was wonderful.. Then my 2nd episode of this disease, again it was mis/un diagnosed. Early opinion was that posssibly had pancreatic cancer
Really scary situation. Saw my father die from it just 6 months prior. Not a nice way to go. Had to try to reconcile my kids with their mother, cause I just didn't expect to live.. lot of stress, lot of worry. Not making excuses, just telling folks why I reverted to smoking again. Hey, if you're going to die anyway.. STUPID!!

Long story short.. Decided again to quit (any non smokers starting to see we smokers HATE to smoke).. Did so.. within 5 months my illness came to the fore, and just didn't stop this time. On one occasion, in an IBD ward, a couple of the pld timers told me that smoking would stop my non stop bleeding, help with the pain, cramps, etc.. I didn't immediately buy into it, so I started asking some drs in that dept.. I've had 3 separate drs confirm it alleviates bleeding/cramping in colitis cases, esp. ulcerative. I started smoking, and my bleeding slowed down, and stopped. I smoke about 6 - 8 a day, and I've had nothing more than spots or minor bleed of a day or two since. That's from literally losing pints of blood before. I'm not advocating smoking, its a 'killer', and its a disgusting habit, OK.

So, anyway, I started in a program. Took my initial meeting last Wednesday, and then my 1st addict meeting Thursday. The program is under Addiction and Treatment Program. It provides NRT and counselling in a group session to get folks off tobacco. They deal with 4000 people, and have about 33% success rate.. but 57% of the rest who can't get off tobacco do cut down, reduce. I'm planning on being in the 33% group. Here's the kicker, one of the first things I hear from them is that there is a risk to people with colitis they will relapse. So its official folks. I know it interferes with crohns treatment, but quiting can make it worse. Be warned if you are a smoker considering quiting, OK? Take precautions. I'm on Nicotine Replacement Therapy, I'm hoping it will prevent me having a flare or relapse. But I know the risk. That's how much I want to quit.

OK, guys .. there it is. In the past few days, I've started cutting back. Smoke a 1/2 cigarette instead of a whole one.. My homework included a 24 hr period with no smoking. done that.. wasn't great, but I made it thru. so far, so good. I probably will stop altogether in the next 24 - 36 hours.. and we shall see, OK

Wish me luck...
Good luck on the smoking cessation! I quit smoking 8 yrs ago after 20 yrs smoking two packs a day. I don't know about you but I quit because I was tired of being a slave to cigarettes and being taken advantage of by the tobacco companies who were becoming rich off of my addiction.
Good luck quitting. It is hard and it is a battle everyday for me to stay quit. I want to smoke everyday and everyday I resist it. It's like quitting everyday, but it is worth it.
hey I'm proud of you for your decision to quit! It sounds like you've had quite the battle, but we have faith in you. :)

Wellll, the really hairy, scary part is that I haven't told (as in cleared) it with my GI yet. Think she may rip me a new one. Don't get me wrong, she is in favour of me quitting, but she made it clear in no uncertain terms not to try this without having her OK it first, and with her direct supervision. So, I'm not looking forward to our meeting in two weeks time. But the way I figure it is this... in the past it always took about 5 months or so for the you know what to hit the fan... so getting started now was pretty safe.. and I expect to be in my new digs at month end, and I want that to be a totally smoke free place. I also had to get into the summer program. They are expanding the program, it is in high demand.. but oddly enuff (one of those Catch22 things) to expand it they have to shut down temporarily.. So if I didn't do it now, it wouldn't be till October. Besides, if I get the jump on it now, while the weather is so great, I can get back into walking. Man, maybe its cause I miss the boys so much, but if I look at my photo albums... photos of me and the boys walking the trails like we used to... I just yearn for those days again. You know? ah, memories...
Youngest is turning 20 this year, oldest will be 22 shortly thereafter. Time flies. As for the move, its just time. Need a new start, a smaller place.. and besides, all the neighbours took up a petition asking that I relocate somewhere downwind. Damn flatulence.. :stinks::awe::eek:utahere:
Yeah Kev!!! I'm so proud of your effort. Thanks for sharing your story :) I'll be routing for you and hopefully somehow supporting you by just listening when it's not easy.

well, folks Thanx for the support. Change is inevitable... life IS change. We stop growing, stop learning, we stop trying... and we stop living, and start dying. Being a little afraid of change, the unknown... facing difficulties on your own, all is natural. Bravery isn't the lack of fear, its facing your fears head on, and winning.

I have always been a fighter (thanx mom), and tho I'm not gauranteed a win, I am going to give this my best shot. I just wish I was dealing with insominia too
hey, good luck from me too, Kev.

i know only too well what this is like, been there, done it, failed, done it again, was successful, then weakened... etc etc.. end result - still smoking, but now with added 'kicking myself' factor along with the guilt...

funnily enough, i'm gearing myself up to quit again, for good. & i will be doing a similar smoking cessation course to the one you're on.

i take it you're using the NRT patches? i found them to not suit me that well, got headaches, and disturbed sleep. plus the adhesive made my skin itch.. i found the other forms of NRT better for me.. lozenges, and in particular the inhalator. although it looks a bit like a tampon applicator lol, it does actually give you the hit you crave from cigarette smoking, and soothes the hand to mouth itch..
Welll, for anyone considering LDN.. If you smoke, you're in for an unpleasant but possibly positive surprise.. Naltrexone was originally created to help addicts to overcome their addictions.. alcohol N opiates... but they take a much stronger dose.. 50 - 150 mg a day versus 1.5, 3.0 or 4.5 mg for treating our disease. But, and this may be psychosomatic on my part, since starting LDN tobacco has really no joy to offer me.. in fact, I hate it with a passion. Bonus?
time will tell... So, if you want to battle your disease and your addiction, LDN may be just the ticket. Mind you, taking LDN at bedtime as recommended has a drawback... I can usally forgoe (sp) smoking during the day, but as it wears on and the LDN wears off, the urge to smoke gets stronger (leaving me to doubt it is a psycho-somatic or should that be psycho-smokeaddict? effect. A tune by Paul Simon.. 'Still crazy after all these years' is repeating in my head as I type this. So, it could N does feel like a real effect of taking LDN, or its a placebo).

Anyway, to answer your question, ding.. I'm going the patch route. I want the steady flow of nicotine in a dependable delivery system to offset/stave-off any bad effects cutting out cigarettes may have. There is that risk of bleeding, but it may takes months to show up.. hopefully never if I keep using the patch. I've never had a problem with it, other than shaving parts of me to stick it to. Way to much hair on this critter... one more, and I'd be swinging from the family tree

I'm getting prepared as I type this to enjoy (yeah, right, no enjoyment there) my last cigarette. Fingers crossed.. (lights cigarette, inhales, coughs N chokes, drops cigarette onto chest, as due to heat shirt is unbuttoned, chest hair goes up in smoke... 911 operator can't respond as she is laughing too hard. Chest is now covered in foam from fire extinguisher.. Another typical day for an old fart)
What? Pen.. you thought I was joking? ... Welll, I was.... this time. But let me tell you (anyone/everyone) a true story about the hidden dangers of smoking, OK?

Years ago, my dad N I disagreed.. and I made myself scarce. needed a job just to get by on, and took one for a construction company as a night watchman. I'd wanted to get hired on as a carpentar, but they were a union only job-site. So I settled for the night watchman work.. 10 pm to 6 am, every nite, in winter.

One nite when I arrived, there was a message from the boss asking me to stay late N meet with him next morning. So I did. Nothing special, just an update. I was late leaving, and the crew was arriving. The ground was pot-holed and pock-marked... parts frozen, other parts puddles of water N mud with a skim of ice over them. One fellow got his car stuck.. large puddle, mixture of mud and ice and water.. back in the day of rear wheel drive cars. He was spinning his tires, flinging mud and water, overheating his engine N tranny, and not getting out. So, I offered to give him a push. First mistake.. never volunteer. And I was in the midst of smoking a cigar.. Second mistake.. never exert while you've got a lit anything in your mouth. And I was wearing an oversized turtleneck of wool blend under an open winter coat. Third mistake.. if smoking, fireproof is better clothing option. So I started pushing... all by myself, and it was a big old US car with lousy tires.. pushing, n pushing... Just needed to get it out of the puddle, onto firm ground. Stood up, took a little breather, never noticed the hot ash from the cigar fall off the end. Never noticed it singe through my beard before landing on the open knit of the turtleneck. Thought I smelled something, wrote it off as the car.. LAST mistake. Wasn't till that ash melted thru the sweater and set my chest hair on fire (more like a spontaneous melt and flash of flame) that I realized 'I' was on fire. Boy, talk about your hot stuff!
Melting/burning chest hair IS not a pleasant or pain free experience. I dropped to the ground, right in the puddle, and began splashing myself with a mixture of mud and icy water. The car driver thought his wheels had thrown a rock and hit me, that's how fast I dropped from sight in his rearview mirror. A long story short, the come-uppance was that.. it took months for my chest hair to grow in again.. I had what looked like a sunburn over a good portion of my chest, and I lost a favourite turtleneck in the process.. But I did finish, and get his car out.
See what happens to good samaritans who smoke? And I still didn't learn my lesson.
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hahaha Kev - you ever considered donning a suit of armour before you leave the house? :D

my worst cig moment was when i was smoking in my car, alone... threw the tab out the window, it came back in and deposited itself right between my legs in a very unmentionable, and pretty unreachable while you're driving, spot. ouch and ouch, and OUCH! the driver behind me must have thought i'd suddenly developed some sort of dancing seizure...

thanks for that added info on the LDN - i had read it help alcoholics.. didn't make the connection that it could help other addictions too! i'm even more interested to see what my consultant's view on me starting LDN is, now.

hope the last cig moment went ok.. and you're not biting your nails right now.. ;) hang on in there - you can do this!
Ah, as Mr Jim Carey in his role as 'The Mask' might say... you ladies are smokin..

OK, day II What's that tune "I will survive" so far, so good. Sorta wanted a smoke with my morning cup of 1/4 + 3/4 (1 qtr caf & 3 qtr decaf coffee.. not bad)

The patch is obviuously doing it's thing, much better so far than I feared.. and the LDN must be helping too, because this time on the patch is way better than my last time. whether that's a real effect, or placebo.. i don't care. It all helps.
Congrats Kev on your decision to become smoke free. I found the book "Easy Way to Quit Smoking" by Alan Carr very helpfull in removing the psychological addiction. I found the brainwashing the hardest part to get over. The tobacco company did a good job marketing an addictive poison. Best of luck....you can do it.
So far, this has really been easy,,, way easier than I imagined. A lady in waiting room of an office I was in yesterday told her friend she was going out for a smoke and for a brief second I was tempted.. but other than that, I'm doing really great.
Thanks pen.. just do me a favour.. don't mention those cigars again. for whatever reason, I crave one of those right now.. but the cigarettes don't do a thing for me.

Go figure
Hey Pen Relax.. You'd no idea what I was craving at that particular moment. But it does give women some idea of what us guys go thru when you're having one of your pregnant cravings... sheesh, been there, done that, got the battle scars to prove it. OK, OK ladies.. cut the smoker withdrawal guy some slack. just kidding!!
cravings.. lol - i have been known to drive to the petrol station, in my pyjamas, middle of the night, just to buy chocolate, when the hormones take over my logic....

Kev - treat yourself to something you really like, which you don't normally have - preferably some kind of snack food, doesn't have to be unhealthy stuff.

& - you're doing great, well done! :)
Hmmm, thought of that.. pleasuring myself with little treats. But, I'm at a p. good weight at the moment.. and I'm watching it to see I don't gain a lot, or lose too much. Hey, a single fellow has to watch his figure, you know.. no one else will. LOL actually ROFLMAO... But, back to my point. The addiction counselour gave a bit of advice... think of the money wasted on smoking, try to put some of that aside.. Plan something special to do with that found money.
Maybe a trip... somewhere you've always wanted to go, but never got to. It's got a certain appeal to it... way, way too early to do any actual planning, but in the interim, it certainly makes for pleasant dreams... and keeps me from going out and wasting those special trip funds on tobacco. you never know where I might pop up. Now all I need is for someone to design me a logo, like the one from world war II. Or a video game 'Where in the world is kevin the crohnie?"

Anyway, another day, another 24 hours smoke free.. a little antsy this am, but no real temptations... and my mood is pdg, and my outlook is bright n cheery. Got to be some effect of the LDN, cause its the only thing I'm taking aside from the patch.
Kev said:
Thanx for the support guys.. I feel guilty accepting it.. I really ain't doing nothing special

oh yes you are!!!! and you deserve every bit of support you receive - this is one of the hardest things to do - i know.

it's a sobering thought, how much smokers spend on this habit. average pack of 20 here in the UK is 5 pounds (which is what, 11ish dollars?).. times that by 7 for the week, times that by 4 for the month... if i stopped, i could pay my car finance with that, and still have enough left over to buy toilet paper for the month..

i need to stop. and you're an inspiration Kev, to me and anyone else considering giving up the weed. so yeah - you are doing something special.
Well... so far.. knock wood.. its been incredibly easy.. has to be the LDN. I can't attribute it to anything else.. Like, NRT (patch) therapy takes care of the physical cravings.. but not the psychological. But I'm literally feeling none of those either.

At the meeting last week, they ballparked the cost of smoking here in Canada at about $4000 a year. Even if one blew 1/2 of that on nonsense, it still leaves a tidy sum for something really special... What would that equate to in the UK? Couple of thousand pounds...
Kev I really take my hat off to you and to the others that have quit smoking on here. Not an easy thing at all.

Well done to you - keep going!
Hey soup.. good to see you.. how are you feeling? hope things are on the upswing..

anyway, just came from my group.. blew a 3 on the breathalyzer.. last week it was a 41... that's measure of carbon monoxide in my bloodstream
Amazing difference for you to see that Kev! Hang in there!

Yeah I am doing not bad. Very drained at the mo so not alot of energy except to work and sleep. Just keeping my head down!
essentially they have a little breathalyzer.. measures CO gas levels in your breath. so far, my taste buds are unchanged, but my sense of smell is returning, not that that's necessarily a good thing for us crohnies
OK, folks.. say a little prayer for me, or cross your fingers.. Here it is friday, and I have had 3 major episodes of big 'D', the last one so spontaneous that I tore my pants getting them off. Now, it might be the quitting, it might be the drop in CO in my system... but I don't think so.. in fact, I'm hoping, praying this is just a fluke. Brought on by the turmoil of the last few days. I ran into a major hiccup about the job I really wanted.. put it all in jeopardy on Tues afternoon (and it reaffirms that LDN is keeping me from smoking, else the stress would've had me lighting up) Anyway, I've been working, studying, round the clock on a solution... late nites, not eating on schedule, not getting enuff rest.. and on top of that.. giving up smoking tanks your energy levels for the 1st little while. I have been cramming for an exam, was up till the wee wee hours since tuesday and had to write it today.. so I got up at 6 am, did more studying, skipped my breakfast, only had a sandwich for lunch.. was falling asleep sitting up trying to study... So I made myself FOUR full strength cups of coffee. all that caffeine is bad for anyone. for someone like us its bad, for someone like us off tobacco it even worse. So, here I am, exhausted, cramps, big 'D', feeling lousy, but I got a 98.. Was it worth it? Well, if this is just a bad day, too much caffiene, little or no rest, and it all goes back to normal, the answer is a yes. if not, then its a no

On the positive news side still not smoking
Kev thats fantastic results for your exam!! Well done!!

However, behave mister this weekend and make sure you rest or the leprechaun will have to come and sort you out!

((hugs)) thinking of you
aww Kev :(

you did so well on the exam, but then had to pay for it this way. i'm so sorry.

have done it myself tho.. so i've no room to talk.. twice, following family bereavements, i stopped eating for days, literally nothing, just drank black coffee & smoked.. gave myself acute esophagitis.

we learn, don't we, that no matter what else is going on in life, Crohns demands we look after it, and ourselves.

please get better soon! take it easy, and be kind to yourself from now on. (yep, that was an order, not a request lol)
Good job on the exam but you should really take care of yourself. With out your health being in line the new job might be a little difficult to manage I imagine. As Dingbat said please get better soon.
Hey folks.. thanks for both the kind words and the brickbats (does that translate?)

For clarity.. mentioning the 98.. I wasn't aiming for recognition.. but thanx all who offered.. No, my point was that I was sooo stressed, worried, paranoid I wouldn't get the 80 I needed... that's why I went so overboard. In retrospect, taking it easy on myself would have been the 'SMART' move. Live and learn. I don't want to jinx myself, but I think it's just a one time, one day thing. Well, I should have a better idea by this time tomorrow, Sunday by the latest. What I really am proud of is that, with all the craziness, the stress, the deadlines, I'm still not tempted to start smoking. That is one of my best medicines today.
Hey Kev I'm sending some prayers your way my friend. I hope this doesn't last and it's just do to a tough week. I'm glad you did well on your exam. You must have been studying like crazy.
Nah, just great cheat sheets... Kidding.. they were only so so.. stop it! Thanks for the thoughts.. It stopped, and I had a great nights sleep.. just taking it easy today.
Hey Kev! I am so proud of you!!! Way to go my friend.
I think what happened yesterday was brought on by stressers. diet, etc.
We've all had those days...can't leave the bathroom..
You have a lot on your plate right now...it's bound to happen.

Great marks you got on your exam!! :)
Did I mention I'm proud? LOL.

About quitting smoking...
I gave myself the best birthday present ever when I turned ^$&%&
15 years ago. I quit smoking. Just said I was going to do it...
and I was so addicted, I sat alone, and cried, all through my last cig.
Smokes had been my best friend for ^%$ years!
But what a great birthday present that was!!

Now fifteen years later, in two weeks I will be turning &%%%!!!!!
Wonder what I should give myself for that birthday??
I'm open to suggestions.

Oh Kev!!!
"And now you know the rest of the story............." PAUL HARVEY!!
Nobody, but nobody could tell a story like him.
Do I get a prize??
Yes, you do Nancy Lee.. Here comes Vanna White to tell us what you've won. A box of Cuban cigars... Hmmm, something not quite right about that. Paul Harvey and the rest of the story.. I believe his is still alive, and his son, Paul Harvey Jr. is no spring chicken either.. and the last I heard, he was taking over the show for his dad.. I listened a few times, he doesn't have his dad's magic. Anyway, thanks for the kind words.. Actually, what I need is a good scolding. A flaw of mine is serious tunnel vision (and no, not literally, so if you see me at the wheel of a big truck, you don't have to run in abject fear). I focused just on getting over that hurdle, let everything else take 2nd place.. Really, really stupid. And I won't even big to try to make any excuses, explain it. I was dead wrong. And you'd think I'd be old enough to know better. But, it all seems to have corrected itself. I think I got a good scare out of it, a serious wakeup call!

As for what you should give yourself for this birthday (your 39th, isn't it?) Well, if you tally up what you've saved over the years on the cost of tobacco products, plus associated health costs, lower insurance premiums, etc., you'd have a hefty budget to play with... Hmm, what does Tom Selleck charge for personal appearances.. maybe you get him to drop in, spend the evening.. Oh, I forgot.. he smokes. OK, skip that idea.. Wouldn't want to tempt a lady tooo much
39th? Bwahahhaahahaaa!!

Not laughing at you Kev..
laughing because I can't even remember being 39!

Hmmm, Tom Selleck may be a little young for me..
Um, Clint Eastwood? Nah, too old..
I'll think of someone or something..

Glad you realized it's your tunnel vision that came into play yesterday.

I have those days..not so much tunnel vision,
but my eyes are too big for for my colon.

A few bites of the wrong thing and I'm off and running.

Thing is I know ahead of time what could possible happen...
but, I always think that 'maybe I'll be okay with it just this one time'

Keep up the great job on quitting smoking... :)
Well, I tossed out Tom Selleck for a couple of reasons.. First, he started out as the Marlborough Man... advertiising cigarettes.. And, he hasn't lead a charmed life.. he originally was selected to play Harrison Fords part in Raiders, but he was under contract to play Magnum... but that project ran into trouble, and he was stuck in Hawaii, forced to work as a handyman N carpentar, while Harrison filmed Raiders in the same islands.. Talk about adding insult to injury. And he has been here on number of occasions, filming the Stone movies before he took over on Vegas.. And, one lesson I've learned... age is but a number. Go for it.
Hi folks.. Well, here it is, over a week smoke free, and still doing OK without them.
I haven't had any incredibly strong urges or desire to smoke, I'm still using an NRT patch (Nicotine Replacement Therapy) and so far, no sign of any flare-ups, etc..

I did have an unusually bad night last nite, but I think it was totally unrelated to my stopping smoking. Just a sudden downturn in a personal area. Despite it I had no urge to grab a cigarette to cope with this new, additional stressor. It only reinforces my belief that LDN is keeping my disease and smoking in check.
Thanks ding.. No worries... I break a bad habit, I don't look back. (well, rarely) Hey, I went for nearly 10 years without giving smoking a second thought..
Well, thanks Jeff.. the last 24 - 36 hours really sucked.. a whole lot of really bad things happened all in a row.. none of them connected to smoking.. But, sort of like pred, stopping smoking can make you an emotional roller coaster basket case.
One, and only, positive note (aside from friends cheering me on) is that I haven't reached for a smoke to help cope. No, the emotional thing.. no patch for that.. has to be done the old fashioned way.. tuff it out, suck it up, cold turkey. I HATE when I feel myself 'shutdown' to cope in that fashion, but you gotta do what you gotta do ... Just to make it thru the nite at times. Think we all have been there at one point or the other.
Keep it goin' pal, more good news trends I hope to see continue.

Any expected deadline, a hurdle of sorts, to make it past so you know your Crohns won't retaliate? Still 5 months perhaps or has a new assessment arisen?
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Thanks Pen n Benson... The issues.. well, looks like my dream job evaporated. I think I failed the medical.. i've called them the past 3 mornings, they aren't even returning my calls now.. my youngest son has undergone a major setback out west. he is ok, and I won't go into it.. like, I'm ok talking about myself, but the folks I love... I never trot out their problems. just that, even tho he is a man, he will always be my little boy. (geez, he'd hate to read that).
I was also hit by a sucker punch, a low blow transmitted from lawyer to lawyer. it messed me up.. really messed me up.. between the job thing and it I took my photo down for a while. and I may have lost a really close friend, and that is a very BIG downer.. All this while trying not to smoke. not my best period..
I mean, I've always been crazy, but its kept me from going insane.. ALMOST!!
Hey all.. Before anyone breaks out the big beach towels to soak up the tears from my sob story.. how about a little good news for a change? Got a call just now from my dream job employer.. doing a road test tomorrow morning.. they didn't say as much.. but I think I may have squeaked by my medical after all. I don't think they'd trouble or risk a road test if it had come back as unacceptable.. they didn't offer any explanation as to why they didn't return my last 3 calls (everybody likes to see us unemployed folks older males sweat).

OK, that last comment.. you know that's not really me.. normal me.. talking. Just been a lot of tension that last couple of days.. And, I still haven't had a smoke!

Reminds me.. got to put a patch on.. gone 6 hours without (too much on my mind).. I was even couple hours late taking my meds today.. Listen children, learn from my ... oh, can't use that language here... not the Lounge. mistakes.
Now is definitely not the time for me to miss meds or forget my NRT patches.
well done on getting as far as the road test Kev. it does look promising. & i hope the other troubles aren't as bad as you think they are.
Same here Kev, one target at a time, focus on the road test, a gun only has one sight on it (hey I just created a proverb)....

I know all too well about that from one end of the spectrum to the other in 5 minutes thing, I go through it a dozen times a day, though with different issues. We all know the truth though, the entire globe is bipolar! (get it?)
Well, here we are, another day, no smokes. I had a very brief temptation early this morning. I arrived at 7:25 for my road test (awake since 5, couldn't get back to sleep.. too tense). the examiner ran late 7:45.. felt a brief urge to smoke but I fought it off. Those twenty minutes felt like an eternity. Anyway, the test went fantastic.. but.. the med hasn't cleared (come back yet), theres another person after the job, and they won't make a decision till next week. I was hoping for news one way or the other, and praying for good news today. Not to be.. putting my emergency plan into action.. and hoping to stay smoke free. I should, or somebody should, start a new thread about a crohnie finding a job. I simply can't get over the hurdles I've had to get over this past while??
Kev I know exactly what you mean. I applied for a job that I thought I would have a good to great chance of getting a while back and it's been over a month and I'm still waiting. I'll be saying some prayers for you my friend.
Well, here it is Friday, and I haven't had a smoke, nor any desire for one either..

The road test went great.. Apparently I impressed the examiner. However, there is another person after the job, and they aren't making a decision till next week.

And, I am also waiting on a call back for an apartment I want to move into, and as usual, when you want the phone to ring, it just never seems to. Aarrrgh!!

Now, what pleases N puzzles me, is that with the pressure, the stress and all of the waiting I don't want to reach for a cigarette. I drove by the tobacco store and I never even considered stopping for a moment. Don't get me wrong, I'm not bragging... Normally, given everything thats currently happening, I would be in bad shape.. Anecdotally, it seems to be the LDN that's keeping me sane
Thanks Pen I don't know if its tobacco withdrawal, but I'm as moody as if I was on pred. Laughing one minute, feel like I'm going to cry the next. Really bizarre.
I mean no anger, no great sorrow.. just all of a sudden I'm up, the next thing I'm down
Well, discretion being the better part of valour, (esp. outside the Lounge) I'm not even going to touch that line with a 10 foot pole (nor any other length neither). I was sitting in a coffee shop, having a great time drinking some cool ice tea after a long stroll thru the nearby park on a hot n sunny day.. The next thing you know I am having difficulty holding back the tears. Embarrassing!!! Anyway, that's all there is to report. This has really been a dull experience, so I'm thinking of putting it on hold, with only periodic updates, random check-ins. There is nothing to report, as for whatever reason, it has been a cakewalk. If at all possible, I will be attending a follow-up meeting in early September, but as of now, the Smoking Program here in NS is shut down for the next month.
Thanks Pen.. I don't know what caused it.. what the trigger was.. quitting smoking can do some weird stuff to us Figure its either that, or else I'm going thru 'womenopause'... What, isnt that what they call it for us fellows??
You described quitting smoking as a dull experience? No desire at all a few days ago? If I read that correctly, I think that's great eh?
Keep us posted on the job and the apartment.
Maybe you could put your old avatar back up, the one with the long beard, just so we know it's you.
Oh, and I hope you find something to do with your hands.
Some nice crocheting or something, wink.
Hands, again with the hands.. You think folks are sending me subliminal messages on how to occupy my free time.. like making dresses for barbie out of toilet paper
Well, here goes. Went to see the place, arrived 10 minutes before the viewing was due to commence. Unfortunately, a 1/2 doz other people had the same idea n beat me there.. Anyway, place is small, clean, but needs some TLC. Ideal for me by myself, bit cramped but doable if one of my sons joins me.. perfect location for me to get to work.. literally a 10 minute drive and bypasses all the traffic. Its in a prime location as far a neighbourhood, scenery & quiet. I put in my application, but with all that competition, I'm not feeling confident to say the least. Anyway, I left there, went to check on my storage space, it was the last one available, so I was glad I acted when I did.. Got there, found it for the 1st time, only to discover a padlock on it my key wouldn't open. Frantic, as the movers are arriving tomorrow and I assumed they'd over-rented in error, I head to their office in hopes they'd be open. they were, it was just practice to put a padlock on empty spaces till rented. so that's straightened out, but its a 1/2 ' shorter and nearly the same narrowed than they'd advertized. It will have to do... as much big stuff as I can squeeze in, I will. The rest I'll just have to turf.. So, thats my mindset, my totally atypical frame of reference that's become all to common in me lately.. when I drive home.. get home. tidy the car up a bit, find cigarettes I'd totally forgotten about. Without even thinking about it, guess what I did? ..... Tossed them in the garbage, no regrets, and no 2nd thoughts. by all accounts, if todays stresses combined with a 'golden' opportunity didn't knock me off the wagon.. well, I think I'm past the worst.

Now, don't get me wrong. Not getting cocky.. nor over confident. Its just that, considering the overall big picture, I'm either being watched over by a guardian angel, or else something is killing any psychological desire I have to smoke. So. folks.. If I can do this, quit smoking, with everything that's going on.. hey, you could too.. with a little help from someone or thing, OK
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Hey Kev I hope you get that place. It's awesome that you were able to throw away your cigs like that. Good job my friend. Keep up the good work and hopefully this thread will inspire others.
Thanx Jeff. And without jumping up on the same, tired old bandwagon, I'm not any type of super human, never fail, never screw up person. Maybe its a miracle, but.. well, tho its nice, comforting even to believe in them, my practical side tells me its got to be the LDN working... either really working, or some psychological placebo effect. Either way, I'm not questioning it.. I'll take whatever help I can get to get me thru this. Folks, I can't promise anyone who takes LDN it will do for you what it seems to have done for me, all anecdotal,, but aside from a miracle, its the only explanation that seems to fit everything.
Yeah but even if it's the LDN working it gives people something that helps their Crohn's and their smoking habits. It's a double effect. It just gives people and alternative to quitting with nothing and failing.
Hey guys.. Good news and bad news.. First, the bad news. Started my new job this morning.. Hired as a driver, but the trucks are only 5 ton, and 6 speed std., so its a nuisance to maneuver them in city traffic.. and the associated work is back breaking.. loading and unloading/delivering furniture.. Thought I was in shape, at least a little bit... but nine hours of that, with four more days of it to go, looking a little bleak.. and to top it all off, the guy I was paired with smokes like a chimney. in the truck, out of the truck, oh those inconsiderate smokers..

Now, the good news.. despite the stress, the terribly taxing workload, and the constant availability of tobacco.. literally everyone there smokes, I didn't crack. I literally wasn't even tempted.. Everyone remember the crohnie oath? No ****!
But, leaving at five, I was exhausted, completely beat, down in the mouth, just didn't know where I'd find the energy to go apartment hunting tonite. Thats the time the phone rang... about my dream job.. I start Thursday morning.. Remember the crohnie oath?? Folks, starting to see light at the end of the tunnel.. and it isn't a sigmoidoscope this time. Thanks for all the support, OK?

*That loud thumping sound you hear is Nancy doing the happy dance in Ontario!! :)


Whoa...I'm getting dizzy!*
Hey guys... Day 3 on the new job... spent the whole day confined in the same truck with two heavy smokers... and for the very first time I was seriously tempted.. I dunno why.. i took my LDN last nite, tho I took it much later than I'm accustomed to.. almost 2 AM.. That may have been the culprit.. not used to those hours
Kev, do you think it could be because your body is absorbing the nicotine, from the two smokers, and you are inhaling it, and now your body is getting a craving for it again??

Just a thought.....
Congrats Kev on quitting. I just may follow in your footsteps. The past couple of months I've been going back and forth. I'll quit for a few days or a week, and then start up again. It seems like seven days is when I fall back. Like you, I've quit before so I know I can do it. I went 10 years without cigarettes before I went to Iraq.

Driving the truck eh? Be careful with all that lifting. I don't do any unloading, but I'm not local. Most local jobs require unloading. It can be good excercise though.
Hey, I guess I should clarify my 'dream' job... I drive a 15 ton truck (same weight class as the buses, in case a job opening comes up there for an old WASP male like me... hmmm, maybe thats why I drone on. It would certainly explain my new attitude about sex.. nice to have it once in your life before you die) that carries 10 ton loads... So, heres a hint for you guys. What has 4 wheels & flies? Any vehicle with a crohnie behind the wheel. NO. kidding! A garbage truck. There you go folks, thats my big dream job.. no heavy lifting, work just 5 days a week, all local driving so I can eat my own cooking, sleep in my own bed and follow my diet, see my doc, keep this damned disease in the remission the LDN seems to have placed it in for me. Those are my priorities.
Awesome job Kev. You're inspiring me to want to quit. I was out of town at my sisters who doesn't smoke and I realized how damn bad it makes your clothes smell etc and between you and that I'm really coming to realize its time to put the cigs down for the first time in 16 years.
Oddly enuff... Here I am today.. no where near smokers... really strong cravings. I don't know why, except for another nite where I didn't take my LDN on time... late again. I have to tuff it out, and have no one to blame except myself for allowing my body to get off schedule... time to buckle down and stick to my own routine.
drew_wymore said:
I was out of town at my sisters who doesn't smoke and I realized how damn bad it makes your clothes smell etc

Yep, that's one thing that bothers me a lot also. Let me know Drew if you decide to do it and I'll quit at the same time. Maybe we could set a time and day.

You can't give up now Kev, see what you got started. lol
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Kev has started his own 80's anti-drug commercial for smokers .. we can all say

"We learned it by watching you!"
Hey, listen guys.. thanks for the kind words, praise and encouragement, but the thing of it is... well, first off, I'm having a hard time of it today.. for some reason. second... I would be glad to help anyone else who wanted to quit smoking quit. I just don't have the foggiest idea of what I'm doing... The program helped, and the LDN seems to have made the hardest part a cake walk.. not sure why my old nemesis is rearing its ugly head the last few days, everything else is going so wellll (wellll, almost everything else.. apartment would be nice). I just need to keep reminding myself today of just how much I want to quit.. that's the key... Keep reminding myself how much i want to quit.
Well we're here to support you Kev. I can't imagine how tough it has to be. I've gone no more the 7 days in my weak attempts at quitting and that was tough.
Well, one of the things they told us in the stop smoking program was not to get cocky. I was.. the last 2 days changed that. The other things they told us not to do.. were to avoid places that sell alcohol.. smoking n drinking go hand in hand. AND to try to avoid stresses.. Thought I'd been thru the wringer, what else could go wrong.. NEVER ask that question. Had a family crisis dropped in my lap today. Really never saw it coming.. I can't go into details on this one folks... I just can't. Just has me totally strung out.. worried sick, can't sleep.. Not that I've been doing too hot at that anyway.. but this has made it literally impossible to close my eyes, settle.. NOW the urge to smoke is stronger than ever... so I'm just going to sit on my ass, close my eyes & think of England, or otherwise I'm going to get ..... Well, you know what that line refers to. Damn! I'm totally wiped, can hardly keep my head up, but I can't get to sleep
thinking of you Kev. hang on in there - these bad days will pass, & like every other bad patch we go through, you'll soon be looking back on it, from a better place in your life.

just try your best, with the not smoking, and all the other obstacles you have to face right now. you don't have to be superhuman - just be you, getting through it the best way you can.
Well, here it is 4 AM.. The urge to smoke has passed, but the ability to shut down my brain escapes me.. Going to give it one more try. Worrying never helps, and I am one of the first to say that... but its one of those things easier said than done at times.
Wellll, it amazing the difference a day makes.. slept in a little this am, didn't wake till 5:37 am, bit of a rush to get to work on time. Forgot to put on my patch thanx to the rush... didn't realize that I wasn't wearing it till very late in the day. Spent with workers who don't smoke. No temptation/urges at all. But, the idea is for me to stay on NRT, reduce the odds of flaring again. Actually, at the moment I'm feeling pretty mellow. Heard from the landlord, the apartment I was sooo desparately after... is mine as of Saturday. I've a home!
i posted on the "bleeding thread" lol

lookin' good for LDN, just have to wait a while to find out for definite.
Having your home should help, with not smoking also. Keeping the durge of smoke out of the carpet and furniture is a good motivator.

I'm going to piggyback onto this thread if you don't mind. I'm on day 2 now, determined to get past 7 days this time and stay clean.
Well, I shouldn't count my chickens.. or apartments.. the meeting set for tonight to sign all the paperwork and hand over cheques, keys, etc.. was cancelled without anyone letting me know... And I worked my ass off to get off early tonite.
aww Kev. :(

maybe it's just that they couldn't make it or something, & hopefully not that you've lost the apartment.
Nearly over? I tried to get to sleep, tossed N turned til half past 2.. then awake at 5:30 Ate, dressed, got ready for work... just popped in here before heading out the door.. Nerves are shot, between this and worries over my youngest, its just not been the best of days.. I don't know how much longer my bod will tolerate it.
Hang in there Kev, we're behind you. I'm on day 3 now going through some withdrawals. I'm on the patch but it doesn't take all the withdrawals away.
Sojourn said:
Hang in there Kev, we're behind you. I'm on day 3 now going through some withdrawals. I'm on the patch but it doesn't take all the withdrawals away.

The patch didn't work for me at all though Chantix worked long enough for me to quit (I had a very bad side effect of being unable to eat and feeling sick to my stomach all the time, even at times vomiting.) But to me going through all the side effects was worth it to quit.

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