Quitting smoking with IBD, my story

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Isla, Chantix is the drug suggested to me by my GI last week.. i looked it up on the net & was a bit deterred by the gastrointestinal side effects.. did you notice anything else apart from nausea? and well done on quitting!

& well done Sojourn :D
Well, well, well.. What have I started here? OK, gang (hmm, that's what we need... a 'gang' name.. 1st one that comes to mind is the 'smokin aceholes' but I am sure someone will come up with a better one... everybody who makes it to a 6 month semi-anniversary of being smoke free is entitled to buy N wear a 'gang' tee shirt).... lets start a support group within a support group. Got an urge? PM a member of the gang... or a lot of members of the gang. First thing we learn in the smokin cessation program was the minute an urge hits you do something different... anything except light up. Popping off a PM itself may just do the trick by itself.. if not, then maybe the 1st person to reply will do the job.

Anyway, still on track here. Still not sleeping... but thats a totally different story. Everytime I eliminate one major stress in my life, another takes its place.
STILL... here's the thing.. resuming smoking would only add another new one.
Ding - The nausea I speak of is the worst kind you could imagine. Like it felt you were on the verge of vomiting all the time. There were times where I couldn't have anything by mouth for 3 or 4 days straight all the while not being able to sleep but I was too tired to be productive. It didn't do this for the first week of Chantix but started a couple days into the second week. I took it for almost 4 weeks, the last week I cut my pills in half. But they offer you a support system of support staff you can call, a daily log-in, and just other tools to help you quit for Chantix users. I still log in on a monthly basis.

But a few weeks of hell were worth it to quit. I am WAYYYYY less stressed now. I have been quit for over 6 months and still want a cigarette almost everyday, I just don't indulge.
Hey Pen... SORRY... I couldn't resist. Hell, it was all I could do to refrain from using the 'b' word. you left yourself wide open for that one. OK, my lame jokes aside for the moment, are you alright? PM me if you'd like to talk..

Hey Ilsa... were you smoking while on the Chantix? Did you do any 'clean out' (as in off nicotine for a period of time, drinking lots of water, etc) before starting the Chantix... Just wondering if those were aversion reactions from the drug.

As for everyone else, keep it up folks. If I can be of any help, just let me know
thanks for the info Isla.. am going to get a prescription this coming week for NRT, but will have a chat with the GP about Chantix at the time, see if it's worth me trying that instead. i'm not a nausea type of person, takes a lot to make me sick, but i don't really relish the thought of feeling that bad for weeks... well done you though, for sticking it out and accomplishing what you have :)
Kev said:
Hey Ilsa... were you smoking while on the Chantix? Did you do any 'clean out' (as in off nicotine for a period of time, drinking lots of water, etc) before starting the Chantix... Just wondering if those were aversion reactions from the drug.

Well you are supposed to continue smoking during your first week. But while taking the Chantix, every other day the first week I was cutting my smoking by half. I did this so I didn't go from 20 smokes one day to nothing the next day. The day before my actual quit day (7th day on Chantix) I was smoking 2. I know it was the drug rather than withdrawal because during week 2 or 3 I missed 2 days in a row and felt way better. But as soon as I took it again I felt awful.
Well, I think the drug caused it... but I'm wondering if that's the way its supposed to work... causing nausea if you are smoking or exposed to smoking. Like, LDN is supposed to reset the brains addiction centres, but it also causes an aversion to the addiction. Literally I 'hated' every smoke I had since I started taking it... I was relieved to stop smoking... I don't take enuff Naltrexone to have made me sick, but I wonder how it affects addicts at 150mg or higher a day... I believe for alcohol addiction it also causes nausea/illness if you drink while taking it. So, advising people to smoke while starting Chantix may be their way of introducing the 'aversion' principle without telling folks that it will happen... Maybe thats' just the pessimist in me talking.. or maybe it isn't
well, Kev, from what the consultant told me last week, you're right - it works by eventually stopping you getting the 'hits' from the nicotine, and also makes you feel bad if you continue to smoke.. & as Isla says, you are supposed to carry on smoking at the beginning of the treatment.. the plan is eventually to stop smoking while on it, purely because you feel so bad when you do... it kinda takes away all the onus being on your willpower..
I had no aversion the first week, hence when I was smoking. I started feeling sick midway through week 2. Like maybe 4 or so days after I had zero cigarettes. The nausea side effect is now listed at 30% of all Chantix users. I am pretty sure it is the pill and not the action or mechanism of the pill. It is a receptor blocker much like a serotonin blocker (which is sometimes used in IBS.)
Then its odd that the nausea didn't start immediately... you know what I mean?

Course, it took weeks... well, dosage actually.. before my Imuran/Aza reaction.

A failing of mine.. I try to make things make sense, put them in neat little packages. Just some things don't fit nice N neat
dingbat said:
well, Kev, from what the consultant told me last week, you're right - it works by eventually stopping you getting the 'hits' from the nicotine, and also makes you feel bad if you continue to smoke.. & as Isla says, you are supposed to carry on smoking at the beginning of the treatment.. the plan is eventually to stop smoking while on it, purely because you feel so bad when you do... it kinda takes away all the onus being on your willpower..

What it does is block your nicotine receptors. So essentially you are "quitting" even though you are still smoking. The nicotine is not attaching to the receptors, so you aren't getting your fix. The idea is that the act of smoking no longer gives you the fix you need, hence making it much easier to give it up. It isn't feeding your addiction anymore - in theory nothing will because it is essentially turned off. The oral fixation and mental addiction is what you must battle on your own (though some take antidepressants at the same time to help with that.)
Kev said:
Then its odd that the nausea didn't start immediately... you know what I mean?

Course, it took weeks... well, dosage actually.. before my Imuran/Aza reaction.

A failing of mine.. I try to make things make sense, put them in neat little packages. Just some things don't fit nice N neat

Because the first week you take 1 half dose.. next day 2 half doses, next day 1 1/2 doses.... so on and so forth until you take 2 full strength pills a day. Then you continue taking that for the remainder of the time. I missed Sunday and Monday, I started full strength on the previous Friday (my full quit day.) So Tuesday when I took the full strength the nausea started.
Hmmm, then I don't see the advantage of the Chantix. The NRT provides you with the nicotine... but it's clean nicotine... not addictive at all. It will eliminate any/all of the physical cravings... and once the body is cleansed of all of the added, highly addictive chemicals deliberately added to tobacco, you can safely wean off the Nicotine in the NRT patches without undergoing physical withdrawal. So, vs blocking the receptors, you just give them a clean alternative.. The psychological addiction... it would seem chantix doesn't do anymore for it than NRT...
The patches didn't help me because it still feeds your addiction. Yes it doesn't have the additives that are detrimental to your health but there is no such thing as a non-addictive nicotine. Nicotine whether "clean" or with additives is still addictive. With the patches it gently weens you off of nicotine. So your body can slowly cope with having less and less of it while at the same time giving you ample time to work on ending your oral fixation and mental addiction. That is why they give full strength patches to people in hospitals that are not allowed or unable to leave their room, because it gives you the same amount of nicotine your body is used to. The patches used for quitting is a step-down program.

Chantix is kind of like going cold turkey with a little bit of help.
I don't know where you got the info on the addictive properties of nicotine, but my info came from medical personnel at the Addiction Treatment Centre who run the Smoking Cessation Clinic.. Remove the 599 addictive additives of cigarettes, and replace the nicotine your body is accustomed to with 'clean' nicotine, and purely physical cravings should abate... Everyone in attendance at the 1st meeting was under the impression that nicotine is addictive, but not according to the drug counsellors and nurses there. Now, they could've been just saying that... but my understanding was there is no 'psychological' addict forming properties of nicotine, but a physiological dependance that develops. If you remove the items in tobacco that are there just to make it addictive, AND slowly teach your body not to expect nicotine, the transition is fairly smooth.
I may look into Chantix, but if I make it to my next appointment on the 18th, I'll already have two weeks. The patch does have it's psychological effects. Sometimes my cravings are so strong I think it's useless. But I am more reluctant to smoke with it on. It's kind of like a reminder that I'm not supposed to be smoking.

Almost 6 days now. I like the idea Kev. Since I'm on the road I can't be part of a physical support group, though, I did get on a "stop smoking" website discussion.
Hmm, my reply post seems to have vanished into cyberspace. Anyway, the info on those appears dated... some as far back as 98... Now, what we were told was that current NRT consists of therapeutic nicotine which has a chlorine alkyoid part of it removed... apparently that part is essential in the habit forming property. It 's possible that this story was pure invention on their part to convince folks that NRT works... I dunno. And, Sojourn, good luck with that, keep up the good work
The first link is 2006 and just to make absolutely sure I went to the source. The most popular manufacturer of Nicotine Patches, NicoDermCQ (with new SmartControl)

You want to stop smoking. But your body and your brain are used to having a steady supply of nicotine. When you quit, nicotine withdrawal symptoms will set in, causing intense cravings. And no wonder. Smoking stimulates chemicals in your brain that improve mood, artificially enhancing awareness and concentration. It even increases the level of some hormones, including adrenaline.

This is why quitting is so tough. And the reason most cold turkey quitters fail. It's also why NicoDerm CQ with SmartControl has helped so many smokers quit for good.

NicoDerm CQ is a nicotine patch that's a form of Therapeutic Nicotine, which means it provides nicotine to your system. The patented SmartControl technology helps provide a controlled release of nicotine for 24 hours at a slower, less intense pace than cigarettes. It works as a temporary aid to help you quit smoking by reducing nicotine withdrawal symptoms until your body no longer
needs nicotine.

Actually, it was printed July 1998.. reprinted in 2001, and revised in 2006 So the facts it presents are 10 years old.. And the Nicoderm ad seems to confirm there is a form of nicotine labeled theraputic.. By accident I have started my day 3 times without my 21mg patch... and yet suffered no withdrawal.. I should have if the nicotine I've been absorbing the past 6 weeks or so was as addictive as that in cigarettes.. Like I said, either they were lying, by accident or on purpose, or theres more to the nicotine story that a less than in depth examination will turn up. Does it really matter all that much in the long run?
Kev, I know we have been through this before but could you try to read my words as I write them. I never said the patches had the same addictive power as cigarettes. In fact I said something to the contrary - I do not appreciate that and it makes me not want to get involved in any posts that you post in. It is very frustrating and I am beginning to not like you very much for this. I was leery to point this out to you to begin with because I feared you would do this again (from previous experience with you twisting my words) but you have and I want to drop it. You can be right if it really is that important to you, just please do not twist my words anymore - it hurts my feelings.

P.S. - I know that to a lot of you, maybe even Kev, think my honesty is a bit hard to take or seems rude sometimes. I have always thought honesty is the best policy and my intention was to be of help.

/Will no longer be viewing this thread
Hey Ilsa.. I'm really sorry if you felt I was twisting your words... never my intent. I think it was just mis-understanding or mis-communication... easy enuff to do in a printed format... Lets just forget the whole thing... its only important if one uses NRT to quit smoking.. and then, who cares how it works as long as it works, right?
Yeah, it's not a big deal you all.

I'm still clean. And the durge of smoke is leaving my truck. I have one of those battery-operated freshners and have been burning incense also. I also feel a lot better in the morning. That's something I don't remember when I quit 10 years ago.

I'm still getting cravings. I wanted to smoke yesterday after listening about the Russia conflict.
Well, my boss just had a baby (well, actually it was his wife), and guess who had a cigar. Stupid. And what a headache it gave me, but I deserved it. Right back on the wagon.. so, other folks quitting, be careful.. and if you slip, get right back up.
As long as you didn't inhale I wouldn't count it as slip-up. Though I agree, if you're quitting smoking, all tobacco products should be avoided.
smoking, crohns

First off GOOOO KEV!!! I'm happy to hear you quit. How long has it been?
I quit 10-10-07 so I am just over 10 months quit and it was the best choice I ever made. I quit using chantix. It made me bloat more but other than that I didn't have too many problems. I cut the chantix in half the whole time I used them. It just made me sick and I talked to some people about it and common sense says that the dose for a 100 lb female and a 250 lb man can't be the same, lol. I'm not a doctor so....
But anyways...I do suggest trying chantix. It was my miracle!
Also, I belong to a forum for quitting smoking and that has helped me a lot too. It's http://quitsmoking.about.com/
Big Hugz everyone.
Well, this is anecdotal, and very preliminary... may not be connected at all, and the cause may be something totally unrelated to my disease... but I started bleeding. This is day 2... could be a tear... could be a fissue... could be internal hemmeroids. Could be a partridge in a pear tree... How'd he get the tree up there?? So, wish me luck.. hoping the bleeding soon stops, and everything is OK
Well, essentially everything I own... with a few sacrificial exceptions, now are under one roof.. Course, I can't find a freakin thing... and can't move w/o tripping over something... But, my internet works, my phone works, and I've got cable tv for company... Helll, that's a better life than I had as 1/2 a couple.
Do you have your period maybe?
I know that Benson mentioned vaginal itching lately, so maybe you could have your period.
Couldn't be a partridge in a pear tree. They don't usually get in there until the 1st day of Christmas. October in store displays, but December in your butt.
Seriously, hope it's nothing, and disappears quick like.
It would be easy to use that as an excuse to start smoking again. I wouldn't jump to any assumptions. Hope it heals up and get it checked out if not.
No, I won't start again... even if it means I lose the remission that I gained by the LDN. Whatever happens, happens. I'm hoping N praying this is just a little bump in the road. Gotta admit I'm scared... but I've got my fingers crossed N prayers said
Thanks Pen.. BUT.. I'm going to have to take my chances without seeing a doctor

Due to some pretty nasty infighting (aren't split-ups wonderful??) and the fact that a moving company I had lined up to finish moving me this past weekend 'neglected' to inform me last spring that they don't work weekends during the summertime.. I was forced to ask for this past friday off, even tho I just started working here less than a month ago. I don't want to jeopardize this new job, I sweated too hard to get it.. and I've got to get to the health benefits in just 3 months time... so, no way I'm going to ask for another day off .. its too soon!

Appreciate all the kind thoughs tho
No, I haven't bought any of the tainted meat... what I got I stole.. Got a "hungry" lawyer to feed, can't waste money on trivial things like eating... OK.. KIDDING!!!

As for split ups, personally... I'm just soooo relieved to be out of it.. I literally don't hold any malice or ill will... at least regarding the split. The behaviour before and since leaves a great deal to be desired... tempting me to pay really ridiculous legal fees JUST for some justice, some retribution... very poor motives

But, I've held out an olive branch three times, only to be the victim of sneaky & underhanded tactics.. So, at this point in time, I'm pretty pissed off, and really I can't think of a single thing I wouldn't do 'legally' to get some payback. I plan on sitting on that, for just a little while... waiting to see what the next move on their part will be.. It's one thing to turn the other cheek, its another to turn into a floor mat... I'm tired of being the only one in this **** storm minus an umbrella
Actually, I'm being very upfront about this.. This split was the best thing that could have happened... I mean, its akin to major surgery, and it hurt some, but its for the best, the worst is behind me... just need to settle accounts, with lawyers.
i totally agree with Pen, in that there is usually a silver lining in every cloud... and yes, some relationships aren't meant to survive. but it's hard at the time, if not through grief, then through the turmoil and stress.

thankfully, its only a short time of your life Kev, you will soon be able to put this behind you, and thank god thats its over & done with.

meanwhile, if you really cant take time off work, then make sure the time you aren't at work is used in the best way possible for your physical and mental health. forget the unpacking for a while - it will wait. chill out & relax when you can.

& i'm keeping my fingers crossed that this health hiccup is just that, a little insignificant something that will disappear.
Butt Hurts, I have so much itching going on below, my computer mouse is sticky. I *MAY* have gone too far from the lounge on that. :shifty-t:

Kev, you probably know your body better than anyone here, but all I can do is remind you that all you can do for now is watch for signs, location of the/any pain, color of blood, the usual. Go extra strict on those foods.

Also, I firmly believe, to add, that you know a great deal about relationships as a whole, Kev. Some advice you've given me I think was far beyond the word wise, I'm sure you know the insight you hold.
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Well folks.. the good news is that the bleeding seems to have stopped.. I think it was just a non issue.. As for taking it easy, welllll, theres something to be said for that approach... just that its driving me insane not being able to put my hands on the things I need... my cell phone battery died, and I can't find my recharger.. and I only today found my long lost wristwatch.. and it would be nice to have curtains in my living room windows versus the cardboard thats in there now... or to have my dinette set assembled.. that sort of thing. I know it will happen... just impatient to back amongst the living.. been in limbo 1/2 year
great to hear about the bleeding abating Kev!

as for the others.. i wonder how many times you've muttered "must be in a box somewhere" since you moved lol. i think i said that about 16,759 times when i moved house last.. not exaggerating you understand ;)
Hmmm, seems I spoke too soon.. The bleeding is back.. in abundance, and it is not surface blood... it is all thru the stool... that rules out hemms, I'm afraid. ****!

One of the things that got misplaced during the move was my NRT patches, but I felt ok without them, so I didn't worry about it. Since the bleeding started, I have looked, just no luck so far.
Hey Pen

Yeah, it does seem to pile up all at the same time, doesn't it? Part of me is just so scared that I'm tempted to go out and purchase some smokes.. But I'm fighting it as best I can... for the moment. But the fear... It hit me in waves.. the thought my LDN remission might be over.. that I could lose another job, be unable to pay my rent... end up back in hospital, facing another operation. The threat... of all or some of that.. had me .. ME.. feeling sorry for myself big time. I am going to turn this place upside down, find those nicotine patches (or go and buy more) take it easy for today N tomorrow, and just hope/pray for the best.
Well, today was interesting. Did some frantic digging last nite, found my NRT's, and applied one. This morning, no blood. Is this a coincidence.. I dunno. I know I plan on applying a fresh patch every nite from now on, just in case. Fingers X-ed.
Well, so much for that theory.. it worked one night (coincidence) but not the next.

I see my GI in a months time.. hope to have the bleeding under control by then..

Wish me luck
good luck Kev... this could just be a body-protest at all the worry & physical trauma you've been through. hopefully, now that your situation has settled, this will too.
OK folks.. You will hear it here first. Broke down and bought some tobacco. I plan on smoking 1/2 dozen and seeing if the bleeding stops or slows, then stop. If it does, then I'll wait a day or more.. if/when the bleeding resumes, I'll try 2 days of 1/2 dozen.. see what happens. Sorry, but I'm scared.. well, wish I could say I'm scared shitless, but at the moment its just the opposite. My personal bowel scale is way down to 2's N 3's, and not looking good at all. And my pain levels are up, as is the frequency n urgency of my bathroom trips. just can't risk an elongated relapse right at this particular moment. thats the scoop on the poop
Tobacco Helps Bowels

Too bad it ain't always the case.
A friend of mine who has colitis (yeah, I know, not the same) was put on a nicotine patch to help her symptoms.

I think I just liked to hold onto that as an excuse for all the years I smoked...No judgement here...Whatever helps...lol
Well, don't exactly count me out yet.. I'm merely going to try this for one day of 1/2 doz... then.. IF the bleeding stops.. I won't smoke again till I start bleeding again... IF I start bleeding AGAIN, I'll repeat it (smoking) for two days.. then stop. And wait to see if the bleeding stops, and resumes.. Now, if smoking those first 6 doesn't stop the bleeding.. Well, I won't smoke anymore.. What's the sense. I'm just trying to determine for sure whether smoking will stop the bleeding.. IF I can get it to stop for a demonstrative period of time, I'm hoping if I increase my patches that the stop will remain stopped.. Sorry if I didn't make my plan clear.. this is an experiment... still intent to try to avoid resuming smoking.. Just trying to see if its the nicotine, or the carbon monoxide that has the magic.. or if its all hopeless.. Like, if none of these experiments work, then I am in deep ****.. (pardon the phrase, but its appropriate). Almost had a big D at work
Kev, I just ran across this post from someone else on here that said -
(fgillette I think it was)

"Cayenne Pepper is a wonderful herb. Did you know that, in many herbalists experiences, it can stop bleeding in mere seconds? It's a powerful coagulant. It also expands the blood vessels in your body and can also save someone suffering from shock, early signs of heart attack, or early sings of stroke by putting some Cayenne Pepper under their tongue.
On a related note, just like you can stop bleeding externally, you can help a bleeding ulcer by taking Cayenne Pepper pills. Expect a hurty stomach for a while if you do this though. I prefer Cayenne Pepper tea with honey."

I don't know if that will help your bleeding - but it's a thought.
Hey.. Hmmm, maybe I'll try adding some Cayenne Pepper to my meals as a spice. I used it once to keep ants out of my home in Lawrencetown (it worked, not one of those old wives tales.. I never was an old wife.. tho I've had a few.. Arrrgh, did I actually say that out loud???) ANYWAY... without getting graphic, here are the results of my little experiment... smoked 1/2 doz.. (its recommended 6 - 8 based on body size AND extent of inflammation) cigarettes yesterday.. This morning... not only no bleeding, but my stool colour is better & on my homegrown BM scale went from 2 - 3 to a solid 5.. (no pun intended). So now we go cold turkey (well, I'm on the patch.. it seemed to work for a day and then stopped AND the LDN makes stopping a breeze.. not sure why) and hope that I stay at this level and improve... even if graduallly. If the bleeding starts again.. then I'll do 2 days @ 6... stop and see what happens. Keep your fingers crossed folks... As Better Davis said "We're in for a bumpy ride" Okay?
Well, the experiment worked... sort of. If I smoke anything, the bleeding stops.. But my BM scale is still in the toilet (trying to be funny just to perk myself up, and it isn't working). My energy levels are way, way down... and my pain levels are up and the 'bad' gas is back... with a vengence. Social activities (not many of those) I am keeping outside, no matter how cold and wet it is (describes most of summer we had here this year). All in all, feeling really bad, both physically and emotionally. And those on here who know me knows that really isn't me. Anyway, smoked for two days.. stopped.. didn't bleed for two. Now the bleeding is back... The amount of bleeding and the nature of it leaves no doubt that its from fresh ulcerations... and the mixture of dull N bright red is an indication its from various parts of the colon. Still haven't given up hope the remission is totally at an end... nor that I can get it back on track AND not use cigarettes to keep me out of the woods. But my level of optimism is really low.
Well, I hate to say it, but if you were smoking a whole heck of a lot before, and now you are just doing 2 cigs a day, then that still is better for you. If 2 cigarettes a day help your symptoms, then maybe it's worth it. Heck - all the Crohn's meds have side effects anyways, your Crohn's meds are cigarettes.
Are you being treated for Crohn's or UC? I can't remember. UC is supposed to helped by smoking. I heard a panel of docs say it at a Crohn's/UC symposium. I would never recommend smoking, but in your case - I just don't know. It's not like you're smoking 2 packs a day or anything.
(Don't everybody go yelling at me. It's my opinion.)
Well, just to clarify.. the 'dosage' is about 6 - 8 cigarettes a day.. me, I've opted to go with 3 cigarellos a day.. the smoke smells like chocolate, and .. they're cheap

It stopped the bleeding.. while I smoke.. I may do extended experiments to see what happens.. Yes, I'm am down.. Trying this soo sooon.. just totally idiotic. If I can get it to stop ,stay stopped, and for my symptoms to gradually reverse, then fine.. will kick my ass good N proper then. In the meantime, just scared..
Thanx everyone... Its just... OK, I knew I was taking a gamble, but I really hated the smoking... and... welll, guess the fact that I had.. sailed... breezed.. survived everything else that had gone on.. I dunno... filled me with false confidence that I could just skim thru this as well.. Something made quitting a snap. Now here I am... right back almost to where I started... except my LDN doesn't seem to be doing its magic this time... How'd that fable about the goose and the golden egg go? I'm beginning to think my old goose is cooked.
Kev said:
I'm beginning to think my old goose is cooked.

we going for cliche's here Kev? how bout..

dont count your chicks till the eggs hatch.

still got my fingers crossed for you big guy.
best wishes
Well folks.. My experiment with quitting smoking is officially ended.. I give up. I've smoked the last 5 1/2 days or so, and my bleeding is gone.. but apparently so may be my LDN remission.. Bleeding aside, apparently controlable/stoppable so long as I smoke (probably just my quirky combo/solo crohns/ulcerative colitis.. ALL my other symptoms are .. pardon the phrase... in the toilet. Energy levels down, I am beat all of the time.. pain levels way up.. my BM scale... 2's n 3's.. with 3 - 4 trips (and slowly increasing) a day. Add in that really bad gas.. AND last nite.. fever, chills, pains so bad I couldn't get to sleep.. Right now, there is no joy in mudville. I had one brief glimmer of hope.. my BM scale hit a 4 on tuesday.. but declined wed and seems intent to stay at those levels.. Sooooo, tho resumimg smoking has stopped the bleeding, it has not resurrected my LDN remission (so far anyway).. Wondering if my current job is just too much.. or if the stopping smoking tipped things out of balance.. But I can roll those over N over in my head, .. I don't and probably never will know for certain WHICH.. or if BOTH.. are to blame. Actually, guess I'm to blame for this mess.. So, I'm not going to add any more to this thread.. those of you who have had better luck, or were inspired to quit or try, are welcome to 'hijack' this and keep posting. Think I'll start another thread (if REM doesn't sue) entitled:

"Losing my remission" Yeah, I know.. but its the best I could come up with, OK
"thats kev in the corner"

just remember Kev, quiters are losers:D welcome back to nicotine world!

and yet again, the elusive cure eludes us......
No Kev it is not okay...not okay with me for you to let things go.
Please let me know when you're going to see your doctor...
you have made an appointment no?

You have been, and still are, an inspiration to all of us here at the Crohn's Forum.
Please don't let this set-back, flare, whatever you want to call it
keep you down!!

Please tell me you are going to the doctor! :confused2:
my doc is about 75% sure that he's going to let me try LDN, and before i start it, i to want to quit smoking. but i'd like to be off them for at least a month first.

if this crazy disease has taught me anything, its to only make one alteration to my life, drugs etc one at a time and give it a while to settle before making another change.

it wont be concrete evidence that one particular thing does or doesnt work, but it should be easier to tell.

and yes Nancy, he is an inspiration to us.

thanks Kev.

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