Random Fever?

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Jan 12, 2013
I got my first Remicade infusion today, and before they put the IV in they took my vitals and my temperature was completely normal. They gave me two tylenols and an allegra for premeds, and then when they took my vitals again before starting the Remicade my temperature had gone up to 101. I felt completely fine, and they started the medicine after calling and asking my doctor. My fever stayed between 99 and 101 the entire time, and the only thing the nurse kept asking was whether or not I was sensitive to the allegra. Has this ever happened to anyone before? I figured it was just nerves, I didn't feel off at all!
I have a fever every time I go in for my remi infusion. It stays the entire time as well. I also get random fevers in between infusions. I have no idea why, but they definitely come from being on remicade. I was off of remicade for eight months and no fevers. My GI says it is not a big deal and to take Tylenol. I was worried about it at first, but remi works so well for me it seems to be worth it.
Since you're saying the fever occurred before the remicade and you aren't sick, it was probably nerves or something. Keep an eye on it though. If you are sick, the remicade's immune system knock could make it worse.
I have actually never heard of this before.
My daughter did have a whole week of a temperature out of the blue and then it was followed by a flare.
I will take note that this is somewhat common with Remicade.
thanks for the info.

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