Random fevers and exhaustion

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Jan 6, 2010
Thanks everyone who PM'd me here and on Facebook to check in on me. :) It definitely made me feel good to know people were thinking of and worrying about me. Well not worrying about. I don't like people to worry about me, but nonetheless...

There isn't a whole lot of exciting to report. Basically, I'm just biding my time until my follow up with the doc on the 17th. Honestly, I can't wait for it. I am so ready to start feeling better... feeling human. My body is, well, idk. I'm still finding myself with random fevers from time to time. Like not being sick, fine all day till like 4-5pm then randomly running a fever of 101 for the night, then normal the next day again. Exhaustion has claimed me lately. The frequency/urgency hasn't abated, and the bleeding still comes and goes. Basically, nothing's different. Some days are okay. Some days are terrible.

Other than that, I've been trying to get myself to the gym regularly. I may be exhausted and not feeling well, but it's helping me mentally at least. There have been a couple close calls at the gym, but it's still seeming worth it to me. Even on the days when the pain is really bad, I've been able to motivate myself to do at least a little bit, even if it's just bicep curls with very light weight. IDK how to explain it. It helps my spirit though, which is major for me. That helps make the physical a bit more tolerable.

The pain, well, I do my best to plow through it. Some days I can. Some days, I can only do bare minimum before curling up in bed or on the bathroom floor trying to ride it out.

So, basically just waiting for my appointment. And if that doesn't go well, I have the name of a GI that helped someone else I know. She said they never found anything clear-cut for her either and she struggled to get a dx, but he's given her a life back. So I'm trying to keep hope. :)
Hang in there kiddo, it is difficult to wait and finally start to get some normalcy in your symptoms. I really hope you do get the help you need. I am glad you gave us an update, just because we do wonder how you and anyone else disappears for a spell being ill. You can never give up hope. Take care!
Oh my...I'm so sorry your feeling lousy (I'm sure that is not a strong enough word), Jetta is always so good at making you feel better. I hope you find some relief soon....Sue ((((HHHUUUGGG)))
Sorry your feeling rough :( Hang in there until the 17th and I hope you get feeling better soon!!
Sorry to hear you're feeling so horrible! I hope your appointment on the 17th is successful and you get on the road to feeling better. Take care...
Don't give up.....
Fingers crossed your appointment goes well....if not, I am glad you have a back up plan.
Hi my.december, glad to here from you and that you are still fighting . I hope everything goes good on the 17th. Got my fingers crossed for you.
Welcome back - Hope you appt goes well and you start feeling better soon.

Are you still not smoking? Has the quitting smoking been helping you in any way?
Thanks everyone! :) I'm staying positive and refuse to lose hope on this one. We're going to figure me out. And if this doc doesn't manage to do it, well, onward and upward and someone else will. The bleeding isn't normal. The pain isn't normal. So no matter what, there is SOMETHING, and dang it, we're gonna fix it. I don't care how.

And yes Steve, I am still a non-smoker. Yay for being nicotine free! :) 3 weeks tomorrow. Haven't seen a difference from it, but it is what it is.
Dealing with a bad flare up and quiting smoking :) well done for you!!
Not an easy thing too do I'm glad I quit years ago as I doubt I'd be as strong willed as you seem too be too cope with a bad flare an quit

chin up and as imp says "jus keep swimming!!"
You are a fighter, to be ill and quit smoking, dont lose hope, relief will come soon, I promise!
Hang in there. This disease has its ups and downs, but the persistent will find a way to get along. You are a tough cookie.

Thanks everyone. Surprisingly, quitting smoking was rather easy. Extremely easy in fact. I hate saying that because I know how much people struggle with it, but I had an easy go of it. I took the Chantix for about 3 weeks total, quit a week and a half in, and once I set my quit date, it's been so easy. I'm lucky I guess. And stubborn. Very stubborn.

Today's been a bad day. I'm having a lot of pain, both abdominal and on my toosh. :( I SO want to get to the gym tonight, but idk. It hurts. I did, however, snap a picture last night of what I'm 99.9% sure is a fissure. (The other .1% is in case it's something else as it did look like it was draining some). So I intend to show that to the doc at my appointment next week. It hurts, and I'm not cool with hearing there's nothing going on down there. He said he saw nothing at the scope when I'd seen stuff right before it, and here I see the fissure. And FEEL it.

So yeah, fun stuff. I'm rambling.
Congrats on quitting smoking. How frustrating that the doc says nothing is there. Insist that there is. Good luck at your appointment next week, you have a good attitude trying to stay hopeful =)
I'm in awe at your strenght to quit the smoke Sticks. I sure was wishy, took years.
With all going on, you could justify smoking easily if you chose to.
I was fortunate to have a (Mountain Dew induced BM) the morning of my Last visit to the Surgeon.
He could see what I had been Feeling Easily.
I don't know if this helps?
Wish you the best
Hi mydecember
I've missed this thread, so sorry
thinking of you at this horrible time, and hope you get some relief soon AND answers, stay focused, stay positive. You sound so strong, I'm sure you will.
Joan xx

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