I have been on Remicade for about 10 months now. About 2-3 months after starting remicade, I had to reintroduce it because it stopped working when I was down to taking it every other month. Around the same time, I ended up getting red bumps all over my body. Sometimes they itched, sometime they hurt (when you pressed down on them). Some (not all) had white heads. The dermatologist diagnosed it as folliculitis. The only thing that seems to get rid of it is a strong antibiotic celephexin. Recently, I just got a rash in the middle of my back. It seems to come and go. Again it is a tiny bit itchy, and raised a little bit, but not too bad. I am positive that the rash and folliculitis is related to the Remicade. The dermatologist originally gave me creams (metronidazole, steroid cream) to treat the folliculitis, but they don't work. I have had Crohns for 16 years (most of my life) and have never had these side effects. Other dermatologists have also diagnosed me with ezema and dermatitis before. Before taking Remicade, I took Cimzia which would wore off after a couple of months. I am currently trying a holistic approach where I have eliminated a lot of foods from my diet to try and get off this Remicade. When searching online, information on Remicade has mentioned psoriasis (red scaley patches) may be a side effect.