Rash :/

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Mar 15, 2011
I have developed a rash on my face! only on my face and its really really dry.

Im on 6MP 30mg, Pred 40mg, Tramadol 100mg 3times a day and omeprazole 40mg.

its like hundreds of tiny spots, they arent red, and alot are under the skin. Its been about 4weeks now and nothing i put on my skin is making it go away!

The doc said that sometimes people can get skin conditions with a crohns flare, iv had may flare ups before, alot of them far worse than this one, but iv never had a rash!

has anyone else had anything like this? and does it go away!?!? help!!!!:eek:
Any chance on seeing a dermatologist? Both 6MP and Prednisone can cause rashes. How long have you been on them? Any chance of taking a picture? You don't have to show your whole face if you don't want to but I know some people have posted pictures before and it might help other people better understand what you're dealing with (they may recognize it as well).
sounds like an allergic reaction to something you may have eaten or drank. I have found that will sometimes happen if I have sugar (candy), or corn or some other items. I increase my water intake, do cardio (treadmill 20/min) and eliminate some foods. That seems to turn it around.
unfortunatly i cant upload pics at the moment. I have been on pred and 6mp since last feb, i came off both in sep last year then started both again feb of this year, but the rash has only been for 4 weeks which is when i found out i had a sever ulcer in my bowel. Its the first time my crohns has caused an ulcer that bad and its the first time iv ever had this rash.

i did suffer eczema when i was little but this isnt like that. Sorry to be so vague, they are super dry bumps all over my face, no moisturiser is helping. i just wondered if there was any vitamin supplements i could take along side what im on? im abit scared about taking anything unless people are on exactly the same and are ok taking other things too.

I have found coconut oil (very inexpensive jar you can get in almost any grocery store and you can get organic as well) to relieve escema. Dries mine right up and will flake away. Some people ingest it as well, but i slather it on before bed and after showering.
thanks :) it might well be eczema, iv never has it on my face so wouldnt know what it would look like. i wondered if exfoliating would make it worse or better? to get all the dead skin off? x
i only use caster sugar to exfoliate with anyway, i never buy the products. maybe il give that one a miss then, thank you x
I've not long came off pred and to start with I had a spotty rash on my chin, 2 weeks later and its full blown red, dry and sore all over my chin. I'm going to the docs this morning to see if they can give me something for it. I'll let you know!
Apparently I mixed up my appointment time (which I don't think I did....) but anyway can't get a doc to see me until Wednesday. However that wasn't the only thing I was going about and ended up just calling my IBD nurse. I had to go into hospital and all tests done n whatnot but the outcome was...I have adrenal suppression from coming off the pred. So back home with a low does of pred- 10mg for 2 weeks. I asked about a cream for my face as yesterday it was so sore and inflamed. He said i's due to coming off pred and it should get better with the pred. I took the 10mg last night and this morning my face is miles better. Sorry that's probably not the answer you were looking for (back on pred) but be aware of adrenal suppression. I kept being sick and my joints were extremely painful.
Hope you get relief!
thanks for letting me know your outcome KayleighK, glad your face is better :) pred just seems to be one of those things that is going to be in my life for a long time, im on 35mg atm, but lets see what happens. i think its strange that its just my face though, the rest of me is fine, not even got dry skin anyway let alone a rash. but my face is ghastly, its stopping me going out, although my boyfriend says its not that bad, but when you'v had perfect skin all your life (im not being big headed but iv never suffered with spots or anything) then when something like this comes up its even more noticeable. just want my nice, smooth skin back :( x
Yeah I'm the exact same. Hardly a spot and then this?! I don't have it anywhere else either just my face. I go out forget for a while then catch the sight of my face in a window or something and i'm like ahhhhh! It will get better just so horrible to go through. try a steroid cream if it refusing to clear. I was on 40 for 6 months then came down to 30mg then reduced 5 each week. My skin is so itchy going back on pred though!!
its nice to know someone else has got this too and that it does get better, even though im sorry you had to go through it too! any steroid cream in particular? im going to tesco tomorrow so is there anything i can get over the counter at the pharmacy?yea your right, not spots, but are, we know what we mean :p xx
Budesonide seems to be a good one, but I'm sorry I'm not sure you can get it over the counter. I don't see why you couldn't though!

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