Reactions to sun while on Remicade?

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Apr 7, 2010
New York, USA
Has anyone else had a reaction to sun/sunburn while on Remicade? I never used to have a problem, then while in the Bahamas, toward the end of our trip I developed bumps on my arms - they were itchy, not really like pimples but that sized...and were ALL over my forearms.....

A thte time, I attributed them to a reaction due to the blood pressure medication I was on, but now I have been off that for a few weeks, and got a little sun burn yesterday...this morning, my arms are 'broken out' again. Not as bad as in the Bahamas.....I did make sure I put sunscreen on this morning in case I'm outside today for work.....
"This medicine may increase your chance of having a lupus-like syndrome or a liver disease called autoimmune hepatitis. Check with your doctor right away if you or your child have dark brown-colored urine, fever or chills; a general feeling of discomfort, illness, or weakness; joint pain; light-colored stools; nausea and vomiting; a rash on the cheeks or arms that is worse in the sun; severe tiredness; upper right-sided stomach pain; or yellow eyes and skin."

It may also be hives (listed as a side effect). Either way it's a good idea to inform your doctor about it just to be sure/get peace of mind.

Edit: I was told to limit my sun exposure while on Humira and Remicade.
Weird thing is this year is the first time I've seen this with all the years I have been on remicade.
I could...just a pain in the rear to get there.....I'm waiting to see right now if it is going away - and trying to stay out of the sun in the meantime.....most of the bumps are still there, but slowly going away.....

argh! I have soooo much work to do outside...time to pull out a couple of lightweight long sleeved shirts!
I don't have crohns (son does), so not on any med myself and I get EXACTLY what you describe whenever I'm in the sun down south (and, I am Portuguese and olive skinned...). First time it happened to me, 20+ years ago, I was in Mexico; since then, it's as if that first occurrence left me susceptible to it again and again! :ymad: Always on top of forearms, a bit red, bumpy, pimply-like and itchy! And, feels worse the more often it's exposed to the sun!

I've been told it's a 'sun allergy'??? But, rarely, if ever happens to me here, at home, in the summer (I guess the heat/sun is stronger down south). In Mexico, I was told to rub lemon on it (didn't seem to help much), cooling it down helps (ie cold water or rub an ice cube on it) and aloe vera seems to help. Once it starts, try to keep the area out of the sun, ie try to position your forearms in the shade of a table or toss a towel over top...

I'm not sure what heat rash or prickly heat looks like??? described to a T what my forearms looked like! Looks better this evening, took benadryl again tonight.....will see what it looks like tomorrow. Thanks all for the input so far!
The two possibilities suggested are the one that seems the more probable. No later than today a friend showed me a picture of her sun "allergy". She had it in the past but did not had it in a long time. We are in canada, she was in hawaii when it happened. I don't know if the difference in radiation can make a difference and make it burst but well, it did. It looked like inflamed mosquito bites or something like that, many of them all over her hands. It got better with antihistamine and well, shade.

For what it is of the lupus-like syndrome, I had sun reaction with humira. It was more like discoid patches and it turned out flacky afterwards...

I would try to get it checked by a dermatologist though.
I never tried to take benedryl or anything for it... let me know if you find something that helps! ;)

But, my daughter has used a benedryl gel for an itchy rash she sometimes gets... never crossed my mind to try it on the sun rash??? If you find the benedryl 'pill' helps, perhaps the gel would give more immediate relief??
Well, I got a call back from my GI's office, and am supposed to get a call from scheduling to go in next week. Doc wants to check for problems, possible lupus etc.....I was out missing the yard today, but I did use some sunscreen this morning.