Reading for a while - About time I jump in

Crohn's Disease Forum

Help Support Crohn's Disease Forum:

Oct 27, 2011
Hi Folks,

I have been reading this forum for about a year ish I reckon. Thought it was about time I jumped in and said hello...


The names Dave and I have Crohns Collitus. Currently in a flare up which has been relatively bad, but nothing like when it really kicks off! I have come close to really seriously ill on three ocasions now, through low blood counts. So even though currently ill, I see it as kind of ok?? But I wont go into my troubles here. Not yet anyway.

Anyway, I am still loving life and just get on with things as they come along. I am origionally from the UK but now live in New Zealand.

I have a great many interests and generally have an insight into most things. Always keen on spreading the word and helping out were ever I can. I like to shed a bit of houmor onto subjects, so forgive me if I seem happy a lot of the time!

Well, best go see who is grumbling and see what advice I can get for my gripes!

Cheers for now

Hello Dave and welcome to the forum :bigwave: I assume your doc is aware of your current flare? What meds are you on for your crohns and what is now being done to get you better? Glad you have decided to join and I really like your positive attitude :)

Thanks folks!

Yep my Doc knows the full story, I have been admitted to hospital twice and through my Southern Cross cover I have had private CAT scans and Up Periscope sessions!

Always on the old ASACOL 400mgs. I take 4 on morning and 4 on evening every day to help with remission. When I I have flare ups I normally get lashed into the Pred and am currently on 40mg a day of that stuff. I also have the Pentasa Enimas, but no point in then just now with current flushings! BUt will get them pumped up in the next few days I reckon.

My problem is currently it keeps coming back about every three months. So we are going to look at alternatives after I manage to get back to specialist (there are none where I live by the way). I am thinking about them jabs that I hear of??



PS> Still happy and laughing!! ;)
Hi Dave :) I'm glad you finally said hello!

If your Crohn's keeps coming back every few months, maybe it's time to try something a little more powerful?

Take care bud!
Its good to be able to talk with people that actually know whats going on. If people actually knew what soem of us go through they would be horified. I tend to play over it with friends and work mates. No real sense in making them feel uneasy about it.

I really do make a bit of joke abut the whole situation. I suppose in cases its laugh or cry! I always find laughing the best option!

Be happy folks!!

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