Really swollen gums and mouth ulcers

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Mar 3, 2015
In all corners of my mouth my gums are really sore and swollen and I have a couple of ulcers dotted about my gums. I'm still undiagnosed but my stomach has been quite bad over the past week or so. Can swollen gums and mouth ulcers be related to IBD? P.s. I've been for a check up at the dentist recently and got a clean bill of health.
yep. I get ulcers in the back of my throat a lot. My gums tend to bleed when I get low on certain vitamins.
Yes they can, I had really sore ulcers at the back of my mouth when I was flaring which made it hard to eat and speak properly. My nurse gave me some steroid tablets to dissolve in my mouth which seemed to help. Hope you feel better soon.
Yep. In fact I think it was my first symptom. I used to get mouth ulcers a lot as a teenager but it wasn't until my 20s that I had abdominal pain.
I am undiagnosed at the moment due to having no health insurance or finances for testing, but I have all the symptoms of Crohn's. Since my early teens (I am 25 now) I have had periodic flares of mouth sores- anywhere from 3-10mm in size, white in the center and red around the area. They are one of the most painful things I have experienced, especially when eating acidic foods. Since my gut symptoms have started to get worse in the last 5 years or so I noticed that the mouth sores always show up when I have a flare up. They are also brought on by stress- recently I started a new job (a stressful experience as I also experience generalized anxiety related to working) and sure enough, within the first few days of work I had a new sore pop up on my inner lip. My gums swell sometimes too, I have found that I cannot floss as this makes them swell and bleed every time. I use a waterpik instead. Orajel if your friend for the sores!