Recent bowel resection...

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Mar 24, 2011
Hi there,

I have recently just come out of hospital following an 8 week stay. I went in with serious abdominal pains, like trapped wind but ten times worse. It turned out I had a perforated bowel quite high up, resulting in it being removed and a stoma being created due to the amount of crohn's making it risky to re-join the bowel together immediately. 6 weeks later, after a dye test revealing 3 chronic strictures in a row and one other stricture a little further down the bowel, I had the stoma reversed and the strictures removed, with the doctors removing 90cm of bowel. I have recently returned home after having the all clear from the hospital, however the scar is taking a while to heal as it opened a little bit and is still discharging (getting home visits from the district nurse every day to change dressings).

The reason I am telling you my story is because I'm having a little trouble worrying about the future, and also going back into hospital. I'm 19 years old and being away from my family and friends for so long was upsetting - I coped okay when I was in there but coming out, I feel anxious about going back in and other things happening. I've been told that there's no point in worrying about the future since it hasn't happened yet, which has made me feel a little better, but I just wanted to talk to people who have been through it and know the same feelings I am feeling.

I'd also like advice on whats the best course of action to take in order to promote remission - this was all such a shock but I had been feeling ill for months before and hadn't done anything about it. Next time I feel even the even bit iffy, I will be straight on the phone to my IBD nurse, but I would like to know what other people have done which has prolonged remission.

Many thanks,
hi there,

i can identify with the anxiety, although i had to admit after having my first surgery i did make the silly assumption i was cured and life, finally, would go back to being what i would have called normal. Silly me, yes, mine came back. however, there are plenty of people on here that live in remission for years on end, oh, and the meds are better these days.

Can't quite rember who but someone on here has the most wonderful motto in their signature. "you can't change the past but you can ruin the present by worrying about the future" i popped that one on a sticky notelet for me to peruse each day. try it.

best wishes

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