Recently diagnosed with Chron's

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May 7, 2012
Hello, my name is Aron, I'm 17 and I was diagnosed a week ago with Chron's. However it does not seem to be that bad compared to some stories I have heard, and the swelling is only really in the Ileum. I have been suffering from diarrhea for something like four years. Two years ago it started to get worse in that way that it started to get increasingly difficult to keep my bowel movements put, I would have to rush to the bathroom and sometimes change the sheets (and more) on my bed. A year ago there as a bad incident on a camping trip (I won't go into details) and since then I started taking serious action. I went of gluten with no avail, and then lactose with a lot more promise. After a couple of months my stools were almost normal but they did fluctuate and the doctor made me take tests including a MRI and a colonoscopy where I was diagnosed. Now the doctor has me on steroids and some kind of anti-swelling drug and I am feeling fine. However the reason for this post is I want to know what I can expect in future, how it will affect me and really all information you care to give.
Thank you
Aron Jónasson
Hi Aron

It sounds like your meds are getting you back under control. You are likely to encounter flares and then periods of remission. You'll most likely need to take meds to keep the inflammation under control even when you are not flaring. Hopefully your remission periods will be long! What anti-swelling meds are you on?

Thanks Bev, the meds I am on are Pentasa 0.5g, currently 3x2 a day, then 4x2 a day after a week. Also the steroids are Entocort 3mg 3 a day. I would like more information reguarding the flares. How likely are they to flare, how bad and for how long do you think is likely. I like to think that my Chron's is not as bad as it could be, and I am surprised how well I took the news but I don't want anyone to sugar coat anything.
Thank you again.
I have two sons, 22 and 17, so I know how hard it is to follow a really healthy diet at your age! But, that is the one thing you can control. Stay away from the foods that you dont handle well. They are different for everyone, and eat the things that you can tolerate well and are healthy for you.
You can get a grip on Crohns- sometimes that grip may slip but, by keeping your self as healthy as you can you will do much better when or if you have another flare!

Good luck-
