I get what you're trying to do. And you're so right to research what will work for you under the circumstances that you deal with rather than just acting through denial of your situation. You are acting with more maturity that most 15 year olds who can just go out and experience whatever they'd like without the same consequences as you (although, keep in mind they may very well face consequences as well!). And, give YOURSELF some credit, your boyfriend may be supporting you, but it sounds like you're trying to be sensible here, at the end of the day, he's not going to 'let' you do anything, it'll be your decision to make.
So, although I am a mom now, long, long ago I was also a teen! LOL You've heard all the 'omg, horrible things will happen to you' :hallo3: stories from here, your parents, doctors, etc., so let's just get past that (altho they MAY not be wrong!)... I heard all those stories too as a teen but I also knew that many people can dabble in drugs, alcohol, etc. and will be absolutely fine, responsible, healthy, smart people years later. (We'll even leave out the Crohn's issue for now...) BUT, what I know now, that I didn't know at 15 is... what if you're NOT one of them? You're no different/better than anyone else. I learned that through my son's diagnosis - the 'oh, it can't happen to me/us' did happen to me/us! :frown:
There's no denying that drugs alter your consciousness, your decision-making abilities, etc. (otherwise, why take them, right?). So, what if you make a silly, dumb mistake? What if you buy something that is laced with some chemical that reacts with your body (with or without your current meds)? Your first joint (is that what they still call it?:redface
of the night may be from the 'pure' stuff from your friend, but what about the second and third, when you're judgement isn't all there? What if you think you're in control of a situation and, in reality, you're not? Accidents happen, no one 'plans' an accident. What if you put yourself in a position where someone else can harm you? Everyone's your friend when they're partying with you, right? :mario2: Hey, they're just having a good time like you. But, unfortunately, not everyone is like you. Unfortunately, you'll just have to trust me here - this is something you learn as you get older. I'm sure you're much more aware of life's 'dangers' today than you were at 5years old, and you'll be more aware at 25 than you are now (and then you're just friggin' paranoid by the time you're my age! :shifty-t: ).
A little while back (just outside of Toronto), a 15 year old boy took his dad's car in the middle of the night, picked up a couple of friends and they went driving and partying. How horrible was that? Really, so he took his dad's car without permission... all he was doing was going to hang with friends and then take the car home before his dad woke up (I did that tons of times with a friend of mine - she took the car! :redface
. Okay, maybe something to be grounded for but not an 'OMG, go to jail for life' type of thing, right? He got stopped for some minor traffic infraction and showed the police officer a friend's license. The officer questioned him and the boy panicked and took off. Unfortunately, the officer got caught in the car and was dragged, the boy panicked some more and lost control of the car. The police officer was killed and the boy is now paralyzed from the neck down and facing manslaughter charges. Really, do you think he planned this? One really simple, bad judgment call has COMPLETELY ruined his life, the officer's family's life and has taken the officer's life. What if you make a decision to experience some drugs and it turns out to be a simple, bad judgment call?
This is what I meant when I asked you in my last post to consider the risk - reward. Do you really think that in years to come, that kid is going to say, 'yea, I'm in jail, I'm paralyzed but, hey, we had tons of laughs before it all happened!'?
You have your whole life to experiences things (I know, so very cliche... :yrolleyes: ) but, it is true. Realize that by choosing to experience drugs, you may be indirectly choosing to miss out on lots of experiences later.
You really want to be mature and smart about this... seriously talk to your doctor. Not your parents, not your boyfriend, not even us - other than your doctor, no one else can truly give you the medical insight that you need. And, once you have your doctor's opinion, be responsible and act accordingly. At the end of the day, you will either act responsibly as you say you are trying to do, or you will choose to ignore your doctor's opinion, make a bad judgment call and then just hope for the best. :confused2:
I feel for you, really. It sucks that you can't just be 15 years old like everyone else... That you can't afford to make the same mistakes that other teens make, BUT, hon, maybe these choices that you're being forced to make now may actually help you in the long run...:ghug: