Recurring Fistulas and how to treat them?

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Mar 18, 2016
Hi Every one,
I am new to this site.Was just wondering if any one here keeps having reoccurring fistulars? And what medications can be used for fistulars? This is my third surgery and fourth fistular in 2 years please help.Thank You Christina
I have the beginning of several fistulas. The dr has done a cipro flagyl combo a few times and also started me back up on remicade
Hello Ron,
You said,you have a few fistulars back in the 90's and then none since then? I hope for you because I know I am on four of them. Any input about your experiences would be greatly appreciated.Thank You Christina
Hi Jaime,
Oh I am so sorry you have the beginning of many fistulars they are aweful so they gave you antibiotics a few times.What are there plans for you next?
Hello Ron,
You said,you have a few fistulars back in the 90's and then none since then? I hope for you because I know I am on four of them. Any input about your experiences would be greatly appreciated.Thank You Christina
In 1989, before I was diagnosed, I had a fistula. They did surgery and it took a long time healing. I had another one in 1994. They had to operate again. Three years later , I had one that disappeared after prayer and medication. My doctor's office said I have a history of fistulas. I hope they can get you on the right mixture of medicines. Let us know.
Hi Ron,
Thank you so much I hope they figure out whats going on with me.I hope you never get one again maybe the medicine you are on are keeping them at bay? So you have Crohn's? It's a aweful disease I feel bad for every one going thru this.I hope your weekend is going well and thanks for listening.I will keep you posted.
Hi. Yes. I have Crohn's and would not wish it on my worst enemy. I had an obstruction six years ago and had part of my stomach removed. Every few years, they have to switch some of the medicine around. I hope the best for you.
Hello Ron,
Yes,it's terrible what you went through and go through. They farmed me out to this Colorectal surgeon she said my fistulars won't go away and I need to learn to live with them.I was not to happy on how she was talking she says that's the way she is blunt.I will see how it goes with her there are not many colo surgeons around here.I am having a seton placed on the 13th I have had no results with my cat scan or stool tests they both came back negative and no inflammation,the surgeon said,unless you have a bad disease or your really inflammed Crohn's, won't show up on a cat scan.I had 2 colonoscopies one last year and one in 2014 she says I need to do another one with a biopsy.I don't know it's all a mess as I know you can unsterstand what I mean.Thanks for caring Christina
Hello Ron,
A update on my blood worked showed high antibodies I looked it up said people with Crohn's have this problem so looks like I can have Crohn's waiting on the doctor to call she was out on vacation Another doctor looked at the blood results.I hope your doing well just wanted to let you know thanks for listening....Christina
I had recurring fistulas, as many as six at a time. Tried the cipro/flagyl combo and I got peripheral neuropathy, but it didn't help the fistulas. I finally agreed to go on Remicade, even though I was afraid to. The fistulas started closing within a month and I haven't had any since. That was two years ago. I hope they stay closed, because fistulas are just awful.
Thanks for the update. I was rereading some of the posts here. I didn't like the attitude of the surgeon saying you just had to live with the fistula. I have had surgery on more than one fistula. I wish you the best.
I have heard some people mention SCD diet being of help.

Also for some hyperbaric treatment.

I also read a little bit recently about resistant starch and stem cell treatment.
And a friend had kshar sutra treatment.

best wishes.
What's your diet like? Stop eating the majority of fruit, any processed foods (organic or not), and get your hands on organic vegetables in the produce section. I don't take any meds for my Crohns anymore, but I do cook almost all my meals from scratch.
I eat a lot of raw nuts (soaked in advance so they are easier to digest), organic eggs, wild caught salmon, tuna, chickpea flour, bananas, berries, apple sauce. I also eat gluten free bread and potato chips, quinoa, brown rice

Do fruits cause you issues? I am able to digest low fodmap ones

How did you determine your diet?

Do you have inflammation in rectum area
I eat a lot of raw nuts (soaked in advance so they are easier to digest), organic eggs, wild caught salmon, tuna, chickpea flour, bananas, berries, apple sauce. I also eat gluten free bread and potato chips, quinoa, brown rice

Do fruits cause you issues? I am able to digest low fodmap ones

How did you determine your diet?

Do you have inflammation in rectum area

I would only eat (organic) almond butter, roasted preferably. Many of us Crohnies have an overload of toxic metals we should be detoxing of, and you don't won't turn add more to that burden with tuna or salmon (much higher in mercury compared to small sardines). You might like the sweet taste of berries, bananas, and other fruit, buy try to find vegetables to replace those with. Cooked sweet potatoes would be a nice transition.

"Because almonds are a fruit, that grows high in the air on a tree, they are very yin in terms of Chinese medicine. For this reason alone, they must be eaten sparingly on a nutritional balancing program.

Also, they are best eaten roasted, as this makes them much more yang in nature. It is true some nutrients are destroyed in the roasting process, and the oil is not as healthful. However, overall, the benefits of roasting seem to outweigh the disadvantages.

Also, as with all nuts and seeds, almonds are best eaten in the form of almond butter, rather than the whole nuts. The reason is that most people do not chew the nuts well enough, so the nutrition in them is not well absorbed. The nut butter should be as fresh as possible, preferably ground at the health food store, if possible. However, most commercial almond butter is fine, providing it is not eaten past its expiration date. Be sure to keep the butter or just almonds refrigerated to preserve freshness. Organic almond butter is best, but the regular almond butter is also okay if the price of the organic nut butter is too high."

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