Remicade/ i ready yet?

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Sep 28, 2011
Hi. After my most recent doctor’s appointment, I feel more confused as ever.

Crohn’s history: Beginning in February 2011, I noticed a number of symptoms that took me to many specialists. I have been under the care of a Gastroenterologist since July, and was diagnosed with small bowel Crohn’s 8/25. Since my diagnosis I have learned that I have been intermittently flaring and was prescribed Lialda and temporarily on prednisone. At my appointment on Friday, my GI said he’d like me to start IV Remicade and/or 6MP. In addition he’s scheduled an upper GI with small bowel follow through. For the next 2 weeks he’d like me to take Ciprofloxin and Flagyl. Being recently diagnosed, I never thought I’d be making a decision on treatment options this serious.

There are serious side effects to the advanced maintenance treatments and antibiotics mentioned above. How do I know if I really need to begin these treatment options? I would like to get a second opinion, but don’t know of any reputable GI’s in the Syracuse/Rochester area. I’d appreciate any recommendations of doctors from any of you. How do I know if my doctor is “good”?

My “triggers” have not been identified because of the frequent flaring. Now that I am off of prednisone, Ihave begun a food trial. I started with boiled or plain baked chicken and rice. Every 2 days I am adding as new food/drink. When I find foods that bother me, I will remove them from the diet and continue. Has anyone else ever tried this before? Was it successful? Any tips for identifying triggers?

Thanks for reading through this. I’m like many of you…confused, scared and looking for information.
This is just my thoughts but I would only go on the Remicade first, it is a potent enough drug to work on it's own and if you have a reaction you don't know what cause it.

As for the Cipro and Flagyl it depends on the doses but most people only go on it for two weeks to clear any infections before you start Remicade, so I think. As far as diet goes, everyone is different, but as a whole most dont tolerate dairy, and chew meats. Prednisone in my opinion should only be used if all else fails it is a nasty drug, especially long term.

Question your doctors suggestions, tell him how you feel because you have educated yourself on the drugs he is suggesting. All drugs have side effects of somekind.... you just have to pick your poison so to speak lol. Good luck keep us posted.

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