hello all. I just had my first dose last week. Had no issues bar nearly fainting when the nurse stuck the cannula in my wrist. Not sure why that happened as I am not scared of needles, and have had an IV several times before with no problems. Perhaps I was just nervous, I do know that I had a really high resting heart rate of 130 when I went in (was down to a normal 85 by the end of the infusion).
Now I don't want to jinx things but it appears as though it has had an effect already. My bowel movements are down to 1-2 solid, normal ones per day compared to 3-4 loose with some blood before the infusion. My appetite has also increased quite a lot (in fact I can barely stop eating), and also the huge number of painful ulcers that I had on my tongue (which I have had for the last 4 months or so) have been healing very rapidly and are now basically almost gone.
My Doctor also has me on methotrexate 15mg/week (which I also recently started) in order to protect the response to the remicade. Hopefully this will do the trick. I was on humira and azathioprine for a while, which worked for a few months, until the azathioprine started making me ill (I started to develop pancreatitis so had to stop it). When I stopped the azathioprine a few weeks later the humira stopped working as well and I had a massive flare. I am hoping I can tolerate the methotrexate properly because I don't want the same thing to happen. So far so good though, no ill effects from either of them so fingers crossed
