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Off to see the wizard part two today (was refused for my infusion on Friday due to UTI again ) been taking antibiotics and gallons of cranberry juice, so hopefully will get it done today![]()
Good luck.
Off to see the wizard part two today (was refused for my infusion on Friday due to UTI again ) been taking antibiotics and gallons of cranberry juice, so hopefully will get it done today![]()
Looks like we wont be Remi buddies on the 13th anymore spinnychick... got a call today that Im being put on antibiotics for a UTI, and the infusion will be rescheduled
Spinnychick, 6MP is similar to Imuran they are both in the thioprine family of drugs and are both immunosuppresants. Methotrexate is an immunosuppressant too but not in the thioprine family.
C had his infusion Monday and all went well!!Yay!
I have my 9th infusion tomorrow and I am not sure if I want to continue. I have been having a lot of problems the last two months, my docs want me to continue with the meds but I have been flaring and feeling really sick again. I am on Pentasta (remission drug) Imuran (immunosuppressant) and Remicade. I don't know why it seems to have stopped working. Does anyone else have these issues after a year and 3 months of Remicade. I am going to it tomorrow morning but it may be my last. UGH! Good luck with all of your infusions tomorrow!
I see you already get it every 6 weeks. What dose do you get. I was on 5mg/kg for 5 years every 8 weeks. Then they increased to 10mg/kg every 6 weeks. Just wondering if you are on 5mg maybe they could increase you 10mg.
Sitting here getting my infusion! 1/2 hour down, two hours to go! Hoping to feel better after this one, not like last time where I felt worse! How is everyone els doing today?
I'm going in 2 hours. Is your first half hour benadryl and a steroid drip? And then 2 hours of remi. This will be my second infusion and I pray to the remi Gods that I don't feel the nausea afterwards like last time. I would take pain over nausea any day!! Are people there chatty?
I've been "flaring" since diagnosed in May, nothing has worked yet, so hoping remi is my magic. Not impressed after the first infusion, increased bm's, increased pain, but hopefully another dose today will fix all that. I bring my tablet too, sugar free candies, and a book to read. We have a tv and movies too but nobody turned it on last time and I was too chicken lol.
We do too but I have yet to see the TV turned on during my infusion. I was in the same boat as you were a year and a half ago. But I finally got a taste of the good life after starting remi and now the flaring is killing me. I don't know which is the lesser of the two evils, staying sick or feeling better and then going back to being sick when you know what it is like to feel good again. I was pretty sick for about 5 years trying to get through on my own because I had some really bad medical doc experiences, being treated horribly and with no respect, crying after every appointment because they were so rude and abrasive, I had given up on doctors.
Glad to hear that it's been successful for you, and that you're on a much better path now. Part of me hopes to just get bumped up for surgery to get whatever cut out and then live life normally. It's hard, I have a few friends who "have friends" with crohn's, and there are so many people living normally, no meds, nothing, and they go years without a flare. Maybe one day I'll be like that too. :dance:
Dee, if they cut it out, the CD will grow back in the same area it was cut out from. You would need to eliminate your whole digestive tract for that! Infact, I just woke up with an ulcer in my mouthA HUGE ONE TOO!!!!
Katie, has your dr done the trough level yet? could be helpful. However, some people just...grow immune to it I guess. And you should find out the dosage. 5mg/kl is a normal starting dose, and can be tweaked from there. I havent heard from you in a while! Did you guys get snow down there too?? We were slammed!!!
All hooked up and ready to go... third and last loading dose today, and fingers crossed I start to feel some improvement!
Just getting the steroids.. then the benadryl... then the remicade!
Clinic is super busy today too... and short staffed. ugh.
Oh I know the feeling!! Its terrible isnt it???! I wont do scopes without sedation either...I hear, and FEEL everything. Its horrible. Ive been ok. Scrambling for the the holidays, but with all this dang snow!!! Not to mention the highs at 5 degrees!! Brrr! I just cant get out of the house! lol! I have gifts to send over seas, so i need to now...but...maybe tomorrow!!! lol
Had my 3rd loading dose his afternoon. And now appear to be experiencing something new... it started as numbness and tingling in both wrist... it then spread into my hands... over the past couple hours its slowly spread up my arms and to a lesser degree my feet ankles and calves.... any ideas?!
2nd infustion done!! But wow, as soon as they started it and for approx 12 hours, I was sooooo gassy. My stomach sounded like there was a dragon living in it, non stop gurgling, drove me nuts. Seems to have dissipated now. This ever happen to anyone?
Thanks for the advice! It's much appreciated!
It was a long night of no sleep thanks to the tingles... but they seem to have gone away as of this morning... so I feel a bit better now!
I was googling last night, and read the same things you are saying Chronette... everyone ended up getting MRIs and such to test for nerve damage, MS, and what not. I do have an appt with my GI next monday, so I plan to bring it up with her then... unless of course the tingles come back between now and then, in that case I will call!
2nd infustion done!! But wow, as soon as they started it and for approx 12 hours, I was sooooo gassy. My stomach sounded like there was a dragon living in it, non stop gurgling, drove me nuts. Seems to have dissipated now. This ever happen to anyone?
Did they premedicate you with IV methylprednisolone (steroids)? Every time I got Remicade I would get IV methylprednisolone and it caused a lot of smelly exhaust. I realized it was the steroids one time I was in the hospital because of a flare. Every time I got the IV steroids it gassed me up.
Oh I do love stomach parties! Everyone around me at work has gotten used to my "talking" stomach, lol. But you are right... the ones that hurt, are no party at all! I do agree that nausea is the worst! for some reason, it doesn't usually hit me until a day or two after the infusion... so right now I feel like im waiting out the storm!
I currently havea bladder infection, and they ended up letting me stay on my infusion for yesterday! So I am on antibiotics before, during and after my infusion. Im pretty sure so long as the doc ok's it, you are good to go for antibiotics.. just make sure who ever you go to knows you had the remi infusion!
There were actually 3 of us at the clinic yesterday on antibiotics for UTIs... we all had to get authorizations faxed from our doc to be able to go through with the infusion. The nurse of course found this quite funny, but I don't think I enjoy being called one of the "bladder club" lol
Ooof, no gas for me but I just got one with my first Infusion. I feel good, everything went fine without any reactions, and overall wasn't a bad process. There was a tv with cable and a DVD player in a private room, so next time I will have to remember to get a redbox movie to watch. Instead today I saw the coverage of the Connecticut school shootings and that made me really depressed and shocked, so hopefully another tragedy won't happen when I go back in 2 weeks. So sad!
Anyhow, just wanted to follow up that my first one went okay and I feel just fine now. Hoping this treatment gets all innards back to normal!
Spinny, hope the UTI clears up quickly!
Is it the Remicade that made everyone gain weight or Pred.?
Thanks everyone for sharing your experiences. My GI wants to start me on Remicade ASAP since I am allergic to 5-ASAs. It'll take a while to go through all the preliminary tests and get the results, though.
tots - That's my BIGGEST question, WHAT IS NORMAL? Will my weight ever stabilize? Will my hunger ever return? Will my bowel movements ever be normal consistency and normal frequency. (sorry to be gross) But what is normal? I feel like I've been in a contant flare since being diagnosed in May. But not knowing what normal is, how do I know if I'm flaring? It's sooo confusing lol
Maybe thing for me are normal now. 6 - 12 bms per day may be the new norm.