Wanted to give hope on "normal"
My son started remicade in August after almost a year of failing the other meds .
Shortly after the third infusion
He was able to have 1-2 soft formed BM a day without miralax( constipation was his issue since age two)
His vomiting, stomach pains, joint pains , fatigue, mouth ulcers , vasculitis ,
Rectal prolapse, temenusus , and blood are all gone .
He has gained weight and is starting to grow again .
The infusion takes a total of four hours - 2 hours for the actual iv.
Most adults I have talked to on remicade say they felt 100% back to normal by the 6 th infusion .
Since my son is so young and has been sick for so long I am not sure he has ever known what normal is but I think we are pretty close now.
Hi everyone. It's been a while since I've been online. I had my first infusion December 28th. During the infusion and for the rest of the day I was miserable, very sick to my stomach and a bad headache. I've had a headache since the infusion. I have seen no improvement and have had a really bad pain in the left lower side of my belly. The nurses at the clinic were very informative and very caring. They did tell me that since they have been working at the clinic, they have observed patients who have had bowel re-sections having less success with remicade. Once I heard this I was obviously disappointed and felt like my hopes had just went down the drain. After thinking about it, it made sense that I would not see the same results as someone who has all their bowel. I currently have about 9 inches of large bowel left and have had a few feet of my small bowel removed. It only makes sense that no matter what kind of drug I am on there is no way that my digestion is ever going to be normal or my bowel movements. I am still hopeful that the remicade will help with the ulcers, inflammation, pain and joint pain. My doctor told me that it may be a few months before I know the full effect it will have on me. Ok... that's my ramble for today It's nice to have a place to vent!
Hi guys! Love the infliximab gang! I started my remicade in September 2012. It's amazing stuff! Hope youve all had the same success as me. Does anyone have any info of using the infusion whilst pregnant? I'm concerned but hav been advised o stay on, thanks xx
tomorrow is the first infusion of Remicade I hope and pray I don't have any reactions
i have been on remicde for about 15 years
they say dont eat 3 hrs prior to the remicade,:stinks: and that made me fill so sick all the time that long time with out food:redface:
so ill snick in a few bites about 1hr befor my remicade but it has to bee blaaaa food and very little.
my tummy has gurgled all afternoon after infusion is this normal?
What happens when Remicade stops working? Has anyone had that experience. I'm being upped to every 5 weeks because of symptoms. I just wondered what else might be in Dr.'s bag of tricks.
mine is gurgling too, maybe our bellies are trying to communicate lol
LOL, I love you Dee!!! Your quirks make me smile!!!
Not half as much as I loves u!:kiss:
Second injection successful. Blood pressure a little elevated so I have to monitor that. I am on blood pressure meds so that might need to be adjusted. Tried to nap yesterday after my injection but felt like my heart was beating very fast. Does anyone know if elevated blood pressure and fast heartbeat might be a side affect of remicade?
FRancis or spinnychick,
do either of you pay for the remicade or a portion of it.
im trying to decide if i should stay on it when i move to Canada.
how quick would i get referred and seen by a GI if i did.
perhaps your right. im still undecided but if I take the risk and go of it and I end up very sick again, then where will I be? im considering staying on it and maybe going of it under the care of my new Canadian GI after another year or so.#
it a tough decision. I hope it doesn't affect my visa application, being on such an expensive drug.
Switched jobs and new insurance co refused remicade and want me on humira. My remi worker is going to file an appeal. Down 10 pounds in the past 2 weeks too but feeling okay other than a bit weak.
Thx AlliRuns. Being in Kingston, do you have an assigned remicade rep? I do here in Ottawa. When were you diagnosed with cd? Seems we joined the forum same time.
Yes, I have an assigned rep, she's pretty awesome. I get my infusions at an AIM clinic, though my hubby's cousin is a nurse at the GI clinic here and she said they also do infusions at the hospital. I'm not sure how it's decided who goes where.
I was diagnosed in November, though I developed my first fistula over 7 years prior to that, lived in 5 different provinces, but it wasn't until I moved to Kingston that I found a doc who was committed to figuring it out; one advantage of living in a city with a teaching hospital that has a GI program.
Wow you're really new to all this also. Is the remi working? How long have you been on it? I go to AIM also.
My GI is great, one of the best in the city supposedly. He's done wonders trying all sorts of different meds to get me into remission. I worked as a civilian for CF and was also married to a member of the CF. Would they really release you for CD? So many can still work just fine. Is your case really severe? How long have you guys been posted in Kingston? I just started remi a couple months ago and have had the first 3 loading doses and so far so good. Problem now is with other issues cropping up ... osteopenia, rheumatoid arthritis, anemia, etc. Have you lost alot of weight? Are you on a restricted diet?
My GI is great, one of the best in the city supposedly. He's done wonders trying all sorts of different meds to get me into remission. I worked as a civilian for CF and was also married to a member of the CF. Would they really release you for CD? So many can still work just fine. Is your case really severe? How long have you guys been posted in Kingston? I just started remi a couple months ago and have had the first 3 loading doses and so far so good. Problem now is with other issues cropping up ... osteopenia, rheumatoid arthritis, anemia, etc. Have you lost alot of weight? Are you on a restricted diet?
hi spinnychick.you mentioned rheumatoid arthritis.i started remicade in april 2012.i started out every 8 wks and my flares recently started getting closer and closer(every 4wks) so i started having infusions every 6wks.about 3 months ago i started having pain in my hips and this may sound strange,i also have pain in my pointer finger.it actually really hurts to bend my finger and REALLY hurts if i lightly hit my finger on anything.i kinda feel like a big wuss bringing this up to my doctor but im a little concerned it will get worse.i was wondering how long after you started remicade did you start having joint pain?and do you take anything for the arthritis?and how did they test for it?its strange we all get used to the normal pains we have and then a new one pops up.but i guess we all should expect the unexpected.
i recently started having my infusions every 6wks.my flares were getting closer together so my GI wants try this first.i did go every 8wks but a few months ago my flares were as close as every 4wks.this friday will be my second infusion at the 6wks,so i am praying this helps.Hello everyone with CD and on Remicade!
Just had my 4th infusion after a pretty bad flare, couldnt eat..so many symptoms etc.
Last infusion was on 19th dec and was due to have next on the 13th Feb (8 weeks) but 3 weeks later, symptoms came back and felt worse than ever! Spoke to the consultant and agreed to bring infusion forward, now scheduled for every 6 weeks. I had it a few days ago and feeling good so far!
Sorry if this question has already been posted (so many pages), has anyway had to bring infusions down to every 6 weeks due to symptoms coming back earlier?
I just hope I can make it through 5 weeks atleast!!
Sorry if this question has already been posted (so many pages), has anyway had to bring infusions down to every 6 weeks due to symptoms coming back earlier?
I did the infusion at a double dose every 6 weeks for about 3 years. They reason they did this is because of like you the symptoms were coming back sooner then 8 weeks.
i see you are on humira now.did remicade stop working for you?and has humira helped your symtoms?
Wonder why it is that remicade doesn't work once you go off and go to humira. Um, silly question, but how do you know if you're having a "flare"?
I'm on new insurance and they won't cover remicade but will cover humira so I think I have to switch. Have only had 3 loading doses of remi so don't think it's enough to develop antibodies to, hope not, as I hope to go back to remi as it is working for me. What constitues a flare though? (pain, blood, frequent BM's?)
heres what i dont understand with my insurance.there is blood work that can be done to check the levels of remicade in your system 1 week before your infusion to see if its wearing off too soon and my insurance doesnt cover that test.so my GI is winging it hoping that the 6wks will help.why wouldnt an insurance company pay for a test like this?doesnt make sense.you would think they would want you to get the proper dose and maybe not have the infusions as often as you do. Prometheus lab wanted $250 from me for the test.Damm insurance companies. Never thought about that one. I have to tell you when I first started remicade about 11 years ago. They stopped it after the loading doses because I had a strange reaction where my legs felt like I was being stuck with pins all the time. About 6 months later I was flaring so bad the started it again and I never had any problems with it for 7 years except adjusting the dose. I wouldn't doubt you could start it again at some point if needed.
Ack insurance companies! They drive me crazy...
Just found out my work is switching companies for health benefits come June... Going from Manulife to Green Shield... Gonna have to go through the approval process all over again for Remicade! Hope Green Shield doesnt have a problem with it