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- Oct 16, 2012
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Hi Everyone, I'm Juliet.
I'm joining the Remicade club. I start my first infusion next week. Any tips on what I can expect with my initial loading doses? 
Hi Juliet. :welcome:
They go really slow for your first infusion and check your vitals heaps to ensure you don't have a reaction. But if you don't react, the following infusions get quicker until it takes about 2 hours.
Personally, I find myself quite tired after the infusion - despite sitting in a comfy chair with a blanket, listening to music and sipping tea.
Don't expect to feel better immediately, most people find improvement after their 3rd-4th infusion. But best of luck, keep us updated!
Does anyone seem to have pain in every joint in their body? It seems like my ankles, knees, hips, wrists, elbows, shoulders and back never stop hurting.
Am I just falling apart or what?
Hi, I'm very new to remicade... Going for my 3rd loading dose tomorrow. One of the few things my doctor warned me about before getting started was that some people experience joint paint while on remicade and that it was treated simply with Tylenol.
I'd mention it o your doc and see what they say.
Best of luck!
Thanks for the reply...I have been taking Remicade for nearly 3 years and it just seems to be getting worse.
Plan to see my Gastro later this month to discuss.
Thanks again,
I spoke to my remicade nurse and she explained that a lot of people with bowel diseases also suffer from other inflamatory diseases... Like rheumatoid arthritis!!! She said that often remicade can exacerbate the symptoms. I have a call in to my doctor now, so I'm just waiting.
Jut wondering if you have heard from your doctor at all? I had my 3rd infusion last Tuesday and by Friday my joints were so sore I was in tears. I can't bend my fingers or wrists and my shoulders, hips and ankles are hurting so bad I can't even pick up my daughter. I'm having a hard time getting up and down the stairs... It just goes on and on.
I spoke to my remicade nurse and she explained that a lot of people with bowel diseases also suffer from other inflamatory diseases... Like rheumatoid arthritis!!! She said that often remicade can exacerbate the symptoms. I have a call in to my doctor now, so I'm just waiting.
Anyone else with a similar issue?
My appointment is 8/28 so I have not heard anything yet. Let me know what you hear.
I start remicade on Friday. My biggest concern is that I am allergic to all types of furry animals and the fact that this drug is made from mouse proteins makes me think I'm likely to react, not to mention my record with any drug hasn't been good. Is anyone else allergic to animals and taking remicade? The nurses and drs seem to just be waving off my concern, but seriously the only meat I can eat safely comes from animals of the feathers or scaled variety. Kind of nervous.
Thanks so muchI suppose the tiredness after will be a bit like how I feel after my iron infusions too. I usually feel pretty exhausted and sleep for a day afterwards. I'm pretty scared for my first infusion, but I'm also hoping this will finally be the thing that works for me after years of failed drug attempts.
So I just spoke with my doctor. He said that as far as the joint pain, it is a known side effect of remicade. He told me that normally they just recommend taking Tylenol.
In my case, he said that the only thing we can do is wait it out until closer to the next infusion to see if the pain goes away.
If the pain is more localized (just one or two area's) he recommended hot and cold therapy, unfortunately I've got way to many achy joints... I'd me sitting under a cold pack all day!
Hope that helps. Let me know what happens at your appointment on the 28th.
Has anyone suffered from itchy skin while on remicade? I've noticed since my last infusion that every time I shower the skin on my legs becomes so itchy it almost brings me to tears of frustration. There is no dryness or hives that I can see but it's driving me insane!! I've been applying an anti itch cream after toweling off and it seems to help a bit.
Anyone with a similar issue?
Yes!! I have had this a few times in the last month! I wondered if it was from Remicade. The thing is I remember having this problem when I was much younger( 41 now, 21'ish then) It was much worse then and did have me in tears...this time around it is frustrating but not as intense as I remember. So if Remicade causing it now, what caused it then I wonder?
It is the top of my thighs where it happens.
Alberta_sweetie, how did your infusion go?
Hoping that there was no reaction!!! xx
I have my first remicade infusion tomorrow morning. I'm freaking out. I'm absolutely terrified. My GI wants to give me a steroid as a pre-med which I have had a major reaction to before. He seems to think it won't be a problem but I'm still scared.
What can I expect during/after the first infusion? Is it true that I won't experience a reaction if I'm going to get one until the second or third infusion?
Jessie's mom,
Look for allergic reactions. hives , swelling ect. I just picked up on this club. I usually am on another Crohns board. Healingwell.com Some people do get Benidril just before the infusion. the schedule i started with was 4 weeks,4 weeks , 8 weeks, I did that for awhile. I noticed that it was starting wearing off about the sixth week, the 7th was rough and then Ii would get another infusion. I had the interval shortened to 7 weeks and then later to 6 weeks.
Now the side effects I experienced, Felt great the first 6 to 8 months. Then I Started to get the memory fog. It got pretty bad and I stopped the infusions at 13 months. I still experience the memory problems, but it is not a total loss. I did the neuro thing, what a waste of time. Doc told me that once I stop Remicade you can't go back for fear of antibodies.
But I have to say it was great while it lasted.
Does anyone ever grow immune to remicade, like to the point where it no longer works? I've heard that our bodies can eventually build up antibodies to the drug and it no longer does what it's supposed to.
Jessie starts her first treatment on tues I am so scared.and now she starting to flare bad,she hasn't flared in 5 years,and today is bad I am guessing it is because her mp6 med was stopped so we can start her on remicade.hoping it doesn't get worse before Tuesday, it is so hard for us with this because she never complains guess part of her disability ,she just shuts down when she flares any suggestions of what to do ,or info to tell me how to know if she is flarng
The periods of Active Disease are often called Disease "Flares" or "Flare-Ups". During Crohn's Flares patients are highly Symptomatic. The Frequency, Duration, Type of Symptoms and Severity of Crohn's Flares varies between patients.
She has had about 12 loose stools since yesterday, just sent a culture out. They stopped the mp6 drug because they said she couldn't take it with the remicade.she is still on her asacol
Well, had my second remicade infusion yesterday. Last night and today I felt beat, very tired out. Didn't happen after the first one, do wondering if this is kind of normal?
On another fun note, it took nine attempts to get a line in. Nine! The office Nurses at my GI are awfully nice, but nine sticks to land an IV. I was like a science experiment.
Ok, i spoke too soon about the bathroom time .. has anyone else noticed an increased amount of bathroom time when first starting Remicade?? or maybe after their infusion?? ..
They told me remicad and mercaptopurine together was not a good mix,but her being off of it is what landed her in hospital.c diff test came back negative,still haven't seen gi dr yet,I really hate hospitals on weekends
Jessie's mom said:
They told me remicad and mercaptopurine together was not a good mix,but her being off of it is what landed her in hospital.c diff test came back negative,still haven't seen gi dr yet,I really hate hospitals on weekends
"Although most reported cases of HSTCL occurred in patients treated with a combination of medicines known to suppress the immune system, including the TNF blockers, azathioprine, and/or mercaptopurine, there have been cases reported in patients receiving azathioprine or mercaptopurine alone," the FDA notes.