Remicade Issues

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Aug 22, 2008
While I was in the hospital after operations they tried remicade and my pulse jumped nad heart rate dropped so they stopped immediately. About a month later I was back in the ICU and they decided to try it again after being pre medicated then I went into cardiac arrest. I do not mean to scare anyone but I was wondering if anybocy has had negative reactions to Remicade. My Dr. is searching for another treatment and wants me to try Remicade again now that I have been out of hospital for over a year now but I am terrified and my husband says NO WAY!!! Currently I am taking Entocort and Bentyl. He tried Ascocol and Pentasa which did nothing.
I also had a reaction to Remicade I actually developed serum sickness from it after my third infusion. Until I called the doctor I thought that I was having a stroke I can't imagine going into cardiac arrest from it and then having my doctor suggest that I do it again. My doctor said that I can never have Remicade again so now I use Humira without any reactions. Good luck
Thanks for the response. I was not sure if anyone else had a bad reaction to it. It seems as though everyone loves what it does. I am going to ask about Humeria. So you have had success with that?
I agree with everyone else, do not let him give it to you again. You need to look into other options.
Cardiac arrest? Good God - I wouldn't just try and see what happened again with that one. Do NOT trust his opinion, it's your life not his.
You won't have Crohn's if you're dead - but that's not a good option. Sheesh.
(I'm yelling at your doctor, not you. Unbelievable.)
I developed BOOP due to Remicade or possibly from the Crohn's. The jury will be out for a lifetime. BOOP is Broncial Obliterating Organizing Pneumonia. This lead to a month long stay which included intubation, sedation for three weeks, open-lung biopsy, blood clot, filter, chemotherapy, and 1.5 years of steroid maintenance.

Do not try Remicade again. Reactions get worse, not better. Any doctor should know that.

I too am on Humira. No ill effects yet. I also haven't noticed anything good yet either. It, perhaps, hasn't been long enough.
Thank you all for your input. My dr is wonderful. He just mentioned it. He would pre med me more than last time and I would be in the hospital also just in case. He is fine with me saying no. He saved my life and I trust him 110%. What are downfalls about Humeria? I have to make my next apt with him soon and was going to mention it but wanted to educate myself first.
Hi Paulah28. I've been on Humira for 5 weeks now. My GI told me the downfalls of Humira are it lowers your immune response so you're more susceptible to weird and wonderful viruses/infections. He also told me the benefits far outweigh the side effects at the moment so I gave it a go. I've seen no improvements as yet, but am still hopeful!
No way would I try it again if you had cardiac arrest, pre-med'd or not!

I think Humira may be your best bet. Holy gosh.