When I went in to my doctor to discuss my treatment options he told me that if his wife was sitting in front of him asking what to do if she were trying to get pregnant he would tell her to try Remicade without any hesitation. He did not mention anything to me about remicade inhibiting an embryo from implanting so I can't really speak to that but what I can tell you is that Crohns does not make you infertile. I actually got pregnant 1 month after coming out of my first huge flare where I was actually diagnosed. I am currently 14 weeks pregnant and my OB doctor told me that everything looks fine and that was after my first pregnancy ending in a miscarriage at 7 weeks and then about 10 months of trying and no success. I had my first Remicade infusion at about 8 weeks along it seems to be working and neither my OB or GI doctors are concerned about Remicade. My OB actually told me that it can help prevent miscarriages and I think that is because it can help you stay out of a flare. Having two miscarriages I am sure weighs heavily on your mind and I know how I felt after my first so I can't even imagine what you are going through with multiple ones but try to stay positive and healthy. I know it is easier said than done but know that there is support on this forum for you and I will keep you in my thoughts. I know the struggles with trying to conceive and the stress it can put on you so please know there are others out there wishing you luck