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Jan 25, 2016
Hi I've been slowly watching my 20 yr old slowly struggle after 3 yrs on remicade his UC is great but his mental health is very worrying as we have attempted suicide , panic at tracks , anxiety , depression , aggression and it goes on ! He has an infusion every 8 weeks , really need to find out if it's the drug or his illness making him depressed
I am so sorry for your struggle. I struggle with severe anxiety and depression and know it can be common among people with UC and Crohn's. I am unsure if its directly from remicade but for me it has an indirect link to my anxiety. I get thoughts of scary side effects i read that causes panic attacks etc.... I hope all the best for you and son and hopefully someone on the forum has more of a scientific answer for you! :)
Have they done a brain MRI to rule out organic causes ?
Unfortunately mental health issues tend to happen /start in the late teens early twenties .
The genes also seem linked in some ways to Ibd or stress of Ibd not sure which came first
Has he seen a psychologist who is used to dealing with medically complicated folks in particular Ibd patients
Often the Gi department has one on staff

Hope you can get your child some help as well as answers
I am so sorry for the struggle your family is gong through, its so hard and 20 is a hard age
anyway. I am an adult but, not really. Your expected to know what you want to do with your life and sometimes you dont even know who you are yet!

I am on Remicade and I don't experience those types of problems, put me on steroids and
all bet are off!!

If I were you I wold call the drug maker and speak with them. Did you sign up with them for support?

I hope thing turn around very soon for you and your 20yr old!!


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