Requests for new medicine subforums!

Crohn's Disease Forum

Help Support Crohn's Disease Forum:


Feb 13, 2006
Naples, Florida
With the advent of our shiny new subforum modification, we're taking requests for new medicine specific subforums. If you'd like a subforum dedicated to a particular medicine, please reply here with the request.

Thank you :)

6MP/Mercaptopurine/Puri-Nethol? (all terms for the same drug).

It's very similar to Azathioprine/Imuran though - to be honest I'm still not sure why there are two drugs that are practically the same or how doctors choose between them lol.
6MP/Mercaptopurine/Puri-Nethol? (all terms for the same drug).

It's very similar to Azathioprine/Imuran though - to be honest I'm still not sure why there are two drugs that are practically the same or how doctors choose between them lol.

Perhaps rename the existing Imuran/Azathioprine to include 6MP? That would be my suggestion as the medicines do work in a similar way.
What about pentasa or other derivatives, seeing as thats a common drug to start on.

Maybe an area for off the shelf drugs (asprin etc) so people can post what works for them to help with pain, and also what not to take
It seems like stem cell is on the rise as of recent. I know that it's my personal treatment right now. Can we make that a subforum?
I'd like to see Amitriptyline please
Let me ponder that one for a bit please. I'll get back to you soon :)

6MP/Mercaptopurine/Puri-Nethol? (all terms for the same drug).

It's very similar to Azathioprine/Imuran though - to be honest I'm still not sure why there are two drugs that are practically the same or how doctors choose between them lol.
Let me research that a little and I'll get back to you.

What about pentasa or other derivatives, seeing as thats a common drug to start on.

Maybe an area for off the shelf drugs (asprin etc) so people can post what works for them to help with pain, and also what not to take
I think Pentasa definitely should be listed. It's one of the brand names for Mesalazine/5-ASA and there are a LOT of other brand names and derivatives. Thoughts on calling the forum Mesalazine/5-ASA and having all the Pentasa, Asacol, Lialda, etc threads in there?

I think an "OTC Meds" thread could be useful. Would that cover your second idea?
It seems like stem cell is on the rise as of recent. I know that it's my personal treatment right now. Can we make that a subforum?
Stem cells are super exciting to me but I'm not sure there's that many people here undergoing stem cell therapy at present (correct me if I'm wrong please!)? I'd like to avoid creating a subforum that only has 5-6 threads in it.

Thanks everyone, keep the ideas coming :)
It seems like stem cell is on the rise as of recent. I know that it's my personal treatment right now. Can we make that a subforum?
Howdy. I got to thinking about your request in the shower last night and didn't like my answer. So I created this thread which is stickied in the Treatment section. Do you think that will work for now and we can move to a subforum when there's more stem cell related activity on the forum?

The Diet section of the forum is called 'Diet, Fitness and Supplements', but yeah, maybe the things you listed could do with their own subforum? I don't know if it would belong under diet or treatments though - Dvaid's call :)
Yes, I agree with joshw2011 - a Tysabri forum would be great. I am on it and would love to know how many others on here are and what their response has been, side effects, etc. Thanks!
I just read in one of the Crohns newsletters that they are starting up a Phase III trial on Prochymal that was squashed a couple of years back. It has to do with adult human stem cells being infused. Keeping everyone informed about that would be wonderful.
Sorry for the delay! I have been traveling and fell way behind on lots of work. I'll get to this soon. I just didn't want you all to think you're being ignored. Sorry!
For those requesting a Tysabri subforum, I have created a Tysabri Support Club thread for now. If it gets popular and more people get on Tysabri, we'll be happy to create a subforum dedicated to it. For now, let's try the club thread. You're of course welcome to make personal threads dedicated to it if you so desire.

As for the other requests in this thread, please be patient with me while I figure out the best solutions. Thank you! :)
I'm with Dusty, I second the request for a 5-ASA/mesalamine/mesalazine subforum. That would cover Asacol, Pentasa, Lialda, Canasa, Rowasa, and whatever else I'm forgetting. It's like 5 medications for the price of one sub-forum! ;)
What about a subforum for drug trials of new meds?
What specifically do you envision when you say that? A forum for people to post about trials they are currently on? New trials people can join? Or?

how about Faecal Transplants/
I don't think there's enough people taking part yet. But a megathread with details about it would be a great start. Would you have any interest in starting that up?

I think an OTC thread would be useful too!

I'm thinking a stickied megathread with detailed information about common OTC drugs people utilize for IBD would be best. Thoughts on that?

Sorry again for the delays everyone. I'm finally about caught up.

*wipes sweat from brow*
I would also like to see some feedback about Sulfasalazine. My son was on it for years when he got diagnosed at 15 but when he turned 21 and had to see an adult GI specialist that doc took him off and gave him Lialda. He took it for 7 years and thought it did nothing since he was passing the whole pill in his bowel movement. His adult GI refused to give him a script for Alzulfidine. He decided to get a script for Sulfasalazine from our family doctor. I don't think you would consider that in the same class as 5-ASA. Not sure if there is a thread already on that.
New Threads

Amitriptyline has already been suggested and I would also like to see that thread. It seems to be prescribed for various reasons 1. antidepressant 2. pain relief for rheumatological symptoms 3. sleep.

Also it has been suggested that this helps with cramps during an attack, or maybe it just knocks you out so you don't feel them at night. Anyways I am getting on this drug and would like to share experience with others.

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