Returning to normal after surgery

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Nov 10, 2009
Hi everyone,

I'm after some advice if that's possible?

I had my surgery nearly three weeks ago and was wondering how long I should expect to wait before my bowel movements return to normal?
I haven't had this experience before, I had a Stoma after my first surgery and was seriously ill after my second so wasn't really aware of what was going on.

I was flaring a bit before my surgery, but my surgeon thinks he was able to remove what Crohn's there was, as well as the fistula (which was the reason for the surgery.)

I'm going probably 5-6 times a day at the moment, which has settled down from about 10-12 times. I'm getting a lot of urgency and it goes from being very soft in the morning to practically water in the evening.

Thanks in advance for any advice, it's much appreciated! X
Hi. I've had a lot of surgeries. Things started to settle down from 3 months on. Be patient, youve been through a lot.
Thanks DJW, I really appreciate the advice. That's cool, I won't expect too much at this stage then :)
Yeah, I guess I have! No wonder my body and bowels are protesting so much.
I think it depends what part of your gut you had removed. I can only speak from personal experience. Since my reversal in June 2011 I've been on 2 capsules of Loperamide a day. I saw my specialist before Christmas and mentioned that I still felt I needed to take the Loperamide to which he replied that with the surgery I had had he wouldn't expect my digestive system to ever return to normal! Not what I expected as clinically I'm in remission. It prompted me to put my thoughts down here -
Thanks for the input :) Every bit of info is so great!
I've had my terminal ileum removed, plus about 35 cm small bowel and 15 cm large bowel. I think I would expect for things to go through pretty quickly as I've lost my TI, but food has been going through me in about three hours since my surgery.
Strangely, today I have only been twice, which is different for me (in a good way!)
I have had two surgeries, one was to remove my TI only (20 cm)... this one removed the same area that was where the TI was, and another part... 40 cm this time around...

My surgeon said that it takes 6 weeks for things to heal inside... sometimes longer. While I am almost back to my normal activity (it's been almost 4 weeks since surgery), the bowel is still sore. I believe things will slow down in time... I forgot how long it took with my first surgery, but I am still having issues that vary day by day (some days more stool, some days less).
I saw my surgeon this evening for my 6 week check up. He's really happy with how things are healing and is pleased with my progress.
There was some Crohn's found at my join site, which they removed during surgery, but I will have to go back on some Crohn's meds now to try and prevent it reoccurring so quickly.

I'm down to between 1 - 4 bowel movements a day now, it's still pretty loose though and I do get some urgency. He said it could be that that is just my new "normal", although he did add that he advises his cancer patients that it can take anything up to 6 months to a year for things to settle down.
Did he suggest anything to reduce the bowel movements and make them less liquidy, such as loperamide, Lomotil (I found this stronger than loperamide) or codeine?
I've got questran, which I have used before, and could probably use again.

I'm seeing my Gastroenterologist in a couple of weeks to talk medications, so I'll talk to him then. I think my surgeon didn't want to tread on his toes! P