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Dec 11, 2010
The IBD nurse was chasing me!! (sadly it wasnt a nice looking Apparently when they put me on 100 mg of 6MP and I did my first blood work at the higher dose, it didnt go well with the results.

She wouldnt give me the results...just told me to stop for a couple of days and then try the 50mg again. She DID say my WBC was shot, my red blood cells had gone "completley wonkers" and then said " do you feel".

Well, I have awful body aches, my heart feels like exploding when I hit the stairs, I'm pale as death, even my fingernails have no colour. My head beats to my heartbeart.

Hmmm...think I'm in trouble? What the hell is going on? How can I get my counts normal again, and what does this mean for future 6MP use. And why wouldnt she give me the blood count numbers? (are they sooo bad???)
Hi Terri, isn't that the most annoying thing-the nurse calls with results and yet won't actually TELL you the numbers??? HUGE peeve of mine, too.

As bad as your feeling, see of the doc will admit you to the hospital, you definitely need some intervention with that white cell count, and the effect it's having with your heart. Maybe you picked up an infection and all of it is bad timing? I think go to the ER, ASAP.

Keep us posted, and hang in there!
Oh Jeanette...I worked all day today...and for the past two weeks with feeling this way. (I'm a glutton for punishment) Nurse Tracy would've told me to come down if it was that bad. She seemed very worried, but not worried enough for admission. She said it would correct itself...effentually??? Erm? I guess once the 6MP gets out of my system. But I dont know how long that takes. I think the same as AZA? But I dont know how long that is? And I'm worried because if 6MP or Aza isnt for me, then I guess its Remicade or Humira?

Oh dear.
Terri, there are ways they can slowly increase your dose over time to try and trick your body into accepting it-don't give up too fast on it. IMHO it won't resolve itself, and even if it does, the side effects need to be addressed to see if anything else might be wrong.

I know how much it sucks to have to go to the ER, having just made a trip there myself...:( Your call but try not to tough it out too long, K? You deserve to feel better and get some answers.
Hi Misty,

Bit weird they wouldn't give you the actual results!

Hope you feel a lot better soon, I know how awful it can be to work when feeling so rough!

Its Misty actually!

I have two days off now, it's my weekend. I'm ringing nurse Tracy to ask exactly what my numbers are. I dont feel that bad actually. (I mean the last time I went to hospital I had a perforated bowel and refused morphine..duh) But I know folks have to go off Aza and 6MP for surgery and usually its a week before. So I would think a week would do it??? Obviously if I feel worse I will go. But A&E at the Luton and Dunstable hospital is cringeworthy.

I was on Imuran, then mercapturine and went straight to my liver. Just recently my Gi asked if I have been on AZA, no but I didnt tolerate other immunosuppressives and I declined. It made my right upper area feel really bad. Hope you get off it, asap. Hugs my friend!
Hey Misty, :bigwave:

It shouldn't take Imuran long to exit your system and the numbers to improve, can't tell you exactly how long how for the blood numbers to improve though.

I have read studies that indicate that having issue with either 6MP or Aza doesn't mean you will have the same issues when you go to the other one. If the dosage seems to be what is putting you out, there is always the option of lowering the dose by introducing Allopurinol.
Biologics would be the next step.

Good luck hun, I hope you are on top of things again soon!

Dusty. :heart:
Got my numbers from Tracy the IBD nurse:
WBC 2.3 Normal=4 to 11
Red blood cells 9.4 Normal =11.5
CRP 3.9 Normal 0
She says my bone marrow is being quite affected. She's hoping I can tolerate this drug.
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What are the normal levels meant to be for white and red blood cell counts?
Are they going to be doing weekly blood tests when you go back on it to monitor it closely? xx
Hi Terriernut

Hope that you are feeling a bit better, I have had the same problems with both drugs aza at first and then they put me on 6MP which did the same thing to me as aza and I have not worked in 10 weeks due to all the probs its caused as well as the dam pred im taking. Make sure they understand that your not feeling well the ibd nurses know quite a lot but my gp thinks its all in my head. I understand about not wantingto go to A&E i have the same problem at my local hospital, as I am not treated by them they not know wha I have had done etc at the other hospital. Have they said they are going to try MTX? I have just started them things crossed. Take care
They are going to me back on the 6MP but back to the lower dose of 50mg that I was on before. They will test in one month, after I restart the drug.

I was hoping this would be the drug that would do it for me long term so I can have Stan reversed this year. If I have to go on the stronger meds, I wonder how I could ever afford to go back home to the states. Oh well. If they ever kick me out of the UK I'm up **** creek. Oh wait, I do **** creeks!

I was just hoping that THIS drug would be the one that makes my poos go plop! Silly me.
So you will go on the 6MP and wait one month before they do bloods? No way! I know it is a lower dose and what was tolerated before but I still wouldn't be waiting a month for bloods to be drawn. Just out of curiosity, when they bumped you to 100mg how long was it before you had bloods done?

Keep in mind the Allopurinol combination if it looks like you will tolerate 6MP at lower doses.

Dusty. xxx
That is what they want me to do. But I have the blood slip here now. So I will wait two weeks once I start back on the lower dose.

They wanted me to wait two weeks for the blood tests, but it ended up being 3 weeks because of the xmas holidays. So if they think I'm waiting that long again....wrong!!!!

Will you be my nurse instead?? I am not certain about the allopurinol/6MP combo, it's never been mentioned to me before. Will it make my poos go plop?? :lol:
Phew, I would be going sooner too. :)

Yep, I will but we will have to have a long distance relationship. Do you think it will survive?? :ybiggrin:

Hmmm, maybe they will go plop! I'm not sure of the reduction with 6MP/Allopurinol combination but I imagine it would be the same as Aza. The Aza has to be reduced by half to three quarters when Allopurinol is added.

Dusty. xxx
So sorry on the low numbers! A friend of mine takes 6MP ans she takes 2000mg of vitamin c when her white cell count is low, she hardly ever gets sick. Take extra care with washing your hands, avoiding sick people, etc. Another friend of mine who has AIDS gets medication when his WBC count is low...I still think the doc could do something! Good grief, you can't just keep on like this!:ybatty:
They said that my blood counts would normalize???? I am dealing with not the very best folks to be honest. :mad2:

If there is a drug I can take to speed up the process, I'd happily take it.
I wonder what I can do to improve my blood counts? I am happy to take lots of vit C. I went out and got some liver pate to help with the red blood cells, or I HOPE that helps. (me nooo like liver!)
Hmph! Red wine will raise red cell count, as will organic grape juice (Paul Newman). Whey protein always helps as do beans, lots of red meat (I mean everyday, Puma-type red meat consumption lol).

As for white cells, well I'm always trying to lower mine. But if you were able to speed up getting the extra medicine out it might help. Like green or hibiscus tea, something that makes you tinkle, tends to help flush excess medicine out.

Feel better Misty! Sorry I thought you were Terri for so long ;)
Dont worry! Misty-Eyed gets called Misty all the time, and her name is Michelle!

I will try all your suggestions. The red wine sounds particularly promising! :thumright:
:rof:Hi, I am in the UK (Leeds) and have just come out of hospital for the 4th time in 8 months.
I didn't get diagnosed with crohn's until my 3rd admission last November.

I was on Prednisolone, decreasing the dose at the same time increasing AZA over 3 weeks to 150mg.

At the 3 week mark I became ill again with chills, high temp, headaches, rash, itching and a rapid heartbeat.

I went into hospital again on 1st Jan and they took me of the aza and back on full dose of Pred, beta blocker and colestyramine, I was in 8 nights.

My symptoms have settled down at the moment but I have to make a choice before I go back as an outpatient whether to go on methotrexate or infliximab or op.

I think it's a post code lottery whether you can get infliximab because of the high cost but I think that's what I will go for.
Last Tuesday, I started the 6MP again at 50mg. I've not gotten any better. Rapid heart beat (I cant get up the stairs for heavens sake), chills, horrible fatigue (I am splitting the dose) and itchy. I havent had my bloods done since they chased me down for my bad ones. I was told to go back to 50mg and wait a month to have them done again!? I also feel like I'm fighting from catching the flu. Muscle aches, headaches, feverish. Meanwhile, the big D continues. No help there! Thankfully I have Stan!!! I still look like a starving vampire.

I'm insisting on getting my bloods done over the next two days. This isnt working for me. Maybe I need a different drug or allopurinol to add to it or something! This weekend, (working both days) I have not been doing well! As I work with the general public, having no immune system isnt doing me any good!
oh thats rubbish for you! I would definitely not wait a month to have bloods done again after what the count was last time.
Obviously doesn't help that you worked all weekend either. Hope you have a good rest tonight!! xx
:rof:Hi, I am in the UK (Leeds) and have just come out of hospital for the 4th time in 8 months.
I didn't get diagnosed with crohn's until my 3rd admission last November.

I was on Prednisolone, decreasing the dose at the same time increasing AZA over 3 weeks to 150mg.

At the 3 week mark I became ill again with chills, high temp, headaches, rash, itching and a rapid heartbeat.

I went into hospital again on 1st Jan and they took me of the aza and back on full dose of Pred, beta blocker and colestyramine, I was in 8 nights.

My symptoms have settled down at the moment but I have to make a choice before I go back as an outpatient whether to go on methotrexate or infliximab or op.

I think it's a post code lottery whether you can get infliximab because of the high cost but I think that's what I will go for.

Sorry I didnt see your reply before?! I hope that you can get infliximab! I doubt Luton and Dunstable will give me much of anything! Probably hope I die and get off their costs! How are you feeling now?
oh thats rubbish for you! I would definitely not wait a month to have bloods done again after what the count was last time.
Obviously doesn't help that you worked all weekend either. Hope you have a good rest tonight!! xx

I work every weekened and bank holiday...WTF am I doing? Anyway..I'm not waiting a bloody month! Obviously me and 6mp dont have a happy 'working' relationship. Something else will work!!! I mean, I already have a stoma dont I? They can at least give me something to keep me from flaring???? I would like to kill Stan the Stoma and Ollie the hernia off someday after all!!!
Did you get your bloods checked before you restarted. You should have. If not , speak to your gp. You should really get them checked weekly once you restart. Monthly is unsafe if you have had low counts on it. Tell them to check the BNF!
Please go to the hospital Misty-you can all your labs done and get your answers fast. Plus that rapid heartbeat and chills is nothing to mess with, I know you hate the hospital just like the rest of us but it's time. :)
I agree with getting seen ASAP Misty, as in today. You need to have have your bloods drawn as your symptoms are not abating, perhaps you should be off the drug altogether as opposed to having been dropped back to a reduced dose.

Good luck hun!

Dusty. xxx
I am listening. I've rung in sick. I've left a message for the IBD nurse. I am going to hospital to have bloods drawn. I am trying to be a good Pigmy.
:ywow: Shocking

Thank ya'll.
We know you are hun! :hug:

We love ya Misty and hate seeing you hurting. :(

Dusty. :heart:
WTF .. I have to find out that you are doing that badly on the board??? You could have told me ...
So, what's the plan? Are you going to the ER and get something done or do you wait for an "emergency?"

Sorry, babe, but it is time to act and no longer wait around. Get your ass (and Stan) to the hospital and get sorted out. Don't let it brew ...

Lotsa love and hugs!
WTF .. I have to find out that you are doing that badly on the board??? You could have told me ...
So, what's the plan? Are you going to the ER and get something done or do you wait for an "emergency?"

Sorry, babe, but it is time to act and no longer wait around. Get your ass (and Stan) to the hospital and get sorted out. Don't let it brew ...

Lotsa love and hugs!

Heiki, I just replied to your email from the waiting room of plebology!!!! They just drained me of blood. Home now. Results in, dunno? 24 to 48 hours. I'm still standing, rest and TLC will do until they tell me otherwise. Just seems that 6MP works too well on me, and perhaps a different drug will suit me better.

I told the IBD nurse I wasnt taking anymore 6MP and to look out for my blood results, so she can mark urgent. If they need me in hospital, they'll tell me. But they didnt seem that worried!

So, I'm gonna catch up on some reading and take it easy on the sofa!

Thanks ya'll love and big belly hugggggggggggggsssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good, glad to hear that you are at the hospital or wherever they will take care of you. Makes me mad to think that you were going through all that suffering.

Love you lots and hope they will find something to help without having to stay or go to the hospital.

Hugs back! :)
Blood results only take max 24 hours (unless in seriously rural places) so your results will be ready by midday tomorrow. Mine are ready by 5pm if I have them done in before 11am, and I bet your hospital is no different. Whats your GP like?, mine rings me in the evening whenever my bloods come in - normal or otherwise...just because I am on aza and also with my hb dropping. I would think if you ring your GP or IBD nurse tomorrow afternoon they will get your results for you...if not they are being awkward.

I wouldn't take any more 6mp until you know. When my white count was low like yours i had to STOP and recheck bloods in 2-3 days. When less bad then reduce and recheck 1 week. No way increase before blood rechecked.
You also need a gastro appt to sort out what next if you are still flaring even on the higher dose.
nag nag nag

Hope you are feeling better soon :))
Aw Misty, hope you are getting sorted today and you start to feel better soon.

I had those side effects when I was on aza and then the same when I switched to 6mp. Hope they can sort something out for you soonest.

Sending you and Stan lots of squishy hugs.

LMH...The GP couldnt even get me in for a blood test for another 2 weeks! They are useless! I explained to the receptionist...couldnt be arsed that lot. I hardly ever see a GP, and when I do, its never the same one twice!

The IBD nurse is looking out for my results and will ring me when they come in. She will then get me in ASAP. I drug myself to hospital to get the blood tests done. Hope no one was contagious. I am following their orders with the blood tests at the GI's. I think with cuts they are just trying to save money. I told the IBD nurse I was stopping the 6MP and didnt ask their opinion to be frank. Its following their orders that gets me in trouble sometimes. Whereas if I follow my instinct, it works better.

I am going to be fine. As long as I dont catch something! It shouldnt take too long I hope for my bloods to return to normal if I'm off the 6MP. Off to find some spinach and liver pate. :stinks: What to do to increase the WBC I've NO idea.
Glad you got the blood test done, and glad you're not taking any more 6mp till they contact you with the results (although by the sounds of all those side effects I personally think they should try you on something else).

I hope you start feeling better real soon Misty, make sure you rest up and take it easy :)

Lots of hugs xx
Sounds like you need a new GP! Next time ask to speak with the duty doctor who would have sorted a blood test out for you. If they didn't definately a new gp.
I was waiting patiently (for me) for my blood results today. I finally caved and rang the IBD nurse at 3.15. Guess what...she's not back in until Thursday!!! FFS (am I allowed that?)

I also did 'a naughty' and wrote in CBC for the tests. I mean, a girl should know????!!!! Especially with my symptoms. High heart rate, chills, exhaustion, pale as a vampire (sadly I'm not a goth...far too old), no appetite, the big D, muscle fatigue (well, I cant manage the stairs very well) and joint pains. I sit and fume!!! The tests were done at the hospital, (GP couldnt get me in for another TWO WEEKS FOR EVEN A BLOOD TEST!!!) and so I'm stuck I think!

I should put this in the vent section. But...the reason I had a perforation in the FIRST PLACE was because I couldnt get into the GPs at all, and they wouldnt refill my Asocol, and the hospital didnt care. I think the NHS is fab, but they wait until you are close to death to MOVE!
You naughty girl. But its a FBC not a CBC!! Surely thats what she was checking for!
The lab would fax gastro doc and gp if worryingly abnormal, so hopefully no news is good news.
Well, the gastro dr couldnt care less. The GP...well I dont have one exactly. And the last time when they were still took 5 working days for them to chase me.

I would sooooo happily move from here if I wasnt going to lose my ass on the house. Luton and Dunstable. I cant find another GP that is any better. And with the cuts coming in, it's not gonna be pretty.

I wrote in CBC cause thats what they call it everywhere! Complete Blood Count! Oh...I do all lanquages but English apparently??!!! (English is my first lanquage!?)
Its full blood count in blighty!
There must be a better GP around. I have a mind to make some enquiries for you! A good GP will make your life so much easier Misty.
Actually, I've never been tested for the the full blood count. Not once. Not even when in hospital! I'm tempted to give them my mastercard if thats what it takes! No, they just get by with what they can get by with. I understand costs. I am willing to PAY on top of my taxes. But BUPA isnt that much better. Cause I had my parastomal hernia surgery there. Frankly if you're sick, the NHS is 100% better!

I am sad to report that Ollie the parastomal hernia is now claiming to live here. He's wanting to vote now. Since I'm not allowed, perhaps since he's a UK citizen he can do so? Actually he wants to drive he's so big, but I said no, not unless he gets the groceries.
Misty-In the UK it's FBC, here in the US it's CBC. You rock, sometimes you have to take matters into your own hands. I've done that myself; I had to add water to specimen to get them to test for c.diff.

Hope you get answers soon!
Hi Misty,

Sorry you are having so many problems with 6mp. My son was having issues as well and they did add allopurinol to the 6mp and have reduced the dose to 25mg. His WBC was down to 5 which concerned the nurse but it was still in the normal range. Yours was not so I think it is good you are getting it addressed even though I know going to the hospital is always dreaded. Don't give up on the 6mp, I think a lot of what you are feeling has to do with your lowered WBC and they can do a lot of tweaking with the dose. Allopurinol is know to raise WBC so sounds like this might be something for you to try. Good luck and let us know how you are doing. :)
Oh no Misty!!! :eek2:

It's FBC in Australia too! Misty, I hate to say it hun but you would have to had a FBC many a time, it is the most basic blood test!

:hang: mate! You are doing a fab job!

Dusty. xxx
Good god, what an odyssey for a blood count! :ywow:
I would say first thing in order is finding a doctor who cares, not easy, but I think in our situation THE MOST important thing. Since I am sooooo lucky in that way I feel really bad for everybody who has to fight for the simpliest treatment.
Anyhow, digressing ....
I really wish and hope that your fighting spirit will prevail. Can only the IBD nurse give you the results? Seriously, there is nobody else qualified to read the results and give them to you?

LOL, on side note, I am actually not sure if I ever had a CBC/FBC cuz nobody ever told me anything about that particular part. Had Vit D3 levels checked the other day, but that was it. Oh, yes, had blood tests done while on Cimzia but never been told anything but "all is good!"

Thinking of you and sending lotsa luv and hugs!
Finally IBD nurse back and I rang her. She wants me in AGAIN for more blood work today.
Last results:
7.4 HB (thats the red blood cells) Officially now anemic
2.7 WBC (white blood cells) DO NOT sneeze around me.
And my ESR is 23 and should be 10.

That explains why I am happy on the sofa under my banky. Off for more blood tests this afternoon.
That would explain why you feel dizzy. I hope you have stopped your 6MP and make arrangements for getting the results of this test back.
At least your white count is up a bit from the 2.3 it was last time. I would be wanting to know why they left it so long to retest...its a disgrace and against guidance.
I just got back from being retested again this afternoon. Joy of joys, they put a trainee on me! Of course she couldnt manage it, so the trainer had to take over. I'm already black and blue.

I'll chase the nurse tomorrow for results.

And somehow, I've got to drag myself to work Saturday. Cant wait.

Oh...and yes I stopped the 6MP, let me see when, I think it was last Saturday.
Oh nice...Not! Grrrrrrrr...:hug:

7.4 HB (thats the red blood cells) Officially now anemic

Yikes! No wonder you can hardly breath when you hit the stairs and your heart is pounding! What are they going to do about it?

Dusty. :heart:
Oh nice...Not! Grrrrrrrr...:hug:

Yikes! No wonder you can hardly breath when you hit the stairs and your heart is pounding! What are they going to do about it?

Dusty. :heart:

Took more blood is all! Told you they wished I just quit and get off their books! Sadly they should know better with the super Pigmy! And they took a FULL BLOOD COUNT today too...fancy that! :devil: There are whispers on the ward of the need for a transfusion. Oh...and guess what...they told me to stop the 6MP finally today...erm... I stopped it last Saturday, because my momma didnt raise stupid! (not completely anyway..god rest her) Yes...Dusty can I pay for your tickets over here???? Petrol for LMH??? Come on we'll have a paaaarrrrrtttttteeeeyyyy!!!

For a snack today, I had Liver Pate. I had spinach and roast beef for dinner. I dug out an old Iron tablet supplement. Oh, and I had beans yesterday for lunch. The dog wasnt happy about it when she followed me to the loo but hey...I owe her a few!! I'm having a rose wine..should I switch to red?
Yeah and me!!
I can't eat grown up food either!

Am really glad you are enjoying your food hun. Keep your strength up! Xxxxxxx
I didnt enjoy it. I simply took it like medicine. Grahame cooked (bless him) and frankly if there were any vitamins left in it.....

But's better than 'food by nose' any day! I also downed an Ensure today as well. Frankly the ensure tasted better!
Have you got a favourite?

I did the chocolate one as a hot chocolate yesterday for my breakfast. It was really nice. I do like all of them! Except that vile one
Well, when I'm on ensure only I dont give a toss what I put in my gobb! Right now I just have vanilla in the fridge, and it works for me. But I'm easy going about these things. I really did fancy the chocolate though!
Hey Misty,

Personally I think an infusion would be the way to go, it will take too long to bring it up it any other way. Plus, until they treat the cause you are just going to keep going down. :(

Thinking of you hun, :hug:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
Here we are 11 days after stopping the 6MP. The RBC hasnt come up much. I'm at 7. The WBC has come up to 5. My iron is very high the IBD nurse says, in fact asking if I've been taking supplements...noo, I've been eating Liver Pate. (blech!!)

B12...very good. Bone marrow, still not working to produce red blood cells. Here's our first hint the NHS is cutting back folks. No blood transfusion for me. Says its pointless cause its just red blood cells. I still look like a vampire. The dizziness has gone for the most part. Or I'm used to it. Energy, still low. LMH says it takes a long time to get the blood cells to normalize, and she would know! I really dont like this.
:rosette2: Hey, Misty--sorry about your 6MP issues---just stumbled across your posts. Well, glad to see that your counts are coming up slowly but surely. I had problems with 6MP as well--had screwy counts and an ALLLLLLL over body rash--even on the palms of my hands and soles of my feet. Dunno--the body is a strange entity--and the immune system even more perplexing. You just need to feel better--don't know how you are upright, girl. Keeping good thoughts for you and hoping the right combo will come sooner than later. Hope Stan is being calm. :hug: OH, by the way, I'm 7 weeks postop abdominoperineal resection. So I went back to work at 6 weeks postop. Anyway, I'm in the bathroom at work emptying my pouch from Blossom's "barf job"----well at the same time I'm looking in the mirror picking at my mascara. WELLLL, I got a little closer to the mirror and I heard this dripping splashing noise on the floor. YUP---forgot to clip the pouch. LOL what a dumbo! Thankfully I didn't make too big of a mess. At least I didn't walk out of the bathroom and leak all over the office!
:ylol: Take care of you! Dana
Here we are 11 days after stopping the 6MP. The RBC hasnt come up much. I'm at 7. The WBC has come up to 5. My iron is very high the IBD nurse says, in fact asking if I've been taking supplements...noo, I've been eating Liver Pate. (blech!!)

B12...very good. Bone marrow, still not working to produce red blood cells. Here's our first hint the NHS is cutting back folks. No blood transfusion for me. Says its pointless cause its just red blood cells. I still look like a vampire. The dizziness has gone for the most part. Or I'm used to it. Energy, still low. LMH says it takes a long time to get the blood cells to normalize, and she would know! I really dont like this.

I'm sorry this is totally inappropriate but I totally laughed at the statement "it's just red blood cells" Don't need those to live or anything!

Sorry you are dealing with all of this, you must be feeling so awful. I hope you start feeling better soon. I'll be thinking of you. *big hugs*
Errgh! Still the red bloods not coming up! So now they want to wait 2 more weeks for the next test. They were at 9, which is getting there...but at one point they were already there, and went back down! WBC is up to normal...yeah!!!

Iron levels are high actually she says.

B12...normal to high. Hmmmm. Pesky bone marrow being lazy! It is now 12 days since I stopped 6mp.

Bone marrow is being very naughty! :voodoo: Shall I beat it?
I'm sorry this is totally inappropriate but I totally laughed at the statement "it's just red blood cells" Don't need those to live or anything!

Sorry you are dealing with all of this, you must be feeling so awful. I hope you start feeling better soon. I'll be thinking of you. *big hugs* need for those damn red blood cells. I tell you, you dont need drugs with low RBC. I swear it causes visions before you about faint!! Interesting what the lack of oxygen does to the brain!

Thanks for the hugs, I need them. Off to work on Saturday, so they blooming well better come up!
Glad to hear it. Doubt you'd ever feel totally human due you being part Pygmy and quite mad.

LMH, you arent the first Brit to call me mad!? (scratches head) Is that good or bad???

I think I will take it as good! If it makes you giggle, cause you need a giggle!