Scared and confused i wish someone could help

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Nov 6, 2015
Hi about 2weeks ago I had really bad constipation, and after been on the toilet in pain my hard stools turned diarrhea, I'm on a lot of morphine for poor mobility and pain so constipation is the norm for me, but diarrhea never happens.
Anyway later on I started bleeding with the diarrhea I went to hospital and they said I had a water infection and sent me home confused ��, but I just got worst and a day later I was back at the a&e but this Time I had a high temperature i had not eaten in 5days but was not hungry at all �� and they put me on a ward on a drip because i had not eaten, and the following morning they gave me a endoscopy which really hurt and when i was watching the tv screen i could see that inside my bowel was a right mess and inflamed and really scared me coz i thought the worse (cancer) ive been steriods antibiotics and still have diarrhea, I'm still waiting for biopsys to come and the Drs said they will be back over weekend but still no sign it's been a week now and still non and I still don't know if I have crohn or colitis. And still have diarrhea and I feel so drained because I'm on toilet all the time do these symptoms sound like crohns or coitis and Does anybody know how long it takes for biopsys to come back and to get a crohns or colitis diagnosis hope someone could help PLEASE TINA X
Hi Tina,
Welcome to the forum and sorry that you are feeling so bad at the moment. It took about 1-2 weeks for me to receive the biopsy results. Can you see or call your GP on Monday and let him know about how you are feeling and about your concerns? What about soups and electrolyte drinks to stay hydrated? Or white bread or something easy to digest? You should definitely try to eat and even more important, to drink. If you feel too bad you should not hesitate to see a doctor in a walk-in-centre, as severe dehydration can be dangerous. Hope you feel better soon!
Thank you charlotte for taking your time to answer, I am going to try soup just as soon as anything hits my stomach bam toilet �� again, I will go and talk to my doctors tomorrow,ronrush7 the doctor at the hospital said it would take weeks to get them because crohns is hard to diagnose thank very much for your advice xx
Hi Tinaspoon. Do not worry about the exact diagnosis. At this point for you the treatment is exactly the same for CD or UC: steroids and fallow up treatments are basically the same as well for both diseases. Steroids should kick in very soon and reduce your symptoms. How many mg do you take per day? let us know how it goes.
When I was in hospital they put me on iv steroids and antibiotics but now I'm on prednisolone 8 tablets a day at 5mg then 2nd week 6 tablets then 3rd week 4 tablets a day then they are finshed, I've just finished a course of metronidazole 400mg they changed my pantroprazole 40mg to lansoprazole 30mg just wish I had a rest of the toilet �� thank u for taking your time out to reply lady organic I do appreciate it very much xx
We are here to help and support each other Tinaspoonp :thumleft: I remember when I was in your shoes at diagnosis, full of unknown. I know its stressful. The most important is that you are under the care of doctors now. They know what to do, so far so good. Simply concentrate on your recovery and try to change your mind, relax and take care of yourself :)
How much of an improvement do you feel now compared to when you went to the hospital first day?
Yh charlotte I am they told me to take them all in the morning, omg lady organic compare to the first day I felt, I feel 10times better but I just feel really lethargic and tired all the time and I never feel like this even on all the morphine and oramorph Im on thank u for helping it is really comforting to have your support xxx����
that is great news! :dusty: Prednisone is my life saver as well :) I wish you full recovery very soon on it, like I get. Seems like you're on the right track!

Medications can have differents side effects on different people. I, for one, get hyperactive and suffer from insomnia on prednisone!
Disease is exhausting as well, this could also explain your symptoms.

let us know how it goes and come around anytime for any questions or support!
that is great news! :dusty: Prednisone is my life saver as well :) I wish you full recovery very soon on it, like I get. Seems like you're on the right track!

Medications can have differents side effects on different people. I, for one, get hyperactive and suffer from insomnia on prednisone!
Disease is exhausting as well, this could also explain your symptoms.

let us know how it goes and come around anytime for any questions or support!
I've had Crohn's for a long while but it laid low for years. Then I started having slowly building up pain, which got really severe. When I went to doc's and he said he could feel a "mass" in my abdomen, I was completely freaked out, like you. I thought the worst, as one does! Actually it was a kind of mess of a bowel tangle, all stuck together and "normal" within the context of this nasty disease. So while I did have a resection as a result, I am now entirely pain free for the moment, though my bowel now is under the impression it's a straight line. But there are meds for that (questran light works in my case). Hope you get your dx soon. It probably won't help to say don't panic, but the most likely explanation is something along these so-called "normal" lines as opposed to a scarier scenario. Strength to you xx
Hi jeninlondon you cant help but freak out can you, and paic then I start thinking about stomas and bags which really scared me, I'm so sorry what you have been through but so happy that you are pain free at the moment �� I'm back at hospital on the 1st December so I should have some kind of diagnosis by then and i would have finished all my steroids by then as well, thanks a lot for writing �� I really do appreciate it xx
Hi I dunno if any of you can help but feeling really scared, but on the 1st of December I went back to the hospital and had a xray and my bowel on the right was full off hard poo sorry I know tmi. But I was too to go on movicol to move it round and wanted to put me on a higher and longer Corse of predisolone coz my bowel is still damaged and inflamed and they wanted me to have another colonoscopy on the 9th and after that awful prep I had it done they could not get the camera through and was painful but doctor said I had a stricture on my splenic flexure and worried that I could have a obstruction, so I was told I had to have another colonoscopy but while having a ct scan on. 15th Jan 2016. and a week later I went back to the hospital my doctor said that I might have to have surgery to take that part off my bowel away or they could try a balloon dilation but there is a chance it could split my bowel and then I will have to have surgery anyway and then said I would have to have a stoma but could be temporary but sometimes for life, I just broke down I just wanted to ask if anybody as had a balloon dilation and is it painful coz I'm freaking out about it, or any advice please... and the last few days my face as swollen up just wanted to know if that is Normal on predisolone x ��
Hi I dunno if any of you can help but feeling really scared, but on the 1st of December I went back to the hospital and had a xray and my bowel on the right was full off hard poo sorry I know tmi. But I was too to go on movicol to move it round and wanted to put me on a higher and longer Corse of predisolone coz my bowel is still damaged and inflamed and they wanted me to have another colonoscopy on the 9th and after that awful prep I had it done they could not get the camera through and was painful but doctor said I had a stricture on my splenic flexure and worried that I could have a obstruction, so I was told I had to have another colonoscopy but while having a ct scan on. 15th Jan 2016. and a week later I went back to the hospital my doctor said that I might have to have surgery to take that part off my bowel away or they could try a balloon dilation but there is a chance it could split my bowel and then I will have to have surgery anyway and then said I would have to have a stoma but could be temporary but sometimes for life, I just broke down I just wanted to ask if anybody as had a balloon dilation and is it painful coz I'm freaking out about it, or any advice please... and the last few days my face as swollen up just wanted to know if that is Normal on predisolone x 😓
I don't know the answer but will be supporting you.
I don't have any answers to the balloon dilation since my son has never had one. But, I did want to respond to the swollen face. Many people on pred can experience what is called moonface. It is a common side effect and will diminish as you come off the pred.
I don't have any answers to the balloon dilation since my son has never had one. But, I did want to respond to the swollen face. Many people on pred can experience what is called moonface. It is a common side effect and will diminish as you come off the pred.
No surgery here
But I would ask the Gi which option they would recommend if it was there friend or kid
Most will tell you xyz has the best chance of success.

Never easy to decide but trusting your doc and their experiences helps a lot
Hi tina i am so sorry to hear , i cant help regarding the surgery. But i have to agree with everyone else. Yes as said above pred can cause moon face, the first time i went on pred i picked up allot of weight and also had insomnia that caused me to only sleep like 2 hours a night. I actually just wanted to say that you do not need to be scared although its normal to be but think of it this way that once they decide you can start feeling better, and also we are supporting you. All the best :)