Hi about 2weeks ago I had really bad constipation, and after been on the toilet in pain my hard stools turned diarrhea, I'm on a lot of morphine for poor mobility and pain so constipation is the norm for me, but diarrhea never happens.
Anyway later on I started bleeding with the diarrhea I went to hospital and they said I had a water infection and sent me home confused ��, but I just got worst and a day later I was back at the a&e but this Time I had a high temperature i had not eaten in 5days but was not hungry at all �� and they put me on a ward on a drip because i had not eaten, and the following morning they gave me a endoscopy which really hurt and when i was watching the tv screen i could see that inside my bowel was a right mess and inflamed and really scared me coz i thought the worse (cancer) ive been steriods antibiotics and still have diarrhea, I'm still waiting for biopsys to come and the Drs said they will be back over weekend but still no sign it's been a week now and still non and I still don't know if I have crohn or colitis. And still have diarrhea and I feel so drained because I'm on toilet all the time do these symptoms sound like crohns or coitis and Does anybody know how long it takes for biopsys to come back and to get a crohns or colitis diagnosis hope someone could help PLEASE TINA X
Anyway later on I started bleeding with the diarrhea I went to hospital and they said I had a water infection and sent me home confused ��, but I just got worst and a day later I was back at the a&e but this Time I had a high temperature i had not eaten in 5days but was not hungry at all �� and they put me on a ward on a drip because i had not eaten, and the following morning they gave me a endoscopy which really hurt and when i was watching the tv screen i could see that inside my bowel was a right mess and inflamed and really scared me coz i thought the worse (cancer) ive been steriods antibiotics and still have diarrhea, I'm still waiting for biopsys to come and the Drs said they will be back over weekend but still no sign it's been a week now and still non and I still don't know if I have crohn or colitis. And still have diarrhea and I feel so drained because I'm on toilet all the time do these symptoms sound like crohns or coitis and Does anybody know how long it takes for biopsys to come back and to get a crohns or colitis diagnosis hope someone could help PLEASE TINA X