School lunch

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Jul 16, 2016
What do you pack your kids for lunch? I just saw a story about cold cuts causing inflammation. I was told turkey sandwiches are okay. I just feel lost with the diet. The dietician told me carnation instant breakfast was okay. I just found a list from the hospital sating to avoid it.
The instant breakfasts were a staple for me.....and I don't recall ever doing anything special for lunches...but it was a loooong time ago for me....

is your chid on a special/specific diet or have restrictions on what they can eat?
We go with "whatever works" and try to keep it relatively healthy, as much as possible. We did a lot of turkey sandwiches in high school!

There are so many different recommendations regarding diets - we don't avoid anything except lactose (but my daughter is lactose intolerant) and high fat/fiber foods (because they cause symptoms).
Ds only avoids what he is allergic to (fish and tree nuts) and what he is intolerant of (milk. Wheat beef high fat high fiber ) due to gastroparesis
He avoids only seeds and popcorn due to Crohns

He eats peanut butter and jelly every day with varied sides
Lunch meats have milk as fillers a lot so we avoid.
Not much of an issue anymore as he is a senior in high school and typically goes out to eat or goes home to eat (he has an extra long lunch since he doesn't have a class right after lunch) but we did a lot of peanut butter and jelly or ham and cheese (he won't eat turkey). We also did stuff in a low wide thermos (chicken and rice, chicken noodle soup), cheese stick or cubes, fruit. He is not allergic to anything nor is he lactose intolerant. So our biggest no-nos are popcorn and seeds.
My main things I take for lunch at work are peanut butter sandwiches and an apple (sometimes a smaller one is better especially when in flare). The peanut butter I use is smooth because the crunchy doesn't do well with me. And, I peel the apples because the peel doesn't do well either.
I've set up a schedule so that cold cuts aren't an every day thing. Mondays are quesadillas, Tuesdays are PBJ, Wednesdays are cold cuts, etc. It keeps things interesting for the kids, but also limits overdoing too much of one food that may be an inflammatory food. The only food he really avoids (aside from gluten) is nuts and seeds.
If my son doesn't buy the hot lunch at school (meals cooked from fresh ingreds), then he'll get leftovers from the night before, a tuna or chicken (real) sandwich, or sometimes just a bagel with jam. We avoid cold cuts/lunch meats. That's not to say he never has them, but there been lots of negative coverage in the news about them here for a few years. Plus, they do bother his stomach if he has them more than very occasionally. It's always hard coming up with creative lunches!
A thermos with soup or leftovers opens up some non-sandwich options for kids that aren't into sandwiches. A lot of schools here don't allow peanut butter