Seeing my internist today.

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Jun 3, 2016
I've seen him about 4 times previous to this.

I've been having severe constant pain for the last 2-3 months.

First he put me on wellbutin, then two weeks later doubled the wellbutin, then tramadol, then tylenol 3. It takes 3 tylenol 3's to even touch the pain.

I'm seeing him again today and want to get across how bad the pain is and how bad it's interfering with my life. I can't do anything.

Can anyone give me advice on how to show him how serious my pain is? I may tend to downplay my pain when I'm talking to doctors.


Also is there a chance he will ask for the tylenol 3 bottle to count them?...I have had to take more than I was prescribed.
Take the bottle with you. That may help him see how bad the pain is. Hope you get some help quickly.
Little good news and bad news.

Good news : he gave me 50 oxy pills to take when it's really bad.

Bad news : he doesnt understand it's always really bad!

one pill brought it to a 5, a 2nd pill brought it to a ill need at least 10mg at a time :/

What do I do?

Do I call back like on friday and say one pill isnt even doing it?
My Dr didn't want to give me pain meds, he said it dosent cure CD so "they" don't like to
prescribe it. My answer? If you had a kidney stone- would you ask for pain meds? It doesnt cure it.. How about when your wife was in labor? Did she use pain meds?

He said I made a good argument and gave me the medication
