Severe Heartburn

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Feb 17, 2013
After a few days of doing much better A seems to be headed downward and quickly. Story of our lives....

I started noticing today that her stomach seemed to be getting very distended. She thought her shirt was shrinking because her belly kept sticking out farther and farther, lol. At dinner tonight she started crying over what seems to be severe heartburn. She said the sides of her chest hurt and the pain goes up into her throat. I'm assuming it is heartburn. I gave her Zofran and she's soaking in a warm bath right now. I have no idea what else to do for her and would appreciate any suggestions. She's miserable!

Oh, and the bloody diarrhea is back as well. Yay us......
You could call the Gi to change from Prilosec to something else .
Sometimes a different ppi is needed.
I know DS took a high dose while on pred .
Hi Dancemom. So sorry your daughters having a rough time. Have you talked to the specialist? Is there pain when swallowing food? Does she have mouth ulcers? Hopefully it's nothing and the doctor can give her something to settle it down. Hope she feels better soon.
I talked to the GI yesterday and told him how much better she was doing. Jinxed it I suppose.

She doesn't have mouth ulcers but her throat is in so much pain right now I don't think I could convince her to swallow anything. In fact, taking bedtime meds may even be a struggle.
Has she been tested for strep?
Tummy pain and hard to swallow pills is a positive test for strep as a given for DS ymmv .
She may not run a fever due to the pred or 6-mp
Do you have an urgent care or ped she can see in the am to ask?
Oh didn't even think of that! I've had a sore throat for a few days and my youngest had a stuffy nose earlier this week. Maybe she has a virus that is making an already not-so-great situation much worse!

The Zofran seems to have eased things for now. I'm going to give her her meds and try to get her to sleep. Stupid prednisone has been the cause of some sleepless nights lately so this should be a fun one......

If she's still feeling bad in the morning her Pedi clinic does open for a few hours Saturday mornings. Thank you for mentioning that MLP because I don't know that I would have even thought of that.
Hope she feels better in the am
I only asked since every time DS has a tummy ache with sore throat
The Gi has it ingrained in us to check for strep
Since they are kids first and Ibd kids second
We also look for appendicitis as well.
A good rule
Kid first
Ibd second
It was a rough night! A woke up at 3:45 to go to the bathroom and realized she'd already wet herself. Is frequent urination a side effect of any of her meds? And then of course she had trouble falling back asleep....thanks Prednisone!

This morning her heartburn seems to be gone but she does have a mild sore throat. I looked, and it isn't red or swollen so I'm assuming she's getting a cold which sent her right back into this stupid flare. I'm not risking the Pedi's office and picking up more germs while we're there if there's nothing they can do to help a simple cold anyway. So bummed that she was doing better for a few days only to go backward again!!
Constipation can cause urinary issues or inflammation of the colon if it presses on the wrong thing ( just remember being very pregnant)
The bladder has very little room .
That's very interesting. DS has been peeing a lot lately too. I think we have constipation and inflammation going on here. It would explain a lot.
Another question...non-heartburn any of your kids suffer from extremely dry lips? Not sure if this is IBD or medication related but A's lips stay dry, they swell (not drastically), then they crack open and bleed. We've tried several different lip balms, vaseline, and olive oil. Nothing seems to help. Any advice/suggestions?
Your poor little girl!
I sometimes have eczema and then get very dry skin as a result. Olive oil is my #1 go-to. I also like Burt's Bees lipbalm. Try to keep her from licking her lips, if she tends to that, as that will make things worse. I've also been told that it is more effective to treat dry skin from the inside out. So drinking lots of water and taking supplements like Vit E, Omega 3/6/9, and hemp seed oil are helpful. I'm not sure if these supplements are safe for an IBDer though.
About the frequent urination-I know my son made many nighttime trips to go pee when he was flaring. I hope that's not your daughter's case. Also, if she does have a virus, it might be contributing to the frequency. You can get weak muscles with a flu, which also affects your 'holding power'.
I hope things start looking up for you soon.
I'm glad A's heartburn is better. Sorry she's struggling again :(. Digest Zen (essential oils) helps Jae's tummy aches and heartburn...
We use paw paw on my middle girl dry lips. She can't use most lip balm as they actually cause the skin to crack more.
Glad to hear the sore throat is a little better, hope it was just a virus. Hope the flare doesn't last too long. My son also get very dry lips although they haven't swollen up. Still haven't really found a lip salve that works yet.
Is your daughter well hydrated? My oldest (not IBD) daughter has dry cracked lips from mouth breathing at night. I don't think she does great at keeping herself hydrated either...
I bought A the small aquapod water bottles and she loves drinking those. She also drinks a glass or two of water with each meal. Seems like she drinks plenty. Her lips didn't improve when she had several days of IV fluids either. Very frustrating, and they seem to be the worst while she's sleeping. Woke up this morning with dried blood everywhere.
Poor A. Our local pharmacy makes up a solution for mouth sores called "Mary's Magic Mouthwash" that includes liquid benadryl, maalox and lidocaine. I wonder if something using the benadryl and maalox or carafate can be mixed with coconut oil or beeswax to stick to her lips would help?
Could you ask her pediatrician? Perhaps he/she could prescribe something. Poor little thing, sounds like she has enough to deal with.
I think I'll find the time to call the Pedi this week and see what she recommends. Her lips just look awful and I think she is so used to it that it doesn't even seem to bother her. I'm over them bursting at random moments and I certainly don't want her to have to worry about that at school.

Also, she's been complaining of knee pain for at least a week now. I thought maybe some EN were on their way but no signs of that. Guess it is joint pain instead. This is something we haven't dealt with much. About to try some ice to see if that helps.

It is always something. Now that the diarrhea and blood seemed to have resolved we're still left with occasional heartburn, stomach cramps, dry lips, and joint pain. And I go back to work tomorrow and she starts school on Thursday. Was hoping we'd have rainbows and butterflies by then, lol.
If ice doesn't work, you could try heat. My daughter LOVES her heating pad.
Just had a thought-perhaps a humidifier running in her room at night would help with the dry lips?

I'm sure the rainbows and butterflies are coming...

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