Sex, and weird stuff.

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Apr 26, 2012
Okay, this is kind of personal, and potentially/more than-likely not Crohns related but I wanted to ask for some advice.
I have had a steady relationship for the past 6 years, and I was dx'd in April this year, and he has been a rock to me.
But, whenever we engage in anything sexual, whether it be foreplay or the actual deed, the next day I bleed.
and it is probably a coincidence that this has only happened since diagnosis.
But I wondered if this happens to anyone else or if anyone knows what this is?
Sex has become less frequent since I was diagnosed so I don't know, it does worry me though.
Sorry for the personal details.
Hi Holly. I've actually had this issue before but it was pretty minor compared to you I think. At most I'd see pink after intercourse but not actual bleeding. For me this was happening because damage was being done inside. Sometimes intercourse can get a bit rough and women do have less feeling inside so its very possible you wont notice during the act. Also there are a number of things that can cause the vaginal wall to become thin making it easier to tear (assuming that's the issue, it could very likely be trauma due to a size issue, too rough etc). It'd be a good idea to see your GYN about this issue. Here's a little info:
Hey Holly,
Gosh Ive had so many female issues...and that was one of them but for me it was a polyp. Once it was removed then I didnt have the bleeding anymore. I would go to your gyne have it checked out. My polyp was no biggie they just removed it.
Thankyou, I have had an encounter since this event and it has been okay (fingers crossed) but I'll just have to keep and eye on it, it's just embarrassing really. Not that this disease isn't embarrassing enough sometimes!
my advise to you is to schedule a pap smear if you haven't had one in the last few years. bleeding after sex is a red flag for sure.
regardless of your illness. crohns shouldn't make you bleed from your vagina.

Ditto the advice about getting it looked at by a Dr. Another possibility is a cervical erosion - not a serious problem, but quite a common problem of soreness or bleeding. It happened to me when I was pregnant - no treatment was needed, it just sorted itself out, but my Mum had it and did have something done (not sure what) but that was about 40 years ago!