Siblings with possible crohns

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Sending hugs, Kim. I hope you can get the MRE script and it done soon :ghug:.
I'm sorry Kim. 7 is just a baby. And the timing doesn't help.

Let's hope and pray that she can get hers uncontrol in record time and you can forget this. And that Drs decide middle one is crohns free.

I hope you can enjoy Christmas with all 3 girls.

Ps. If it makes you feel any better, I need to take my 7 year old in for tests too. I suspect but I'm just not quite ready to deal with a second one. Your courage in scoping two and having third fall ill in one day inspires me.

Crohn's moms rock.
Oh Kim, I'm so sorry.
Grace will be 7 next month.
Maybe in time we can team them up somehow.
I know Grace would like to know there's other kids her age that have this.

So I'm I to gather that your daughter's ibd is microscopic also?
Yes FArmwife that is what they said. Microscopic not visible on scope but visible in the biopsies.
I will be praying your little one is negative.
I did not call about the MRE scrip today. Still trying to deal. I am having a rougher time then I thought I would. My health issues are really acting up right now as well. Just trying to make it through the day. :(
Where is that waiter with the mojitos when you need him?
Waiter has been summoned!!!

I think it is probably normal and healthy to take some time to deal. Denial can be effective when used appropriately and sparingly...
Really hard to deal with! Thinking of you. Hope she responds well to treatment. Glad daughter no. 2 is negative for Crohns
Lots of hugs to you. I wish I had more words of wisdom. I will keep you all in my thoughts as the new year rolls in, I hope it is a better one for you ❤️
Thinking of you guys. Any progress with the MRE? How is your little one feeling?
I am having a rough day.
One of my best friends lost her battle to cancer today. She has been in a coma for the last two weeks so it was not unexpected but it still hit me very hard.
Kim, I'm so sorry to hear about your little one's dx :( Even though you suspected, it's still hard to have it confirmed. :ghug:

And, also so sorry to hear about your friend! Again, expected or not, barely makes it any easier to accept.

Lots of hugs and strength :ghug: :ghug:
After all the pharmacy mix ups we finally got the Apriso this morning g from the ,local pharmacy and then in the mail comes the Mail order one which was supposed to be here two weeks ago!
Anyway I opened the capsules into ice cream and luckily she ate it with no complaints. I might try it in yogurt tomorrow. We will see how it goes.
We finally got my middle daughter's biopsy results back. She has something called congenital sucrose/maltose and lactase deficiency. Basically her body doesn't make enough of certain enzymes.
The doctor said there are drops she can take before meals that will help and she is supposed to eat a special diet. He says this is a relatively new diagnosis and many GI docs have no idea about it.
Well that's good that you got an answer, it would be great if the drops and diet make a big difference. Glad the GI managed to diagnose it if it's not widely known.
Catherine that is a very interesting thought. I will discuss it with him at our next appt.
Meanwhile daughter number three does not want to talk about it or think about it. We compromised though, she will start by keeping a very strict journal of everything she eats and if she gets any type of reaction after eating. We will sit down in one week and go over it and then make some changes from there. I convinced Caitlyn to also start keeping a similar journal so maybe that will give us some clues if she has this as well.
I very strongly suspect my husband has this CSID. He has had stomach issues for years and this summer when we started paleo. His stomach improved greatly. I am trying to figure out what the genetics of that would look like?
According to the punnet square that I did, if I am a carrier and my husband has the illness then 50% of our kids would have it and 50% would be carriers.
Okay so I just read this article that says Sucrose/Maltose Intestinal Deficiency may have other causes then being congenital (born with it) and one of the causes can be Crohn's disease.
Now I am really confused, maybe my third daughter does have mild crohns?
She has a mouth full of mouth sores again. Also maybe this is why some of our kids have trouble getting their pain under control and do well with diets such as SCD?
Anyway here is the article,