Side effects of metronidazole

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jul 12, 2009
Afternoon, I still haven't been "formally" diagnosed with crohns but it's suspected along with IBD just waiting on the camera pill results. My doc put me on metronidazole 400mg/ flagyl but I have had the worst side affects and sopped them last night when my mouth and throat got really swollen, with fainting spells. Any one else had these side effects and is it worth persevering for the results. Also is it worth trying Primal defense? any one had good results?

Thanks for any advice
I have had pretty good results with primal defense, so I believe it is worth a try. As far as metrodinazole it kinda just made me itchy and hot for a few minutes but then it was fine.

Thanks for the advice, I did call out of hour doctors and they told me to stop the metron. That primal stuff sounds quite scary! Think I will give that a miss. Thanks for the link.
I 've been on metronidazole for six months. I had reactions when taking three 500 mg pills a day. Bitter taste in mouth, nausea and fatigue.

I am now taking 1/2 that amount with no problems at all.

Good Luck
Along with other medications, whenever I have a flare-up, I'm always given metronidazole / flagyl. I have to say that I really hate this antibiotic!! If I get a bad flare up, that usually means lots of vomiting, and the last thing I want is a medication (flagyl) that makes me even more nauseous!! Hate it!!!
metronidazole is one of my listed allergies - i was given it intraveniously in hospital years ago, and they had to administer drugs to counteract it within minutes as i had a severe allergic reaction.
It gives me nausea and diarrhoea (worse than my crohn's!), oral and vaginal thrush, loss of apetite, weight loss. I really hate it! But have been having to take it on and off for my peri-anal fistula.
It gives me the hairy tongue effect. My Gastro gave me Nystatin but it doesn't really help. I take 1000mg a day.
I take for the peri-anal fistulas but there is a little nausea, vaginal thrush and I bronchitis too. When I stop the bronchitis goes away but the fistulas and the yeast infections come on strong. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
Once took metronidazole for months. I think it helped for peri-anal fistulas but I got pins and needles in my hands and feet-a common side effect after long term use I read. Flagyl &cipro killed all the natural bacteria in my intestines and I ended up getting anmassive yeast infection-not fun!

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