Managed to get a copy of the biopsy report today, the GI didn’t prepare a written report for the colonoscopy/endoscopy.
Verbally GI told me it was scopes we're all clear, except for one small lump on side of wall of stomach but it didn't look sinister (would need periodic checking but nothing to worry about at this point) and that the biopsies we're clear.
Thought I'd post here to see if anyone had any thoughts on it, have also added a couple of snaps of the lump.
-Mid Reactive change, possibly early reflux.
-Stomach with Nodule biopsy:
-Focal superficial minimal antral gastritis with nodular fragment showing superficial hyperplasia.
-No definite pancreatic rest
-No H. Pylori seen.
Happy snaps of the unidentified lump:
3rd part duodenum
-Intestinal mucosa with no significant pathological changes.
-Villa and plasma cells are present.
-There is no evidence of Celiac Sprue or Giardia.
Colon, transverse and descending
-Unremarkable colonic mucosa
-No active inflammation or features of chronicity
-Borderline increase in eosinophils
-Unremarkable rectal mucosa
-No active inflammation or features of chronicity
-Lymphoid aggregates
-Borderline increase in eosinophils