Slow healing rate

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Dec 16, 2016
Hi everyone! Here's something interesting that I wanted to ask.

Over the years, I've noticed that my injuries tend to take a longer time to heal. I fell off a bike back in 2010, and the scratches that I sustained are still visible on my fore arm. I tripped over an empty bottle on a pavement while walking with my eyes glued to my phone in 2013, and the scars are still visible on the back of my hand. 3 months have gone by but the back of my hands and my arms are riddled with small little scars from having needles inserted for blood tests and IVs.

Could anybody explain why does it take so long for my scars to heal and if there is any possible relation to having Crohn's?

Thank you ^^
Back in 1989, before I was diagnosed with Crohns, I had surgeries for a fistula and also for hemorrhoids. It took an awful long time for both surgeries to heal. I thought it was because I wasn't consistent with my medicine. I went to a doctor to see about it. It turned out the reason I was talking so long to heal was because of the Crohns Disease. I think something similar is happening with your scars.
I've noticed that when I'm in a flare my cuts/bruises take longer to heal than when I'm not in a flare. It's possible that when you're in a flare your body takes all the energy it can to fight the infection inside of you you're dealing with (your flare). Because of that, any extra cuts, bruises or infections are secondary so to speak. Once you can get the one under control, the rest will follow suit.
I'm the same take ages to heal and also had fistula surgery back at the start of my crohn's in 2008 and it healed quick thank god

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