Small bowel follow through series

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Jul 7, 2011
Hello! I am having a small bowel follow through x ray series tomorrow morning. The doc suspects Crohn's in the small intestine maybe; along with plenty of scar tissue and adhesions. I am on 20mg of prednisone now. Seems like that would mask the test a bit! They are looking to see if there is an obstruction. Even on a low residue diet the food seems to stop and settle in the same spot for a day or the place where i had the colostomy; reversal; and hernia repair. There is no prep for the test except npo after midnight. Would you recommend just doing full liquids today or should I eat?
I want to do whatever is more helpful for this test! And 3 to 6 hours?!! Has anyone had this x-ray? Maybe I should bring a book. :)
I think I'd eat if you're allowed to! I hate doing the long fasts and liquid diets.
It's a long time since I had this test and I do remember it taking a very long time. I wasn't allowed to eat before mine, and I remember feeling weak and faint and absolutely exhausted waiting hours for the test to be over. So yeah, eat and take a book! Good luck.
It is a lengthy test because they keep calling you in to see if the barium hit the right spot for imaging. I suggest just following their directions.
I would say eat, if they allow it theres no reason not to. You could be there for a long time, especially if theres more than one person being tested at once.. I remember mine taking about 6 hours .. They let me eat something small about 4 and a half hours in but i wasnt allowed to drink anything. It may take more or less time depending on how much of the solution they give and if you are indeed blocked at all. If they do give a lot of the solution try and drink as much as you can, they told me the more you drink the faster its over :).

I would definitly reccomend taking something to amuse yourself with!
Good luck and let us know how it all goes :)
I had one recently. Pretty straight forward; just time consuming. I brought a book to read.
Bring a book or something to occupy your time! I just had one done on Friday, it took about 3 hours, but I know it varies person to person. Lots of back and forth for x-rays and waiting for the next round of x-rays. Good luck and I hope that things go well for you.
Also, it is important to drink as much water and clear liquids as you can after the procedure to wash out the barium from your system as fast as you can. Try not to eat anything fatty and greasy immediately after the procedure because it might make you feel queasy.
The test went slow but well this morning; thanks for all the advice! Owwie though... a lot of the barium has passed through finally, but still very crampy and am quite blocked up with air in upper abdomen and very unladylike burping! (It seems to be very positional.) I tried my best to drink throughout the day, but there just is not enough room in there for much to fit! I am just praying that they find something that give us an idea of what I need to do to function better, and consume more liquids and calories.
Glad to hear it all went ok, sorry its made you feel rough. I remember feeling a bit sorry for myself the next day but it didnt last too long so hopefully you'll feel better soon. I hope it gives you some answers and they can find something to help you :)
Thank you everyone! The coolest thing about the test was when the radiologist placed this paddle shaped device that had a ball type thing in the middle, over the part of my stomach where everything gets stuck, and put the pressure on, rolling it around a bit. I could see the contast starting to move through the small intestines! That is what I end up doing anyhow... sort of massaging the area of my stomach to try to push things through. The nurse called today, stating that the doctor is now going to do the pill cam test. That sure sounds advanced!
Yes, this is annoying, but a walk in the park compared 2 a colon scope :ycool:
My recent 1 took a little ovr 2 hrs, they gave me the extrathick contrast, I had 2 keep gulpin it.

Make sure they position the monitor so u can see - ask them 2 do it if u cant - u r payin big $ for this, so get ur $s worth! Also, ask Qs of the radiologist if he's a snob & not tellin u anythin. Mine was very informative & explaind 2 me what he was seein.

I was fearin that Id developed a stricture, but he said it looked OK. He said it was prob adhesions that kinked up where they reattached my small intestine 2 my colon. He said they eventually work themselves straight & then it's back 2 normal.....well, Crohns normal. Has any1 heard this b4?
Thanks, Job! Yes, it certainly was a walk in the park, especially since there was no prep. Four days after the test and my stools are still light colored barium. The tech and radiologist were very likeable, but I felt like an old fossil when the radiologist came in... he looked younger than Doogie Howser! Very nice, and did explain a few things. I have never heard that adhesions work themselves out. If that is true, I would be elated! I was under the impression that they worsen over time as more scar tissue forms??? My GI's nurse has called 3 times since the test...this doctor is very determined to pinpoint the problem, and now wants to send me to a University medical center, where they supposedly have some really advanced testing equipment. I don't know.... the medical bills just keep piling up, and I feel that it is just not fair to my family.
I have never heard that adhesions work themselves out. If that is true, I would be elated! I was under the impression that they worsen over time as more scar tissue forms??? My GI's nurse has called 3 times since the test...this doctor is very determined to pinpoint the problem, and now wants to send me to a University medical center, where they supposedly have some really advanced testing equipment. I don't know.... the medical bills just keep piling up, and I feel that it is just not fair to my family.

Hi, I'm not sure about working themselves out, but my surgeon told me that often adhesions don't cause symptoms, and so rather than assuming that symptoms I was having were from adhesions, he would look for another cause of the problem. Of course he might have been referring to the severity or location of my adhesions - perhaps he wouldn't have said the same to a different patient with adhesions, but it sounds possible that your doctor is thinking along similar lines?
I think he is. He has expressed several times that he hopes that it is something other than adhesions, so he can treat it. He is strongly against going back in there, because it will just cause more.

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