So much pain

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Dec 3, 2010
I seem to always be in this part of the forum lately but I feel so bad.
I have been eating next to nothing and still can't stop going to the toilet. So much D and most of the time its just what I'm drinking coming back out. My stomach hurts nearly all the time and is wakeing me in the night. My arthritis is getting worse and my knee is so swollen you can't make out the joint any more. I up my dose of methotrexate tomorrow to 25mg but he doctor said it still might not work for over a month. I don't know how long I can carry on like this and I know my family and boyfriend are also worried. I don't know what to do if I go to the hospital I don't think they will do anything except from check my bloods maybe ( if I'm lucky) give me some fluids and send me home. I wish there was something they could give us all just to get rid of this bloody horrible disease.
Thanks for reading my moan.
Hi there, I know how you feel but it sounds to me like Metho may not work. I was never in the much pain. Metho just made me sick and did nothing. Are you only on metho? I hope you get relief soon but having pain alot isnt a good thing and can be dangerous. Sorry not much help but I think you need help and now.
Thanks for the reply. Yeah I'm only on metho at the minute I have tried all other meds and wanted to avoid steroids as they only work short term for me. I'm starting to think I need some steroids or something to get this a bit more manageable.
Yeah I understand. I only take Pred as a last resort. Just getting off a two week lower dose regimin today. But dont suffer, because every time we flare that is causing scar tissue down the road and NOTHING helps that..except you know....
sorry you are in so much pain, BTDT. Instead of predisone, maybe you could try entocort? It is also a steroid, but has a little less side effects than predisone.

Like Pen, the methotrexate didn't work for me, but I had such bad side effects from it.
Thanks Linda I was going to ask the doc about entocort because it is better than pred I had it before and it didn't send me completely crazy like the pred.
I took my temperature a while ago and it is a little raised nothing really bad but I will be keeping an eye on that and making sure it's down before metho tomorrow.
Pen- Steroids are horrible but I know sometimes we just need to take them and I'm deffinatley getting to that stage. Hope the pred had helped you out.
I am finished my pred but now I just take one Flagyl a day to keep the flares away. Usually my days are the worst times..but that should end soon... hopefully.

Are you drinking Ensure or a liquid meal replacement? You need the nutrients in it.
I went out today for the first time in around 2 weeks and bought some meal replacement drink. I don't know how well it will go they only had chocolate flavour and it's kind of like a milkshake and I hate milkshake, but if it helps I'm willing to give it a try hopefully I can keep it down.

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