So tired all the time

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Jan 14, 2012
so tired all the time

got blood taken frm doc on thurs then on fri cudnt stand the pain so went to a&e which was a joke they were too busy for me my CRP was up but if the pain continued to come at a later date!!!! so my doc rings me on monday n says that my blood count is very low 8 i think it was, shud i worry cos i still have stomach pain n severe fatigue n no supprt of advice frm anyone :stinks: wud much appreciate it if someone cud tell where to go frm here pls im goin crazy is it my chrons r not? doc says im loosing blood frm somewhere but not to worry! stupid man!
It could be a lot of things but it sounds a lot like anemia, which is common with losing blood. It often makes you feel fatigued.
i was recently diagnosed with anemia and doc told me I was 10. She said if I got to 8 that would mean a blood transfusion. I found out the (over 40) vitamins I have been taken for well over a year do not have iron in them. So, I had to take an iron supplement and take a return blood test a month or so later. Next blood test showed I was fine, so it was an iron deficiency

However, your pain and symptoms do sound like something is up. I would press the doc or get a second opinion. Sounds quite serious. Keep us posted!
Hi sarahk1000 and welcome! I am sorry to hear your blood work doesn't look good. Have you had any recent tests besides blood tests? If not, I think you should pursue a scope and/or pill cam to see if a cause of the blood loss can be located. Once the severity of your disease can be evaluated, you may need to discuss altering your treatment plan with your GI.

Keep us posted!