Starting Prep tonight

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Nov 4, 2013
So I am going to start drinking the citrite in one hour... I'm not very concerned about that, but I have had 2 cans of chicken broth today. Already I am running to the bathroom and maybe it's because of the broth. I find it odd that I am already have bad Diarrhea :( Maybe its because Im really worried about the colonoscopy tomorrow. My tummy is gurgling like no tomorrow lol :tongue: What a day, can't wait till its all over tomorrow!!
Hi, foreveryoung! :)

Keep in mind that once you're running clear, you can stop drinking the prep. You may not have to drink it all, if you're already partially cleared out from the diarrhea earlier.

:hug: I hope things go well with your prep and scope!
Hey ForeverYoung, I missed seeing this post yesterday - hope all went well, and that the scope today goes well too. Best of luck and I hope it gets you some answers! Keep us posted!
Hi all! Just got home from the scope. I think my body doesnt react well to sedation because i kept waking up in excruciating pain. I dont think i have ever felt pain so bad. Has this happened to anyone else?
It's never happened to me, but I don't think it's an uncommon occurrence (especially in redheads - do you happen to be one?). Have you been sedated before?

I've never been awake for scopes, but it's my understanding that it's pretty painful when they navigate around the twists and turns. :(

I'm glad you've gotten it behind you! Were they able to tell you anything they saw?
I've had sedation 4 times now (2 colonoscopies and 2 upper endoscopies) and I've only woken up once, and just barely so. At my most recent colonoscopy, I have a vague recollection of my anus feeling uncomfortable like something was moving in it, but no actual pain, and I think I only woke up very briefly as the memory only lasts a few seconds. (For the record, I'm not a redhead.) As far as I can recall, that's the only time I've woken up during any of my scopes.

I'm sorry to hear you woke up so many times, I can imagine that was not a pleasant experience! I'm glad it's over with now, and hopefully you're resting and/or eating something yummy. I'm with SarahBear, wondering if they saw anything on the scope? Hopefully they took lots of biopsies too?
Gosh that's awful, I hope you're ok now - can't imagine how you must have been feeling. Did you get any results / feedback? On the upside that's the horrid part over with now and you can move forward and be well (that's what Kept me going).

I remember being awake at my last scope for a minute or two and the nurse pointed out ulcers on the screen but thankfully I had no pain. I also vaguely remember doing a massive burp in the Drs face when she was removing the camera / tube thing from my tummy..... Ooops 😀
Sorry I missed this yesterday, but I can relate to being awake in the scope, I've had an endoscopy at age 14 and don't remember a thing, but I guess they knock kids out better... For my colonoscopy, sadly, I remember the whole thing, it was 40 mins of agony, they are not pleasant when your awake, especially the twists and turns, and the pinching of the biopsies, I had a stricture too, which did not help matters.

Now that it's over, rest, and then treat yourself, going through those things is bad enough normally, but when your awake it's awful, and you definitely deserve to pamper yourself!

You might want to talk to your GI about having heavier sedation next time.

Hoping you are resting now and pampering, and that you got some decent answers..
My doctor said that she didnt see signs of crohns but she did see inflaammationn shebtook a biopsie of the ileum i think its called? Also said ibs and internal hemroidds. Im very comfortable now but i have no appetite. Im so glad its over. I remember lots from the scope sadly. At one instance the nurse was putting two more syringes in when i was in pain and i remember her saying "i dont think that went in oh well" makes me feel very uneasy. The doctors kept me there extra long because my heart rate was at 126 and still seems fast now. Anxiety probably. So happy its over thanks for the support all!!! Its so appreciated!!
edit: i forgot to say im not a red head and this was the first time being sedated
I can relate to the heart rate *hugs* mine sometimes gets up to 150 , but it just seems to think it's fun :L.. Keep an eye on how you feel, sometimes when we are aware that our heart has been fast, it can make it seem like it is going faster than normal even when it's not, because we become more aware of the beat. If you still have this feeling in a few days , a simple ecg should help determine what's happening

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