Starting Reflexis.

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jul 4, 2010
Well, I've had Humira, Entyvio,and now Renflexis, a Remicade biosimilar. It was suppose to be Stelara, but the insurance obviously knows more than my G.I. and is forcing Renflexis be next. We appealed and lost the appeal process.

Has anyone been on Renflexis? How has it worked for you folks? I'm nervous about this because I was on Humira, also a TNF blocker, and in 2018 went off it because I built up antibodies to it. My G.I. told me at the time he would not switch to Remicade because those antibodies would work against it as well. What do you all think?
I'm scheduled for my first Renflexis infusion this Tuesday. I've been on Remicade for about 11 years now, pretty much symptom free, and not sure if I'll tolerate this new drug ok or if I'll flare up and spiral.