Stinky farts in public

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Apr 30, 2010
Nottingham, UK
Don't you just hate it when you let out a sneaky fart in public, and it really stinks and the smell follows you round leading you to panic in case a) other people smell it and think you messed your pants, or b) you have messed your pants.
so horrible!:eek::rof:

hasn't happened in a while, but then I don't get out as much as I used to.

but yeah, extremely embarrassing! I laugh because I know the feeling. If it happened to you recently, I'm sorry. I'm not trying to poke fun at you.
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Laugh away! To be honest, it happens more times than I can count. Today though I was walking the dog so I could have blamed him.

Anyway, serves me right for eating the leftover onion bhaji I found in the fridge!
I tend to wear really long coats (part of a desire to some day have the need to to carry a sword as part of my every day life), they tend to get trapped.
I tend not to fart in public because of the fear of pooing myself! I only really feel comfortable farting when I'm in the bathroom. Lately I've had a fair amount of mucus-y farts and I don't want mucus messing my underpants either, so if I feel the need to fart I either supress it or run to the bathroom.

Oh, and I can't blame my farts on the dog. Her farts are champion-quality; I can't fart as stinkily as she does or have the smell hang in the air as long! :) (On a side note, I will be changing her food in an attempt to quell her hideous farts!)
The only time I fart without running for the restroom first is when I am on prednisone. The only time it is safe! The last time I was on the P was several years ago. I was shopping with a very good friend that was very much aware of my condition. I squeaked one out and she so totally gave it away. It was worth it though just to see the look on her face and on the sales womans face!:stinks:
Well I haven't actually had an accident since diagnosis! (well maybe a bit of mucus but not enough to make a mess of my underwear). But I always get that horrible what-if feeling, because I don't often get the runs, so what if I didn't know I had the runs till too late!

Oh dear, have I just jinxed myself?
Can I just say, I don't know of anywhere else where you can say/type things like this without grossing people out! I wouldn't even tell my doc half this stuff!
I know, isn't it great! I love it here. I can laugh, cry, stomp my feet and just tell it like it really is and no one blinks!
I totally know the feeling! I've had a couple of accidents through farting, Erkkkk!
I was discussing it with my IBD nurse a while ago, she asked me if I break wind at all and I said I do, but it's not always advisable!

On a side note, I always find the most amusing part of having a colonoscopy (if there is such a thing) is when you're in recovery after and you have so much wind from all the gas they pump in to you. The nurse said to last time omw that it's better out than in! So there I am lying there half sedated in my gown farting away and totally not caring in the slightest!!

Enough waffling now!
On a side note, I always find the most amusing part of having a colonoscopy (if there is such a thing) is when you're in recovery after and you have so much wind from all the gas they pump in to you. The nurse said to last time omw that it's better out than in! So there I am lying there half sedated in my gown farting away and totally not caring in the slightest!!

It's like the sound of thunder rumbling across the sky! They won't let me leave until I do it, so I happily produce the loudest sounding fart I can:kello:
If possible, it's best to let rip when you are on the move. That way it's hard to pinpoint who exactly is responsible for the fart and what direction it came from.

Then the shoppers all give each other dirty looks, each one suspecting the other, while never knowing for sure who's really farted. :lol2:
Sounds like you know what you're talking about Liam! My favourite is to wait till my boyfriend and his dad are engaged in fart wars, then let one rip and watch the confusion. For some reason no one suspects me till I fall off my chair laughing.
When you use Canasa, like I do, it's never smart to just let it rip lol! You get left with stains if you do-yuck!
I can never trust a fart!

But one time I was at the gym and I thought I might have messed myself, something smelled really bad. But it wasn't me! It was someone else that smelled like ass!!!
Yes - when using Canasa you must use caution when farting. They should put that on the box with the other warnings.

Another "I hate it when" is when my mother tells me I should watch my diet, but then brings over loads of leftovers and most being on my no-no list. Or when my friends ask how am I feeling in the same breath as suggesting Indian for dinner. I mean, really??
One time, when I was in a healthier place with my CD, for some reason I thought it would be "safe" to fart on an elevator - all by myself. So not a good place. I was so panicked that someone would get on...luckily no one did but for that brief moment I was freaking out.
It seems like farting days are long gone....only on the toilet, then I sound like some cheap comedy movie - so much so I laugh at the sounds coming out of me! Happy happy joy joy!
Sounds like you know what you're talking about Liam! My favourite is to wait till my boyfriend and his dad are engaged in fart wars, then let one rip and watch the confusion. For some reason no one suspects me till I fall off my chair laughing.

Haha..that's right, sounds like you got it sorted Rebecca. Hide it in plain sight, that's good advice. :thumright:
Oh gosh! I love fart stories :0) I do not fart with confidence these days, but back when I did, I would do the silent and walk away ones in the stores!! LOL It does suck when it follows you though! I learned from my dad (who's perfectly healthy) the fart on a run move :0) Love it!
I have also blamed a few on my baby niece, but now she's 15 months you can tell if it's her or not. Quite simple really, when she farts she starts laughing hysterically! That's my girl!

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