Stoma bags not sticking - REALLY desperate for some help

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Jul 26, 2012
I've only had my stoma a few months, so I'm still getting used to it, but basically, over the last few weeks the bags have stuck less and less. I use the dansac one piece bags, the dansac two piece bags, the hollister two pieces, and the salts one piece (I have the variety from my stoma nurse).
My problem is that I have a sort of eczema/psoriasis rash on my belly button, which usually I get a cream for and sort out, but it's spread to ALL around the stoma. It's unbelievably sore, and more than that, it's making my skin wet. I can sit and dry it and dry it using swabs/wipes etc, and it's still wet from the rash, so the bags just won't stick for even ten minutes.
It's got worse over the last 24 hours, before they'd last a day (definitely no more though), and now it's this. I can't even get dressed because I'd just have to wash my clothes again. I've tried covering it with plasters and they just won't stick either. I'm supposed to be leaving for Leeds Festival tomorrow at midnight, it's the only highlight to my entire year, and this is potentially ruining it, I really need some help :(
Hi Amy
Sounds like you might need a trip to the stoma nurse.
I get a little rash on my belly button too. It's where the water settles under my wings and no matter how much I dry it - it's damp and the rash remains. It doesn't hurt though. Yours sounds like it might be a reaction to the sticky stuff of the actual base plate etc.
I recently tried a barrier wipe - I think it was Coloplast - it was super sticky. It stung a bit - but had amazing stick factor. This might help in the short term.

Another couple of tricks - eat some marshmallows - that will slow down your output. Lay down on the couch and just put a damp flannel over the stoma and that will sooth the skin.
And to give your skin a rest - you might want to put a baby nappy over it - no sticky stuff - and then you're not making a giant mess.

I just had an operation and whilst in surgery, they put a one piece on me with the hugest base plate I have ever seen! Perhaps you can try something that spreads over a huge area so it can get more traction? It was like a huge bloody frisbee!

I hope you get it sorted so you can enjoy your Festival. Good luck.
thank you so much :)
my stoma nurse is on annual leave, which is why I was getting a bit worried!
can I get barrier wipes from chemists or anything? Or can they only be ordered?
I've spent the day laying under the fan in the spare room without a bag on and just some supplies next to me incase Bilbo decided to have some fun with me! Just left a wet cloth over it and it has helped the soreness a bit, but it's still very red and not sticking great.
I intend to take my salts one pieces, hollister two pieces and dansac two pieces with me, because they have the biggest base plates :)
Luckily I'll have a good set of friends around me in case of emergency!
Thank you for your suggestions though, it was super helpful :)
Sorry Amy! I just saw this. Samboi has given you some good advice. (and what a time for the stoma nurse to be away)

I know you said not to tell you to tape it, but tegaderm has saved my wee ass a few times when NOTHING else worked. It wont help forever, but it will give you time to run to the loo for a change. Sometimes thats all we need in an emergency.

The barrier wipes are good, but a huge baseplate is a better idea.
thank you! I've got some larger baseplates, my two pieces and one of my one pieces have quite big ones :) been to the doctors (twice!) as well and the chemist are ordering in some stuff for me, kind of a powder to dry the skin out, which I can get tomorrow morning - they were really a great help!
I'll make sure to take plenty of spares :) I was just concerned about changing the bag at a festival, it isn't the most sanitary of places! Haha :)
Hi Amy, I always use a small amount of calamine lotion around the stoma, then a barrier wipe around that. Works great for me. Make sure everything is bone dry before putting the bag on. Some people warm the bag before putting it on too. By either putting it on a radiator or under their arm for a few minutes, to make the adhesive more sticky. Also, hold the bag in place for a few minutes too - I have heard people say give your stoma a hug lol. Creams under the bag are never good I'm afraid.

Good luck, Kaz xxx
thanks :) yeah, I always sit on the bag whilst I clean Bilbo up haha! :)
I always try to keep it dry, but obviously with the rash it's basically impossible :)
it's been better this afternoon though, haven't had a leakage!
(anyone that hasn't tried salts one piece bags should, they're GREAT and comfortable)
Healing up weeping skin rashes...

Hi Amy, sorry you are having such a tough time with your Stoma. My wife has a problem with rashes for the same type skin problem eczema/psoriasis . When it weeps and stays wet, sometimes it indicates it's infected and needs antibiotics to shut it down. One last thing that might help you a great deal , she uses a liquid stuff called "Benadryl". The chemical name of the stuff is "Diphenhydramine". It works wonders for my wife. Within a few days, the wetness begins to dry up and it starts to heal. It's taken by mouth up to 6 times a day . It tends to make her a bit sleepy but well worth it. Best of luck to you. I hope you can find the stuff, I buy it at WalMart here in the states and is not inexpensive, only 3 dollars. Your Drug store/Chemist should also have it. God Bless Bob E . PS: CAUTION, because it might make you sleepy please be careful if you drive OK?
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thank you! That's great :) I'll get some tomorrow before the festival, I won't be driving until next week, so should be okay haha :) thank you!
I used a hair dryer to dry out the skin really good before using stoma powder then barrier wipes, dry again and layer the powder and barrier. I do three layers when skin is really bad before putting on the base plate. Unfortunately only get a two day wear when doing this. I use the hair dryer to warm up the base plate too.
I don't think there's anything else I can add to this apart from to have a brilliant time!!!! I'm very jealous you are going!! Let us know how you get on?
thank you! :) everyone has been so helpful!
I've got some powder now, Karaya powder, and it's really good! Dries it right up, and doesn't hurt to use, as I was worried it might be!
Leaving in half hour to arrive at 3am, can't wait! Haha :) Got so many supplies with me, just incase it decides not to behave!
so I went to the festival, the bag leaked every single day, at least once and I was in loads of pain! But it was fantastic and I loved every second of it, managed to sort it out in make shift ways each time, and didn't let it spoil my time :)
EEEK! Sorry to hear that it leaked and you were in pain, but good on you to not let it ruin the festival for you!!!
A bit late now, but when I had really bad skin, I used Cavilon spray which is a very effective barrier. You can buy it over the counter from Boots. When I was having issues with leaks, I used a belt and sticky extenders. In the end though the solution was a different bag (Dansac worked for me) but I guess until you fix your skin complaint nothing is going to stick well.
Best thing I use to protect my skin are large barriers- Eakin and Coloplast make them. The barrier wipes are good too, but if you wipe them over irritated skin they sting. All of these product suppliers have specialists to talk to and I found they were much better than any nurse. I don't see much difference in the powders and I'll often use just some baby powder on the skin first, before putting the large seal on. If I feel the need for a little extra reinforcement, I put some 2 inch paper tape around the edges of the seal. So far, so good. Hope all is well!
thank you, guys! :) I've found that just changing it every morning, using karaya powder and my cream for my skin complaint, then adding a bit of tape around the looser bits helps in the mean time :) I usually wear high waisted underwear because it makes the bag totally undetectable through my clothes then, and have been trying to wear jeans that press down on it to help it stay stuck at the moment :) all is going okay!
The way I look at it, everything could be worse, I could be back where I was before surgery! :)

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