agreed on what they all said. at first its all a bit annoying, but after a bit getting to know your own ostomy, you can pretty much predict everything.
even now i can almost choose what to wear based on it....if i know my stoma wont be active for a while then i can wear a regular tank top, where as if i will be out for a long time all day or if my stoma is pooing up a storm then i wear a flowy top, you know?
its nice to be able to empty before you go out and know that you wont have to go to the bathroom for a while. how often i emptry depends on my day really. if im just home then i let the pouch get as full as it wants to or just empty it when i start getting annoyed by it. but if im out then i prob will empty more often.
as far as the mucous.....i have a lot of mucous issues and unfortunately urgency with it. i get the same kind of cramps and urge to go to the bathroom just like i did before the ostomy, only thing is that its less often and not poo lol.
sometimes its just the feelin g like i have to go and nothing really comes out, and sometimes its a full on flood if i dont get to a bathroom asap. so, not gonna lie, that is an issue for me. i still have my entire colon though, so i would think if you only were left with a rectal stump then you would not have near as much mucous drainage.
though its annoying, being unable to control mucous flow is infinently better than being unable to control poo. lol tis true.