Stoma Retraction

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Sep 28, 2011
Memphis, Tn.
Where to start? My first stoma was born in 2007, Stella. In 2009, I had a prolapsed peristomal hernia revision. Then this past Feb., my stoma was relocated to the left side of my abdomen. Right now, my stoma is flush with my skin. When I have a BM, my stoma completely retracts causing major leakage underneath my wafer. However, there are times when my stoma is rather perky. I'm starting to think that my abdominal wall is completely shot from all of the surgeries that I have endured. It seems that after every surgery that I have had, my stoma does okay for a few weeks post op then decides to retract. It's down right frustrating and painful at that. The skin around my stoma has broken down and is really raw. I have been using Nystop powder along with the paste, but the burn of the paste literally makes my eyes cross. LOL. I really do not want to have another surgery, and wondering if anyone has experienced problems with reoccurrent stomal retraction? :sign0085:
It does sound like your ab wall is the issue. Are you using the convex wafers? Alot of people on here swear by them.

My parastomal hernia is causing me the same issues, and you can see from my sig line. They are going to have to surgically fix my abs they think.
I have been wearing convex wafers all along . My abdomen looks like a road map, and I do not have a belly button anymore. I know that belly buttons serve no purpose aside from invitro, and im happy to still be alive. What does the ab reconstruction consist of? I'm doing everything possible to avoid another operation bc I have noticed that it takes me longer each time to bounce back. Maybe im a wuss, but every surgery that I have had the post-op pain is a nightmare. The last surgery that I had, I had an epidural , a PCA pump, and dilaudid via IV & I was still in excruciating pain. With advanced medical technology , I'm surprised that they have not come up with a prosthetic bung hole yet. Lol. After all that u have been through in the past 5 years , the next time I experience another major flare I'm going to seriously consider the stem cell therapy.
This isn't really what you were asking about, but the Coloplast Strip Paste thingies are great. They are really easy to use, DO NOT STING AT ALL like the regular paste, and they have the powder built into the paste strip so it helps with healing. They come in strips and you mold them around the stoma...sort of like PlayDoh or really sticky clay. That may help your skin while you are debating another surgery.
The ab surgery they were talking about with me was a full on tummy tuck. :ywow:

I wouldnt mind, but I'll be damned if I'm paying for it! Never mind the fact that it's MAJOR surgery AGAIN.
I've been having the same problems, it really sucks. Do you wear a belt with your convex bag? Thatmay help a little.. I'm sort of at a loss at what to do myself as well! sorry I'm not much help :(
Hi sorry to hear you are having problems,
I thought I would see it what I did could possibly help you, I to had the same problem with my stoma falling below the abdomen wall, the doctors said they would repair it but well I was sick of all the surgeries,my stoma shrunk to a size 19 ml, so here's what I did, I'm not sure what companies you deal with or if they are the same as the ones in Canada, but I use convatec....20 ml pre-cut wafer with a ferm convexity,one size higher than your stoma size, clear bags(I know but you can see what is happening) two other products I use is 3m no sting barrier spray or wipes and stoma powder, while my surrounding skin was in really bad shape, I would start by putting the wafer on first.....clean dry skin, with nothing else, press hard until the stoma lifts up, use the no sting spray or wipes and put around the part of the skin you can see, let it dry or become tacky then hit it with the powder, after the skin starts to heal, omit the barrier spray or wipes and just use the powder, I had tried everything you could think of, it wasn't until this that my skin became the best it has ever been and i had been tring things for almost a year, If you decide to try this, I hope it works for you.....I really do know how you feel and the burning .....good luck

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