Stress, Anxiety and/or Depression

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Apr 10, 2017

I am currently struggling with some health anxiety issues and so I was just curious how many here suffer from stress, anxiety and/or depression?
If you do, what coping strategies if any do you find useful?
How many here are on some kind of anti-depressant? anti-anxiety medication?

There is a mental aspect to every physical disease. How we react to disease and how we cope with disease vary greatly from person to person. For example, the hair loss that some with IBD get, may not bother some people very much. However, the hair loss in someone else may make them feel depressed and more ill.
On the other hand there can be physical effects from mental illness. For example, with some mental illnesses you may not eat, or take care of yourself, very well which can cause physical problems.
I read that a lot of people who had C-difficile are traumatised from it and scared to take antibiotics as it may trigger another infection. So I totally understand you are not alone. It can be very aggressive and difficult to treat for some.
I went to my GP about my worsening mental health a couple of weeks ago and got prescribed an anti-depressant. It looks like I have a whole host of issues (depression, GAD, OCD, possible panic disorder) but I got the distinct impression that they try hard not to just pin labels on you nowadays. I am struggling with appetite and finding the motivation to eat thanks to the depression, and the stress caused by all my university work isn't helping. On top of that, I'm still flaring, and can only wait and get worse until I see my GI in a month's time, which doesn't help my mood any!

So you're definitely not alone. In terms of coping strategies, I try to utilise short-term thinking: take things day by day, even hour by hour or minute by minute if I have to. This is hard for me, because I like to plan, but sometimes it's to my detriment and sets my anxiety in a spiral. Similarly, I try and remind myself not to borrow trouble: if something happens (like having an accident in public, say), then I'll deal with it then, instead of worrying about it so much that it prevents me from going outdoors. I'm on the waiting list for CBT to find some better coping strategies, but so far, those are the most effective for me.
Recently, I've begun Cognitive Behavioural Therapy/treatment for anxiety. I'm doing one hour sessions weekly. I did some counseling when I was initially diagnosed about 10 years ago, but it creeps back in with the unpredictability of this disease. Take care.
For me, when my thoughts overwhelm me, I turn to the internet and start researching. I have to believe that there is a "cure", so as all these thoughts flutter through my brain, I look them up and ask questions and try to find answers. I can see how this strategy may not work for other people, ignorance is definitely bliss, but it helps me. Knowing that I'm doing something, anything, to try to improve my situation is helpful.

Like right now, I've noticed that I'm having increased hair loss after starting a biologic a month ago. I've been worrying about it for a couple weeks, and finally went to the internet yesterday. I found out it could be a folic acid deficiency. So today I'm going to buy some supplements and spinach. LOL. They might do nothing. In reality, not much of my research has helped me physically, but it helps me mentally which is half the battle.
I hope your hair gets better Callie. I like baby spinach the best. I often put 1/2 cup with a banana or other various fruits as a part of my daily smoothie. It turns it a green color, but still tastes pleasant. Good luck.
Thanks, cmack! I used to drink smoothies with spinach, but then I got this thing called Crohn's, and I can't drink smoothies anymore. LOL. I guess it's too much raw fruits and vegetables. I've turned to juicing which I can tolerate, but I'm sure I don't get nearly enough nutrients. Can't seem to win.
Sorry to hear that Callie, juicing is a really healthy option too. Some people handle fiber a heck of a lot better than others. There have been times when I couldn't tolerate extra fiber in the past. I stuck to broths and vegetable juices, bland soups, also I used to add more organic soy milk to my diet, (It's something I have every day still, roughly 1 cup/day). It's just less than when I was relying on only liquids for nutrition. Eventually, I was able to add more and more fiber slowly. To go along with the extra fiber, I took several rounds of VSL#3 probiotics to help break the fiber down in my gut properly. It worked for me, maybe one day you will be having smoothies again. I never thought I would be able to. I really think the specific probiotic strains in VSL #3 are what caused the improvement in fiber tolerance for me. Sorry, really not mental health related, except if you count better physical health leading to a better state of mind.
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I don't deal with it. Don't know how or where to even begin. I don't want to talk about my illness over and over. I'm feeling better than I ever have and although that does help, I still have enough issues to frustrate the hell out of me on a daily basis.

I'm also taking enough medication that I really don't want to add to it. I am prone to panic attacks, so I do take an ativan when I need to, but that's about it.

I know NOT talking about it doesn't help, but for me... talking about it just makes me feel worse.
If you are facing with anxiety or depression then you are not alone in this problem. Millions of people suffers from depression or anxiety problem. But it does not means that there is no treatment for such problem. But this anxiety can also lead to several health issues like suffering from PE especially in men. Yes, this is very much true as anxiety can make suffer from other sexual problems also. However it should be cured immediately otherwise it can continue to damage further.
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I believe there is a hug correlation between mental health + physical health and nutrition. I am a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) and this very correlation has become my passion in my work. I suffer from anxiety myself and do have a prescription for Ativan, but I don't take it unless I'm absolutely overwhelmed because I think that working through anxiety on your own and proving to yourself that you can do it is so much more powerful.

I've done a food journal and am treating myself with nutrition as opposed to prescribed meds for both the anxiety and crohn's. It's definitely difficult and very frustrating. But, if you put in the time and effort to do your own research and trial and error, I'm confident you can feel some genuine improvements. Every little step counts and it's all worth it.

As for coping skills, a lot of CBT and mindfulness. Notice your negative thoughts, challenge them by replacing them with neutral statements (example: negative thought- I'm such a loser for having all these problems.; thought challenge- I have many stressors and I'm doing my best to work through all of them.), avoid judging yourself, give yourself a pep talk every day or every hour if you need to. Accept yourself for who you are and find gratitude wherever you can. Attitude is everything and you get to choose your attitude every day.
It's funny that I open this forum up with the intention of posting about this very subject and low and behold .. here it is .. the very first topic on my list!

I have been fighting depression for many years. Only recently I found out I had Crohn's and the GI said that from what he saw, it looked like it had been active for 10-15 years. (Yea, I know, I hate doctors and never dealt with the symptoms.)

Anyway, about the same time my husband was bitching about my memory and general funk, so after a few tests and doctor appointments .. I am now taking 25 mg Paxil every day. Problem is, after about 4 months of taking it, I can't tell any difference and have set an appointment with my doc to address it. My therapist agrees that it doesn't seems to be doing anything.

Speaking of therapist, seeing him every week for the last 3 months, we are just getting past what I call the, "I don't know you well enough to trust you" phase but last week I was in a really bad place and when I sat down, I pretty much told him that I needed to talk and he needed to listen.

I have been, I guess for the last month or so, in a kind of downward spiral with my mental health and to the point that I have seriously wished I was dead.

I know .. not a good place. But thanks to my hubby, I have been able to work through some of it. Enough anyway to not act on the feelings.

I mean damn .. I AM going through a lot of crap right now. My short term disability from work is coming to an end, My company is being bought out and the new group doesn't know how to handle me being on short term disability during the change over, it looks like I will have to go COBRA with the new companies insurance plan, but I don't know how much that is going to cost. I have a long term disability insurance plan that I am trying to get approved for but that is unknown and with no money coming in I am looking at loosing my insurance! And that is just the tip of the iceberg!

With all the unknowns, I guess it is no wonder I am barely treading water.

(I have discussed more about my personal life in this post than I have in the last 50 years of my life combined!) :yfaint:

I guess the point of my post is to (a) confirm that I think we all have issues with anxiety/depression, and (b) we each have to try to figure out what works best for us.

I am so glad that I found this forum when I was first diagnosed as it has helped me to realize that I am not alone! and that It will get better. but I am just like that little kid on his birthday ... I want it NOW! :ylol:

Thank you for "listening!"

It's funny that I open this forum up with the intention of posting about this very subject and low and behold .. here it is .. the very first topic on my list!

I have been fighting depression for many years. Only recently I found out I had Crohn's and the GI said that from what he saw, it looked like it had been active for 10-15 years. (Yea, I know, I hate doctors and never dealt with the symptoms.)

Anyway, about the same time my husband was bitching about my memory and general funk, so after a few tests and doctor appointments .. I am now taking 25 mg Paxil every day. Problem is, after about 4 months of taking it, I can't tell any difference and have set an appointment with my doc to address it. My therapist agrees that it doesn't seems to be doing anything.

Speaking of therapist, seeing him every week for the last 3 months, we are just getting past what I call the, "I don't know you well enough to trust you" phase but last week I was in a really bad place and when I sat down, I pretty much told him that I needed to talk and he needed to listen.

I have been, I guess for the last month or so, in a kind of downward spiral with my mental health and to the point that I have seriously wished I was dead.

I know .. not a good place. But thanks to my hubby, I have been able to work through some of it. Enough anyway to not act on the feelings.

I mean damn .. I AM going through a lot of crap right now. My short term disability from work is coming to an end, My company is being bought out and the new group doesn't know how to handle me being on short term disability during the change over, it looks like I will have to go COBRA with the new companies insurance plan, but I don't know how much that is going to cost. I have a long term disability insurance plan that I am trying to get approved for but that is unknown and with no money coming in I am looking at loosing my insurance! And that is just the tip of the iceberg!

With all the unknowns, I guess it is no wonder I am barely treading water.

(I have discussed more about my personal life in this post than I have in the last 50 years of my life combined!) :yfaint:

I guess the point of my post is to (a) confirm that I think we all have issues with anxiety/depression, and (b) we each have to try to figure out what works best for us.

I am so glad that I found this forum when I was first diagnosed as it has helped me to realize that I am not alone! and that It will get better. but I am just like that little kid on his birthday ... I want it NOW! :ylol:

Thank you for "listening!"


You won’t always be this lowJay, hang in there, I’m suffering with anxiety and stress too at the moment. I’m 55 and you’d think it gets easier but it’s not feeling like that today. Like you I’m taking short term break from work place and just concentrating on a day at a time and minding myself ... stress just puts me sitting on loo for the day so that’s not good ha ha
Anyway, no cure for you but a trouble shared can be a troubled halved, particularly when you know someone is ‘listening’ and reassure you this too will pass , just be kind and gentle with yourself. All the best.
Im currently on amitriptyline and I take it before bed. I wasn’t sleeping.. my mind was constantly on. I was paranoid and nearly suffered a mental breakdown I’ve been on and off various anti anxiety—-antidepressants since I was 13. I should preface by saying that my anxiety issues 100% are due to the trama I experienced during the 8-10 years that I was without a diagnosis. And of course now with a diagnosis I have had to accept how abnormal my life has become. Crohn’s has affected me in every aspect of my life and has forced me to have to many some very tough decisions at 25.

For the longest time ever I tried to go the unmedicated route. No pain killers. No anxiety Meds. I wanted to have some form of control in my life—whereas every other aspect of my life was falling apart. At this point though I just know that all other forms of coping strategies is no longer working. Music doesn’t help. Writing doesn’t help anymore. Yoga is a no go. I had a step by step plan as to what to do when I was feeling a certain way and now I’m beyond what once worked.

I’m sleeping again which is nice but—-taking a pill right before bed is not helping me during the regular day.


I am currently struggling with some health anxiety issues and so I was just curious how many here suffer from stress, anxiety and/or depression?
If you do, what coping strategies if any do you find useful?
How many here are on some kind of anti-depressant? anti-anxiety medication?

There is a mental aspect to every physical disease. How we react to disease and how we cope with disease vary greatly from person to person. For example, the hair loss that some with IBD get, may not bother some people very much. However, the hair loss in someone else may make them feel depressed and more ill.
On the other hand there can be physical effects from mental illness. For example, with some mental illnesses you may not eat, or take care of yourself, very well which can cause physical problems.
I believe there is a hug correlation between mental health + physical health and nutrition. I am a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) and this very correlation has become my passion in my work. I suffer from anxiety myself and do have a prescription for Ativan, but I don't take it unless I'm absolutely overwhelmed because I think that working through anxiety on your own and proving to yourself that you can do it is so much more powerful.

I've done a food journal and am treating myself with nutrition as opposed to prescribed meds for both the anxiety and crohn's. It's definitely difficult and very frustrating. But, if you put in the time and effort to do your own research and trial and error, I'm confident you can feel some genuine improvements. Every little step counts and it's all worth it.

As for coping skills, a lot of CBT and mindfulness. Notice your negative thoughts, challenge them by replacing them with neutral statements (example: negative thought- I'm such a loser for having all these problems.; thought challenge- I have many stressors and I'm doing my best to work through all of them.), avoid judging yourself, give yourself a pep talk every day or every hour if you need to. Accept yourself for who you are and find gratitude wherever you can. Attitude is everything and you get to choose your attitude every day.

A great post !! Thanks !!
Stress, Depression and anxiety can be huge obstacles for many of us. It can be challenging for everyone to find a way out can seem nearly impossible. If you want to get rid of these problems then you should do exercises or yoga that will surely give you peace of mind and body. Even you can play games or go for outing that diverts your mind for sometime.
How are your studies going ?
Hope your anti-depressant is working out for you.
You sound like you have as good head on your shoulders.
Take care of yourself.
Lynda 🌻

Thank you, Lynda! My studies are going well - I just finished my second year of university, and my results are released in two weeks. I feel like my antidepressant is working most of the time, but I still struggle often with anxiety and obsessive thoughts/behaviours. That said, I'm on the lowest possible dose of my antidepressant so there's lots of room for adjustment if I need it! I keep thinking about returning to my GP about it, but compared to how I was previously, I don't think there's much cause for concern. Hope you're doing well, and that everyone else in this thread is too! :)
Jay, how are you ?
Just checking up on everyone today. 🙂
Lynda 🐝

Thank you Lynda!

To be honest .. I am in the dumps. Because of my CD, I am no longer able to drive trucks, and since that was my job, and my FMLA was expended, my company terminated my employment. I knew that was coming because they were being bought out by a major competitor, but they didn't even have the courtesy of calling me .. they just sent me an email and said to come clean out my truck.

And since I no longer have a job, I am loosing my insurance. For the first time in my life I am on government assistance and that alone is depressing! Just getting up in the morning is becoming a chore. Then again.. so is just going to bed. My lumbar and cervical has issues so I can't lay down (or sit or stand for that matter) for long, but when I do go down .. I don't want to get up. I do so only because the pain get to be too much!

Sometimes I wonder if the struggle is worth it. Then I think about Mom and remember that I have always said that no parent should ever have to bury their child and so I move past it. But it is not easy sometimes.

I got so pissed at my neurologist Friday that I just walked out on her. I had the second appointment of the day and still I waited over an hour to see her. I had my therapist to go to so I just walked out. I was fuming!

That is another thing I am noticing. My tolerance for bull poop is out the window and virtually non-existent!

Anyway, sorry for 'dumping' on ya. Thanks for 'listening.'

Hey Jay,

I'm sorry you have all this trouble, I lost my job too and it isn't easy. You can talk to me any time, pm's are fine too. I care about people like you because I'm one of you. Stay strong you will prevail.
Well, that just suck big green d&$(@$^ d!@*s! I just got the dang paperwork for COBRA insurance .. yea .. um .. that's not going to friggin happen! $955 per MONTH! **** .. if I could afford that .. I wouldn't be 2 years behind in my property taxes! Come to think of it .. that IS a years property taxes!

So ... now I am sitting here trying to figure out where the hell i put my 2017 IRS-1040 so I can file the paperwork for the Johnson & Johnson Patient Assistance Foundation. I spent 2 hours on hold trying to connect to them and find out what alternative paperwork I could use .. but I never got through.

My therapist said he would still see me but only 2x/month .. so I guess I better give him a call and see about an appointment since I haven't seen him in 3 weeks!

At least my Unemployment was tentatively approved, pending review, and that will help.

What is really killing me emotionally is that I am 50 years old and have NEVER had to rely on government assistance and I now have food stamps! That alone is depressing as hell to me.

Maybe I'll get lucky and SSDI will approve the first time and I won't have to worry about anything for a bit.

Anyway .. I have ranted on enough .. I said i'd keep you updated .. so there is my update. More than my personal journal is getting! LOL

Shalom U'varecha! (Peace and Blessings)

Woo Hoo! :ywow: Now I am friggin allergic to Codine! Please, just friggin shot me! Doc is chicken **** to give me a stronger pain med and I don't have any insurance to seek a new doc .. so I get to live with the friggin pain again! No wonder I just want to check out sometimes. :ybatty:

I have an appointment with Unemployment office since it is getting harder and harder for me to get out of the house, :poo: I am going to loose that too.

***** gettin real out here again! I never thought I'd be struggling to find a reason to get out of bed in the morning. Other than to :poo:, I have had no desire to get going this past 2 weeks. I think I figured out what that light is coming at me in the tunnel ... It's the friggin train and not the end of the tunnel!

Finally broke down and called my therapist and told him we need to meet or the next time he sees me will either be at my funeral or in a padded room! :yrolleyes: He said to come see him and not worry about the fee. I guess that is one good thing. I see him tomorrow, let see what we can come up with.

On a good note, I went ahead and got recommissioned as a notary public here in Texas. Set up for mobile notary services and just about all my supplies are in. Going to get training and certified as a Certified Signing Agent, and that should provide just enough income that I won't starve. And if not .. well .. At least I have something I can do when I CAN get out!

Ciao for now !! :eek:utahere:
Hang in there. It can only be bad for so long until it all takes a turn for the better. You are doing the right things, I think it's great that you are seeing your therapist and keeping your bases covered with the unemployment office. I hope things get better soon, you can do this.
Wow, been a month since my last post. Guess what ... not much has changed! :ybatty:

Get up, go :poo:,
take my meds, go :poo:,
feed the doggie, rabbit and kitty's , go :poo:,
feed myself, go :poo:.

The only thing that has really changed is that my husband is less supportive now then when this all started .. LESS then a year ago!! :ywow:

Today was interesting .. Did the normal frequent trips to :poo:, and decided to set a TV tray in there so I can drag my laptop. That was a mistake! My damn legs went to sleep and I fell flat on my face! :redface:

OH! that is something else that changed this month .. I have a new diagnosis ... Bi-Polar !! go figure! 40 years of severe mood swings and they are now calling it bi-polar! :confused2: I would have thought the neuro-psychiatrist and his 4 hours test would have discovered that. All this time, I just thought it was :depressed:

Sometimes I just want to tell the world to :kissgrits:

That's all for now ... I'm :eek:utahere:
I've been struggling with depression for many years, but the last 6 months has been the hardest since the crohn's has developed. I struggle to cope with constantly feeling ill, being exhausted every single day no matter how much sleep I get and being so busy at work that I struggle to concentrate and often used to find myself almost falling asleep at my desk.

It all became too much one day and I just started crying in work and didn't stop for 3 days. I'm extremely lucky in that my boss was incredibly supportive, and my doctor really helped me and changed my antidepressants. the last few weeks have been hard but I finally feel like things are becoming just that bit more brighter. Crohn's is a terrible thing and I honestly feel for all of us having to cope with it. It's a terrible strain on your body, but the strain on your mind trying to keep yourself is check is immense.
Hi Evie,

I'm sorry that you are having a rough time. I'm here to talk if you like, I promise not to judge you. PM's are fine. I understand what you are saying and I can relate. I hope the change of antidepressants will help you rise above this rough patch. Remember, things can only be bad for so long before it turns for the better. That has been my experience anyway.

Finest Regards,

Wow, been a month since my last post. Guess what ... not much has changed! :ybatty:

Get up, go :poo:,
take my meds, go :poo:,
feed the doggie, rabbit and kitty's , go :poo:,
feed myself, go :poo:.

The only thing that has really changed is that my husband is less supportive now then when this all started .. LESS then a year ago!! :ywow:

Today was interesting .. Did the normal frequent trips to :poo:, and decided to set a TV tray in there so I can drag my laptop. That was a mistake! My damn legs went to sleep and I fell flat on my face! :redface:

OH! that is something else that changed this month .. I have a new diagnosis ... Bi-Polar !! go figure! 40 years of severe mood swings and they are now calling it bi-polar! :confused2: I would have thought the neuro-psychiatrist and his 4 hours test would have discovered that. All this time, I just thought it was :depressed:

Sometimes I just want to tell the world to :kissgrits:

That's all for now ... I'm :eek:utahere:

That sounds less than ideal:(. I'm glad you got a diagnosis but I'm sorry it had to be that way. At least now you might get on the right track with different meds. I wish you the best, talk to me any time PM's are fine with me and are confidential. You can reach me here as well.

Best Wishes,

You are definitely not alone. I have long suffered from Generalized Anxiety Disorder with Mild Depression and stress management in general.

In the past, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and medication have helped me manage my mental health symptoms. I don't always manage uncertainty well. This forum is also great for finding people who can relate to what you might be experiencing. For a time I was doing ok and started slacking on my self-care. I've been working on my self-awareness for a while now and have realized that my previous crohn's flares, my fear of future crohn's flares, work stressors and sudden life changes all have a tendency to trigger my anxiety and depression. I'm now back in therapy and beginning the discussions about getting back on meds. It wasn't an easy choice, but I now acknowledge that trying to deal with all of this on my own only makes my mental health symptoms worse and affects my ability to properly take care of my own needs and show up in the world the way that I sometimes need to and would like to.

Everyone has to choose the best path to wellness that is right for them. I know your original post is a bit old now, but I hope you have managed to find a care plan that works for you and that you are feeling some relief from the chains of anxiety and depression now.
You are definitely not alone. I have long suffered from Generalized Anxiety Disorder with Mild Depression and stress management in general.

In the past, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and medication have helped me manage my mental health symptoms. I don't always manage uncertainty well. This forum is also great for finding people who can relate to what you might be experiencing. For a time I was doing ok and started slacking on my self-care. I've been working on my self-awareness for a while now and have realized that my previous crohn's flares, my fear of future crohn's flares, work stressors and sudden life changes all have a tendency to trigger my anxiety and depression. I'm now back in therapy and beginning the discussions about getting back on meds. It wasn't an easy choice, but I now acknowledge that trying to deal with all of this on my own only makes my mental health symptoms worse and affects my ability to properly take care of my own needs and show up in the world the way that I sometimes need to and would like to.

Everyone has to choose the best path to wellness that is right for them. I know your original post is a bit old now, but I hope you have managed to find a care plan that works for you and that you are feeling some relief from the chains of anxiety and depression now.
That's great that you are doing therapy again for GAD and the other, (not) fun bits of being a chronically ill person. It takes a lot of courage and darn good on you! We should all be open to telling how we really feel and you are setting a great example.

All the best to everybody!
agree that it is awesome that you are doing therapy again! I pray for you! When I was struggling with some health anxiety issues, my family couldn’t help me. My doctor recommended me to look over this website where I could order quality antidepressants. These guys have the best prices and fast shipping. Their mission is to make sure to ship their client order fast without delay. These guys really helped me so if you want to check out this site for more info!
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Well, I guess after 26 months, I should provide some update.

I still have CD, I still have major depression/anxiety, and most importantly, I am still alive. Got my SSD approved after almost two years of fighting for it. Got my house caught up from the tax man. And Mom and Dad moved in last month.

The isolation from all this Covid crap is driving me nuts, but I do manage to get out some and do what needs to be done.

Enough for now .. will try to write more later.


Hang in there, Jay. I'm happy to hear your financial situation has improved! Covid is driving everyone bonkers at my house too, parents included. There is some promising news of a new vaccine. Here's to hoping for a little more, "normalcy."( I know... What's normalcy?)


Do you know if the covid vaccine is approved for Crohn's patients? Since this pandemic has started, I became really hypochondriac. I tried to avoid the news and to distract myself, but unfortunately, it's not working. I'm constantly researching symptoms of illnesses, but I'm afraid to go to the doctor. Still, I feel that my level of anxiety is too high. For this purpose, I started a course of rehab at an Anxiety Treatment Center in Florida. The program is not easy, but if you're willing to work hard, this is the best place to be.
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Do you know if the covid vaccine is approved for Crohn's patients?

In the US the three COVID-19 vaccines are not fully "approved" for anyone, but they are "authorized" for emergency use, pending full approval, for nearly every adult including IBD patients. And the medical societies for gastroenterologists and prominent IBD specialists all strongly recommend that IBD patients get the vaccine.

At least one of the vaccine companies has applied to the FDA for full approval. You never quite know when the FDA will act. They march to their own timetable, but some senior government health officials (not FDA) have speculated that the first full FDA approval might come in August or September.