Sucka Punched!!!!

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May 27, 2009
Ok, so remember when you first saw the movie JAWS and were afraid that everytime you used the toilet a shark would come up and bite your butt? No? Ok, how about the phrase associated with one of the sequels, "Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water....."

Well, this is analogous to my being a bit nervous to going back to work. I was nervous and excited to get a piece of normalcy back. Things were going very well initially very nice people, motivated staff under my direction, and a not so kind supervisor. Well this person, whom we shall now refer to as a pimple on the buttocks of society, became bullying, condescending and just plain mean spirited.

Well to make a long story short and to not be as unprofessional as the aforementioned Buttpimple, I was terminated yesterday after telling the boss i was going to need to leave early due to pain issues. (we had discussed employment for months ahead and he was aware of my issues). He told me that he was terminating me and i asked why? The answer was "attitudinal concerns". He told me this in the hallway. She and i had a meeting that she had intended to be a monologue where she could berate me. I am not one to cower to someone and do not respond positively to this approach. So....we agreed to take some time to decide if we could work together.

Next day, I am fired. Bitten right on my bum by the damn toilet shark!

Can I get a WTF from the congregation??????:angry-banghead: :angry-banghead: :angry-banghead: :angry-banghead: :awe: :awe: :awe:
I am no expert but you might also find some relief under the Americans with Disabilities Act which was amended in 2008 to include disabilities that effect "major bodily functions," which Crohn's does. It may be a tough fight to prove that's why you were let go, but you never know. I hate pimplebutts, let's pop them all starting with this one!

Let me know, Jerman, and I'll go pull a Milton from Office Space, just for you.
damn man. you where really happy about that job too :(

As much as I hate to say this though, I don't expect any employer to jump through hoops to accommodate me. I actually apologized to my former boss for letting everyone down when I got sick. "Ridiculous", he said and told me when I get better come back to look for some part time work. I don't think I can take on a key role in the workforce anymore because I am going to be unreliable at times and thats just not OK when a lot depends on what you do.

That said, my family doc just gave me a pep talk and told me that 8 years ago he had a guy with an almost identical situation to mine. That man went on to become an RCMP officer and is still doing fine with his career.

So I guess it will be what it will be. But yea you can only get bit in the ass so many times by a shark without getting a bit butt shy :poo:
Thanks everyone I really can't believe this either, this was something I had been very clear when negotiating terms of employment, that i was still working through a health issue, and that i would also need some level of schedule flexibility in terms of the schedule to be able to pick up my boys from their ma every other week. Their were a number of things that they agreed to and then this buttpimple changes all of the rules and starts to get all crazy with telling me I was not allowed to go in early to begin work. (had no issue with me staying late to bring people home from the program) I was salaried and would not have expected either comp or overtime for my efforts. I told them that I just wanted to come in to get more work done. This
got so ridiculous that one morning her bff who works in the office stood in my office doorway and demanded my front door key, "you were forbidden to not work early."
Ridiculous, controlling, shrivel faced, passive aggressive, overfilled bags of monkey dung!! I hope that their pointy witch noses fall off into the morning cup of coffee and choke both of those medusa-faced ill mannered shrews!!!!

Ahem.... that felt a little better. I kind of saw the writing on the wall after the whole key incident. I was a bit suprised that the big boss couldn't "Sack up" and do the right thing.

:kello: :mad2: :shifty-t:

Things are feeling very bleak right now. We are not going to make this months mortgage as both my wife and I are out of work. She is really struggling with fibromyalgia pain and is on a leave of abscence from work. I am having trouble with unemployment as I was dismissed and not just laid off. I have to wait to speak with an adjudicator to discuss my side of the events, but it has been over 5 weeks since "Dark Thursday" and I have yet to be able to get through on the phone to this person despite having the direct friggin line. I swear that i have tried to call at least 50 times with no result. The voicemail even states at the end, leaving continued messages will only result in slowing down the process! Are you Friggin kidding me?

My wife and I will be going to apply for welfare, food stamps, anything at all that can help us to get through this time. I have a few resumes out there but am discouraged because of recent experiences.

My anxiety level at this point in time is just over the top at this point. Working through an old family stamp collection to try to find a high value one. Really starting to struggle again. so much friggin pressure i cant even think straight, still need to see a neurologist but honestly feel as though i have had my fill of dealing with docs for a while. The last thing i want right now is to talk to a neuro or have a scan due to continued challenges with hand tremors (despite med changes) then I would have to deal with the potential damage from numerous concussions.

I did have one bright moment of being physically able to do something outside. I began a "man's" (Tim Allen- whoah ho hO) project sometime last year.we had a huge double tree stump in the front yard that I started to dig out as a way to work out frustrations. has sat there because i was sick and fatigued and unable to do the work. In recent weeks I have dug a bit here and there and made progress, but still the stump was the bane of my existence just antagonizing me with its presence, evidence of failure.

A friend came over with a chainsaw andwith some more digging and a little cutting we got it loose !!! Boo Rahhhh!! We pushed that beast up out of the whole and across the driveway deep enough into the woods. OK, so i didnt win the nobel peace prize but finally was able to accomplish something physical. And we totally felt like badasses because it weighed around 400 pounds!!

So there it is my friends, big picture- everything sucks right now, but a lowercase v for victory as the stump is gone. Christ my daughter even named the thing daddy octupus because it was around so long.

Any thoughts or advice when going to apply for assistance? My pride is so far gone at this point that I am not at all humbled or shamed by having to do this, i just need to be able to look out for my wife and babies. What a frigged up mess my life has turned into. I have all of the kids for halloween this year, we are going to have to go as Adam Sandler halloween characters.
Santos61198 said:
Let me know, Jerman, and I'll go pull a Milton from Office Space, just for you.

I agree!! There is enough of us in the New England area to take them on.

Don't know the laws in mass or if there are anything like NH (fire at will sate) but "attitudinal concerns" just sounds like a cover up for what they really want to say. Hope everything works out for you and your wife if the system is going to work you over, then use and abuse it as long as you can. Good luck!
Losing the battle

Ooooh Man,what a bad night! There is so much frikkin tension in this house right now that I could just self-implode!!! Mother-in-law whom i normally adore is a sourpuss, wife is in pain and just plain surly, I keep looking for her broom! and the topic of the evening is financial options! As in how few we have....can we all just shut the F!@!$#@# up about all of the doom and gloom for one frikkin nite?

The baby didnt nap today and threw something at wifey who i felt way over-reacted held my tongue for the moment but as is often the case with the dumber sex, saved it until one on one time and just let it drop like a crohn's bomb.

So, end result, I suck, I am stuck wearing the official Captain ******* Helmet for the evening, the rest of the house is snoring. F@$@#%!!!!! I hate what my life has turned into! I hate that I gave 22 years of my life to a friggin career where i cant find a job with a living wage! I really hate the fact that my fate is tied to the lazy ****** bureaucrat who hasnt returned calls in 5 dam weeks! I can't take this crap anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF?!?!?!?:emot-sax: :grumpy: :ymad: :ymad: :ymad: :ymad: :ymad: :ymad: :ymad: :ymad: :ymad: :ymad:
imisspopcorn said:
Sorry your having such a rough time Jerman.....Vent away.

Thanks IMP i just get to the point where i wonder if /when some of this crap is going to get better? Wanna hear irony, 3 years ago I was working with welfare recipients to help them find and keep work. Now I have to go and apply for effin services! I can feel when mom in law is around that she has lost respect for me. And that makes me sad because i really care for her. ****, I have lost self respect as well so cant expect others to differ. Any more antidepressants and I am just gonna turn into one of those floating smiley heads on Walmart commercials!!!!!!!!!!!
No smiley Wal-Mart head for you!!!! I'm not a man...but I know it's hard for you guys, more so than women when you lose a job. More of a man's identity is wrapped up in what 'you do'. I'll bet your wife is just worried and stressed, just like you are. When your mother in law sees all this, she is worried too. They love you and respect you....and, it has nothing to do with your job. Times suck right now. Your not the only one facing foodstamps etc...Things will get better for you:)
I just dont want to do this anymore. I find myself sometimes getting mad @wife @ god for making things so friggin discouraging. No.Clarify, i get frustration that she doesnt feel good and is getting worse. I wish I could take away all of her pain. Sometimes when i can focus i can do like a reiki thing by touching her and visualizing pulling the pain from here. sounds wacky i know but i may be somewhat of an empath. the same thing worked for my son when he spent his first 6 months in a boston nicu. Cant focus much at all right now, supposed to have a medical appt up in Boston but are in strong standoff as to whether i am going or not. i kinda feel like screw it, i dont wanna deal w it anymore. would rather play ostrich and stick my head in the sand from here out. probably not a bright idea, i mostly get gut pain now when i become stressed or upset. got a whooooole lot of that going on right now. Can't loose the house. I just cannot live with breaking my babies hearts....
Oh jerman, I don;t really know what to say but to send big ((((HUGS)))),

and remember you have your beautiful babies to keep going for :)
Your not breaking your babies hearts....Kids don't need things to be happy. They want parents who are present in their lives and loving. What do you remember most about your birthdays or holidays as a child?? I know I can remember a few gifts, but the memories I cherish the most are enjoying time with my family.
Take care of yourself and get your booty to the doctor. Your family does NOT need you to neglect your health at this time. Sorry, I don't mean to nag you....And, your not wacky for doing the reiki...Nurses have been researching something similar named Therapeutic Touch. Anyway, we are all here to listen.:) Feel better.
imisspopcorn said:
Your not breaking your babies hearts....Kids don't need things to be happy. They want parents who are present in their lives and loving. What do you remember most about your birthdays or holidays as a child?? I know I can remember a few gifts, but the memories I cherish the most are enjoying time with my family.
Take care of yourself and get your booty to the doctor. Your family does NOT need you to neglect your health at this time. Sorry, I don't mean to nag you....And, your not wacky for doing the reiki...Nurses have been researching something similar named Therapeutic Touch. Anyway, we are all here to listen.:) Feel better.

He He you said Booty! seriously thanks for the words of encouragement.

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