Supplementing Magnesium has been fantastic!

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Feb 14, 2014
I've been doing a lot of reading on adrenal fatigue as I tend to get sick with chills and aches which has even led to LRQ pain (which I've been free of) after working out. I've gained too much weight and feel like I need more exercise!
I started taking Natural Calm (sometimes the multi-ingredient, sometimes just mag) and it's been amazing. It led me to reading a little more on magnesium and someone added me to a magnesium group on Facebook. Wow. It's a whole thing! They talk a lot about copper dysregulation (if you google it, the leader of the group, Morley, has done a few podcasts on it and he starts to sound like a total quack but it's still interesting info) and the need for Whole Food Vitamin C supplementation too. I haven't seen a huge change from the Vit C but at a regular dose, I see it as totally benign anyway.

But with the mag, my energy is normal, I have worked out at a moderate level several times (still taking it easy as I really do think adrenal fatigue is a major issue for me) with no problem, I sleep great again and sometimes it even totally evens my mood out in the afternoon and I can be totally chill with kids in and out of the house and the normal evening chaos.

I think mag is absorbed mostly in the terminal ileum which is where by inflammation is the worst.

Does anyone else supplement in this way?

I'm still looking in to adaptogens for adrenal fatigue as I've read they can help with it but can also be immune stimulators. Would that mean they would exacerbate inflammation by boosting the immune system? I'd been drinking Shakeology but stopped until I figure this out.
I wanted to supplement Magnesium as I have heard good things about it for crohn's as well as glutamine. My problem is when I add the powder to my drink it upsets my stomach - even in smaller doses. Do you have any tips to avoid it or lessen it?
Crohns08 I put it in a 24oz water bottle and drink slowly through the afternoon. Would that help?
I forgot to mention that Epsomsalt baths are what got me excited about magnesium. If you haven't tried a bath with Epsom salts, you must! Lots of people use topical mag with great results.