Surgery Recovery Question

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Dec 9, 2011
Hi Everyone,

Since I was diagnosed with Crohns in July I have come to this forum for support, though this is my first time posting :) Anyways, I am scheduled for open surgery on the 21st of this month after scans have shown a good bit of scar tissue in my terminal illeum. The doctor said that I will probably only need about an inch removed and that he will perform strictureplasty on my other narrowed portions. I am 19 years old and in quite good health otherwise. I am not too nervous about the surgery itself, even though I am pretty bummed about having such a large scar (for vain reasons). However, I am a little nervous about recovery, because my mom and I have had a trip planned for over a year that happens to fall exactly 4 weeks after my surgery date. I know recovery is different for all people but I was wondering, for those who have had open surgery, if I am way out of line to think that I will be able to travel (and hopefully have some fun) such a short time after surgery. Thanks!
My son had open surgery in April and by the sounds of it was most likely in much, much poorer condition than you are. For him the turn around was the beginning of week 4 post op, he started to move freely, pain on movement was next to zero and mentally he was a different kid.

If you have busy days planned you may find it a bit tiring but if you have a recovery like Matt then you would be okay to go. :)

Dusty. xxx
Thank you! That is an encouragement. I feel blessed that I was able to get my anemia figured out the past few months. I also got off of imuran which has helped my energy level immensely. Part of me wants to postpone the surgery because of the fact that I do feel fairly healthy, but I also know that it is probably better for my body to go in surgery in a solid state, rather than wait until this becomes an emergency situation. Thanks again!
I am 3.5 weeks post surgery where they removed a small portion of my terminal ileum (I think 5-6 inches) and repaired an ileosigmoid fistula. I am 54 years old, was also diagnosed this past July, and was in good shape prior to surgery with few symptoms (diarrhea and pain from occasional night time blockages)

I would feel completely comfortable traveling at this point. I am back to nearly full activities; walking, short hikes, swimming, working, housework, cooking, grocery shopping, Christmas shopping, etc. Can't think of anything I am not doing except running.

My incision was transverse (sideways) , just below and to the right of my belly button and is about 4-5 inches long. It is a very thin red line.

Hope this helps. Keep in mind everyone is different and a lot depends on what kind of shape you are in or how sick you are prior to surgery.
I agree. A few weeks after my boyfriend's surgery he was back at work, and mostly living on his own again. From the sounds of it his energy was almost back to normal, minus grocery shopping somehow wore him out like no other.

I don't think it's unreasonable to think you can travel after surgery so soon. All the best! :)
I just had surgery on the 7th of December and I am getting better and moving around more everyday. I was scared to get into a car on the way home from the hospital, but once I got in it wasn't too bad. The key for me is to take things one step at a time and don't rush things. My goal is to do a little more than I did the day before.
Good luck and safe travels!

Oh, my incision is vertical right under my belly button and is about 3 inches. I also have three small ones since the surgery was laparscopic.
I had the same thing about 2 months ago and I would say I felt almost completely back to normal at 4 weeks after. The only thing is my surgeon told me I can't do any exercise or heavy lifting for 3 months so as long as you have someone to help you with luggage you should be fine! I would also suggest bringing a small pillow (like the airplane ones) to put over your stomach in the car/plane. I found the seatbelt to be really uncomfortable on my surgery site and the pillow helped a lot. Good luck!
Thank you so much for all your replies. It makes me feel a lot more comforted and encouraged. Surgery is bright and early in the morning! Thanks again. It's good to know that I am not the only one to walk down this path :)
Just an update: I am now a week post surgery and am doing really well. The whole process was hard but better than I expected. My surgeon ended up taking out 8 inches of my small. He did an open surgery with a TINY incision...literally only about 2 1/2 - 3 inches. I still am in shock as I expected that I would wake up with this monster foot long scar going down my stomach haha. I am still very fatigued and sore but overall I am so happy with the process. Btw had my first sneeze today OUCH!!!!!
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Ohhh, those first sneezes are bloomin killers!!! :eek:

Glad to hear you are doing so well! And that you have only a small incision, kudos to your surgeon!
Oh yes the sneezes, ouch!

I'm glad to hear it went so well. I hope you have a wonderful trip.
The nurses wanted me to cough!!! I said if I do....ONE of you is going to get a black eye!!! Let me go have my ciggy and I'll cough just fine on me own thank you I said!! (they couldnt get rid of me fast enough at that hospital...cant imagine why....? Kidding...they couldnt find me...I was walking all over the place so I could leave!!!)

Keep up the healing...and use a pillow to press against your abdomen if you feel a sneeze or cough helps!!
Surgery recovery

Hi, I may have replied after the event but this may help anyway. I had bowel surgery on 23 November and a large amount removed. Three days later I developed a hernia and got an infection, so had a second operation within 4 days of the first. It was painful for the first couple of weeks certainly but as i've hit 4 weeks, I feel so much better and wouldn't hesitate to go on the trip you have planned. Take care of yourself lifting and twisting but if you are going to recover then where better than on a holiday somewhere nice. I have felt it so important to keep excercising - not much- but enoungh to keep walking.It's early days for you , and I too had similar anxieties, but it really does get better each day and before you know it you'll be well and truly up and about. I also was able to tuck into Xmas dinner on two consecutive days (somethind I haven't been able to do for the 15 years I've had Crohns!) Good luck and happy new year!