I have a consultation next week to arrange my first surgery after 10 years of living with crohns. So far I know it will most likely be laproscopic, a resection of my terminal illeum to remove a small but gnarly stricture. I feel at peace with the decision to go ahead with surgery, but I am a little worried about the recovery period. I know everyones experience is a little different but I have some questions about what to expect afterward. See, I live alone with just my dog and dont have a ton of support. I have a few people who can stop by for an hour or two and to take my dog out but I dont have anybody able to stay with me 24/7 for days or weeks. Im wondering how much help people needed and what was most challenging during your recovery time? Any tips on how to prepare beforehand (Im already stocking my freezer with tons of smooth single serving pureed soups..)